Page 105 of Rescued

Her squeal of delight went straight to his privates. Despite having emptied his load less than thirty minutes before, his rod decided to rise to the occasion yetagain.

Khloe was so excited she was pelting him with sweet kisses all over his face and neck. Their audience of friends had obviously heard the good news because he could hear Emma crying tears of joy behind him while her famous Doms took advantage of her obviousexcitement.

Ryder was about to pull his cock out and try to make Khloe's who-ha even more sore when he realized Trevor was standing near the end of the couch looking like a fifthwheel.

Trevor chose then to announce to no one in particular. "Well, my work here is done. I guess I'll be going now." Ryder didn't miss the sadness in the bodyguard's tone. He got the impression Trevor was saying goodbye for more than just thenight.

As the taller man moved in the direction of the entrance to the club, Ryder watched him weave his way through the kinky scenes of unknown club members, doing his best not to gawk at the X-rated medical examination inprogress.

Like the rest of his decisions over the last hour, Ryder followed his gut. He pulled out of his embrace with Khloe to stand, sitting her on the couch and instructing her to "Stay." He took off after Trevor, having to almost jog to catch up to him just before he disappeared through the door that would lead him back through to Danny in the lockerroom.

"McLean. Waitup!"

Trevor stopped, but didn't turn around. "I need to leave. I don't belonghere."

"Maybe. Maybenot."

"There is no maybe not. This is your world. Yours andKhloe's"

"You're wrong. This isn't our world. This is ourplayground."

The taller man turned around to pin him with a glare. "What difference does it make? She doesn't need me anymore. She has younow."

Ryder tamped down the pang of jealousy he felt at recognizing Trevor's clear affection for Khloe. He'd always known it was there. In fact, he'd counted onit.

"Listen, I'm not stupid. I know you have feelings for her, too." He paused, noticing her bodyguard didn't bother denying his accusation. "Here's the thing. I won't be able to be with her twenty-four seven. I don't know what this job offer is going to turn into, and I know that I need to help Axe find his missing daughter, even if it is to just bring her body home. He needsclosure."

Ryder hadn't had nearly enough time to think through the options he would have in a world without the Volkovs. He would need a lot more time to know what path he would take. But he didn't need any time at all to know onething.

"I love her, and it scares the shit out of me. This time the stalker threat was bogus, but what about the next time? We both know how truly talented she is. She'll only become a bigger celebrity––a bigger target––with every movie she releases. Every award shewins."

To his credit, McLean didn't interrupt him and he was grateful. It wasn't often Ryder had to give emotional speeches like the one he was presently delivering. "She needs you... I need you. I don't trust easy and since she is now the most important thing on the planet to me, it's important to me to surround her with people Itrust."

A sly smile played at the taller man's mouth. "So you actually trust me then." It was a statement, not aquestion.

"To protect her with your life, sure." Ryder grinned as he added, "You just better keep your dick away from her. I don'tshare."

Trevor had the audacity to chuckle. "You don't say. I'd never guess that aboutyou."


McLean's gaze locked on something behind him as Khloe rushed between the two men. She glanced back and forth between them as if she were prepared to break up a fight. If McLean didn't take his eyes off her skimpy outfit, she might haveto.

"There you are, Princess," he said as he reached out to pull her against his side, wrapping his arm around her waist. She melted against him, exactly where she belonged. "McLean and I were discussing the plan for tomorrow's flight to London, weren'twe?"

Trevor took one last look at Khloe and then locked his gaze with Ryder. "Yep. I'll have Ricky make the flight arrangements for you to join us. I'll be at the entrance to the Psychic Shop with the limo at eleven, that is unless you'd like me to come up and act like your bellboyagain."

Ryder grinned. "Naw, I think I canmanage."

"That's good, because my bellboy days are over. Gotit?"


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna head up to Runway and throw back a few beers. I'll see you two kids in themorning."

For a second, it looked like he might lean in to kiss Khloe, but then he thought better of it. Once the door slammed closed behind him, Khloe looked up at Ryder, tears in hereyes.

"What just happenedthere?"