Page 94 of Rescued

"I want to leave," she begged through clenched teeth, a forced smile on herface.

"But..." Ricky started to argue, but Trevor gratefullyagreed.

"It's fine. You've completed everything on the agenda. I texted to have your limo brought around. Let's move towards the door and say ourgoodbyes."

She asked softly, "Where isRyder?"

"He got some new information and is talking with the police." Trevor looked nervous as he added, "He'll meet uslater."

"I don't want to leave without him," Khloeargued.

Trevor reassured her, "He said you'd say that. He also told me to tell you he'll keep his promise. Not sure what that means, but he said you'dknow."

Ryder was reminding her of his promise not to disappear without saying goodbye, but in the end what would it matter? He would still be leaving. Still be saying goodbye and taking her heart withhim.

Unwanted tears pricked at her eyes, and she fought to keep from letting it turn into a full-blown bawling session. Not this close to the press corps still interviewing other key players fromDirtyBusiness.

I have to at least make it to the car before I loseit.

By the time the limo pulled up fifteen minutes later, Khloe was ready to drop. She needed to start working out again. She'd been too busy, and she hated feeling fragile. She pushed down the nagging inner voice telling her she'd feel stronger if only she atebetter.

Trevor had been texting the entire fifteen minutes as they made their way to the exit. Even now, he waited to open the door until he'd sent another reply, which was mildly annoying for a woman desperate to get off herfeet.

Khloe let Ricky get in first before following, allowing herself to sink into the middle of the plush leather back seat of the limousine. Only once Trevor was seated and the door slammed closed did she realize that the Kaplans were already seated on the bench seat across from her, facing the back of thecar.

"There you are. I was looking for you inside. You were supposed to help run interference for myinterviews."

"Oh, so now you want us nearby, yet you couldn't be bothered to save us seats next to you for the premier," Nataliegroused.

Khloe tried to keep a straight face as she replied, "I'm not sure what the mix up was." She paused, pinning her publicist with a glare before adding, "Perhaps it was the same mix up that had Dean invited to the New Yorkpremier."

Bernie attacked Khloe with his now familiar negative lecture. "Don't get cute with us, young lady. You know damn well everything we've done for you has been with one thing in mind–– your success. It's bad enough that you refuse to acknowledge how much we've helped your career, but now you and that hoodlum of yours attack our good name and reputation. I have half a mind to drop you as aclient."

A few months ago, the threat of losing the backing of Hollywood's oldest powerhouse duo would have been one of the worst-case scenarios Khloe could have come up with. It was a testament to how much had recently changed for her when her first thought of never seeing the Kaplans again was of relief. Still, she couldn't afford to be reckless. She'd start looking for their replacement, but until then, she'd have to playnice.

"Don't be dramatic, Bernie. You need me, like I need you. You're in the middle of negotiations on that script the studio sent over a few weeksago."

She watched as the older man puffed out his chest in an exaggerated show of arrogance that made her want tolaugh.

"I am about to get you a three-hundred percent pay raise, young lady and don't forgetit."

Trevor flinched next to her as he uncharacteristically jumped in to defend her. "Every additional penny Khloe gets for her next film is the result of her hard work and talent and nothing else. You're getting rich off her. In fact, I have it on good authority the initial package offered had a higher base pay for Khloe, until someone negotiated a bigger commission percentage off the top with thestudio."

Bernie's double chin shook as he nodded like some bobble-head figure stuck to a dashboard. She'd never seen his face turn that shade of reddish-purplebefore.

"How dare you even insinuate such a thing? Why are you even speaking anyway? Bodyguards are meant to be seen and notheard."

Trevor broke into an angry grin. "Seems you're a bit paranoid there, Bernie. I didn't name anynames."

Impossibly, the elder Kaplan's face grew a shade darker. It looked like he might spectacularly pop like an overinflatedballoon.

Natalie patted her husband's knee softly as if to calm him as she rebutted. "You don't know what you're talkingabout."

Khloe had never seen Trevor so aggressive with anyone, let alone the Kaplansbefore.

He didn't let up. "I trust my sources. They've brought me some good intelrecently."

"And what sources would that be?" Natalie did the talking for theduo.