Page 108 of Rescued

His aunt led the way silently to the thick, carved double-doors that marked the entrance to the heart of the Volkov Bratva. The fortress within thefortress.

Not surprisingly, new security features had been installed since his last visit. Two cameras had been installed at the upper corners of the doors. One was currently scanning the room for threats while the second zoomed in on Alexi and hisaunt.

A retinal and biometric panel was now a fixture on the wall to the right of the doors, yet his aunt did not move to open the door. Instead she turned towards her nephew to stare up into his eyes. He felt like he was being weighed and measured by her weary, yet experienced gaze. Yana may have married into the Volkovs, but in that moment, he was reminded how strong she was. Those eyes had seen things most women would have shrunk away from, yet here she stood, defiant. A Volkov at hercore.

"Alexi, our family has suffered greatloss."


"I've received reports of your efforts to keep the family's businesses together during this time of uncertainty. Your uncle would be proud and grateful for yourefforts."

Conflicting emotions warred inside him. Pride for being recognized for his leadership was overshadowed by the knowledge that he was doing a poor job at best. He was relieved when his aunt did not criticizehim.

"Thank you, Yana. Your support means the world tome."

She paused, inspecting him in silence before speaking again. "I suspect that, like me, you are finding it hard to know who to trust in this time ofuncertainty."

"It is my biggest concern," he answeredtruthfully.

"As it is mine." She paused again before adding, "I have decided to trust you, Alexi, with my biggestsecret."

His pulse quickened at her words. Secrets were the bread and butter of the crime family, but having lost all those she loved to violence, he knew how hard trust must come to his aunt, particularlynow.

"I am honored by your trust. I pledge my undying loyalty to you and the memory of my uncle andcousins."

"This makes me happy, Alexi, at a time when I have had very little to feel happiness about." She paused. Her words did not match her expression. There was no joy as she continued, "There is one favor I must ask of you. Do not take my request lightly, for if you agree to my appeal, much weight will be added to yourshoulders."

He didn't doubt her warning, yet there was nothing, short of a bullet to the head, that could stop him from pledging his loyalty to her and what remained of thefamily.

"It will be my honor to grant you any favor youwish."

"So be it. From this day forward, you will be known as Alexi Volkov. Alexi Ivanov is no more. He was your youth. Alexi Volkov is yourfuture."

There had been a time when he'd have given anything to be asked to change his name. He remembered a recent discussion about it with none other than Nicolai himself. Yet tonight, recognizing that it was open hunting season on the Volkov men, he recognized the gravity of his aunt'srequest.

They stood silently for several long seconds, each unsure of the proper protocol for the momentous occasion. Acting on instinct, Alexi reached for her wrinkled hand and lifted it to his lips. He first kissed her weathered skin and then the large ruby ring his uncle had put on her finger the day they had married almost forty yearsbefore.

"You honor me,babushka."

He used the term of endearment and respect his cousins had used for their mother. It brought tears to her eyes that she swished awayimpatiently.

"We have no time for weakness. There is much work to bedone."

Her strength awed him as she stood a bit taller and added. "You must not speak of what you are about to see outside of these fortress walls. Your life... the lives of my grandchildren... depend onit."

She turned and placed her palm onto the electronic pad while she leaned forward to let the retinal scanner read her unique eye print. The sound of a pop coincided with a low buzz coming from the thick, double doors in front of them. Yana turned the now unlocked old-world brass knob to gain access to the private Volkovcave.

The room was dark and empty. The long dining table bare. Alexi scanned the space, half expecting to find his uncle or cousins sitting in the lounging area, but it too was empty. The naked serving girl,absent.

The raised platform where the poor Linenkos woman had been tortured on his last visit was now hidden behind a velvet curtain that gave the room the feeling of being at a dinner theater or maybe the ballet. Alexi hoped his aunt never found out about the despicable horrors that had been perpetrated against dozens of women and a more than a few men within thesewalls.

Alexi was confused. He had been led to believe there was some secret here, yet the room was bare. He turned to look at his aunt who simply nodded towards the velvetcurtain.

He moved slowly, walking around the long table with deliberate strides before climbing the three steps that took him to the stage level. He reached out to pull the curtain aside with tremblingfingers.

Alexi's heart stopped beating. His lungs stopped breathing. Time froze as he tried to comprehend what he wasseeing.

A hospital bed stood exactly where the Linenkos spy had been strung up his last time there. A stately nurse in an all-white uniform stood at the head of the bed, examining the many electronic displays and writing notes on a clipboard. A bag of IV solution hung from a clear bag at the head of thebed.