Page 21 of Having It All

Tiff tried to decide if she should stop there or finish the story. She could see he was waiting, as if he knew there was more. “It’s why I’m so furious with Brianna for letting him back in her life again. Not only am I afraid he could truly kill her one day if he isn’t stopped… but… well, she doesn’t know this. I’d just about decided to ask Markus to help me get the tape back legally. I know Bri told him about Jake right after they met and I suspected he’d want to get even with Jake as much as I did. Then she had to go and let the asshole fuck her again, and his new round of blackmail started, and I knew then I could never go to Markus for help. Not anymore.”

“Oh Tiff, come here, baby.” Lukus rolled to his back, pulling Tiff to snuggle up against him, safely cocooned in his protective arms. She tried hard not to dissolve into the threatening tears yet again. She wanted to be strong, but the weight of her nightmare combined with the relief of finally being able to share the burden of her guilty feelings for putting her brothers in danger made it impossible to hold back her tears. For what seemed like the tenth time since meeting Lukus, Tiffany found herself crying against his strong chest. For once, she felt the tears were justified.

Several minutes passed. He didn’t try to tell her she was silly. He didn’t try to stop her tears. It was exactly what she needed. When she was finally calm, he hugged her to him tightly, still stroking her back gently, but she wasn’t fooled. She knew his mind had been racing with all the possibilities he had available to deal with Jake. Before she could warn him off getting involved, he was already pressing for more information. “So, what exactly does he do to you in the nightmare?”


“Tiffany.” His voice was firm.

“Fine.” Her unguarded response came out like a petulant child’s sass to a demanding parent. She was happy she no longer had to look him in the eye as she described her reoccurring dream. “I keep dreaming it’s me he’s torturing in the video. That it’s me, instead of Bri, he has tied down and immobile. That it’s me he’s beating with the cane over and over. When I’m lucky, I wake up before it gets to the point where I start bleeding. When I’m really unlucky, I keep dreaming long enough where I see my brothers breaking in to shoot him dead. Then they start to untie me and I can see the disappointment in me reflected in their eyes. They’re disgusted I was mixed up in the BDSM lifestyle. They treat me like I’m a whore and tell me I deserved what I got.”

“You know that’s completely irrational, right?”

“Maybe… maybe not. I’m the youngest daughter in a very Catholic family. Let’s just say I’m pretty sure my father thinks I’m still a virgin. I know my brothers are a bit more realistic, but they’d never approve of… well… of…”

“Of me.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You don’t need to. I can just imagine what it’s gonna be like taking me home to meet the parents. ‘Mom… Dad… I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Lukus. He owns a sex club where he’s the Master in charge of delivering punishments to naughty submissives.’ I’m sure they’ll welcome me with open arms.” Tiff could hear the bitterness in his voice and it made her panic he was going to decide a relationship with her was going to be too much trouble after all.

“Well, I haven’t given it much thought, but I admit I’d more likely introduce you as owning a security firm. Considering my dad is a retired cop and my brothers are either lawyers or cops, I’m pretty sure they’d welcome you with open arms as a fellow law enforcement official.”

“So, you want to hide the truth.”

“No. You do own a security firm. That’s the truth.”

“But you’d want to hide the fact that I’m a Dom?”

“Is that a trick question? Of course, I’d want to hide that fact. They’ll have trouble thinking I’m making out with someone, let alone having sex… kinky sex at that. If they knew I used to go to BDSM clubs and what kind of books I read… well, let’s just say they wouldn’t be happy. They’re very traditional.”

“How old are you, Tiff?”

“What difference does that make? Anyway, don’t you know it’s not polite to ask a woman how old she is?”

“I’m not asking any woman. I’m asking you, the woman I want to protect and spend time with. The woman I’m lying in bed with after having fucked her senseless—more than once, I might add. Seems like a pretty simple question.”

“Well, when you put it that way. I’m twenty-seven, almost twenty-eight.”

“So, you actually think your parents believe you’ve stayed a virgin at the age of twenty-seven? They do know what you look like, right? How amazing and beautiful and smart you are?”

“Thanks, but I’m still their little girl.”

“Well, then, they’re gonna be in for a bit of a surprise when you take me home, aren’t they? There’s no fucking way anyone is gonna be in a room with us for more than three minutes and not figure out we want to fuck each other’s brains out at the next possible opportunity.”

Tiff giggled at the image and decided to tease him. “And who said I was going to ever take you home to meet them?”

“Oh, I’ll meet 'em, Tiff. You can count on that.”

Tiff’s heart raced at the implications of his words. He was making it crystal clear this wasn’t just a one-night stand. He was backing up his earlier declaration that she belonged with him, and that they were going to see where this attraction they were sharing was going to take them. A warm glow flowed through her at the thought of spending more time with Lukus, both in and out of the bedroom.

They spent a few minutes in silence. She might have thought Lukus was going back to sleep if it were it not for the gentle caress he maintained from her shoulder, tracing down her bare arm and back up again. It was soothing and intimate and she was getting drowsy by the time he spoke softly.

“I know we haven’t really talked about the details of what the D/s lifestyle means to each of us yet, and there’s plenty of time for us to figure it out, but I want to let you know I’m putting canes on your hard limit list, baby. I promise you right now. I’ll never use a cane on you. After learning more about Jake’s methods, I regret using one on Brianna earlier, and I don’t want you to have to worry about it ever happening to you. I won’t put you through that.”

Lukus’s unexpected pronouncement hit her hard for many reasons, not the least of which was that he was so perceptive not only to how afraid she was of pain in general, but canes specifically. She fought to keep her emotions under control and managed to squeak out, “Thank you, Lukus. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

Before she knew it, Lukus had her flipped onto her back and he was trapping her beneath him. She could feel his growing erection grinding against her upper thigh and knew he was getting ready to make good on his earlier promise to make sure she felt him all day. He caught her off guard. “Enough of this heavy shit. Let’s play a little game.”