Page 93 of Rescued

"I don't know. Maybe, but I'll talk to Khloe and make sure she can replace anything that is missing, okay? Can youhelp?"


Ryder pushed to his feet again, as his phone started ringing in his pocket. It was the call he'd been waiting for from Axel. He was about to answer when Peter called out tohim.


He turned back, unsure until Peter picked up the small package wrapped in wrapping paper as if it were a gift. Ryder tried to make sense of itall.

"Please take this brownie to Khloe. She loveschocolate."

Ryder reached out to take the small package from Peter's outstretched hand. He didn't want to tell the kid that the chances of Khloe Monroe eating the calories in the huge dessert were slim to none, but he didn't dash the kid'shopes.

"Sure kid. I'll see she gets it." After he took the sweet treat from Peter, he turned to head towards the door, pressing ANSWER on hisphone.


Chapter 24

"So,Khloe. I think you need to tell your fans who the mystery man was last week in Hollywood. You know. The hunk who rode up on the Harley and whisked you away on the back of his bike, beaded evening gown and all. It was so romantic." The reporter shoved her microphone in front of Khloeexpectantly.

Khloe's feet were killing her as she stepped into the last of the dozen media booths set up in the grand lobby of the Landmark Theater. She'd been answering entertainment reporters' questions for over an hour now and she was done. Every ounce of patience was gone, and she desperately needed to sit somewhere quiet and regroup. Instead, she had to answer the hardquestions.

"Sorry, Paula. There is no mystery. Things were getting a bit rowdy and my security detail arranged to have me whisked out of the fray. It's all rather boring,actually."

Khloe had had to put her acting skills to good use on the red carpet tonight. Hiding her breakup with Dean had been hard enough after they'd sat apart at the screening, but concealing the fact that she was being stalked and now denying she had any feelings for the mystery man who had swept her off her feet in Hollywood made for a tiring trifecta of deceit. Only time would tell how acceptable a job she was doing at fooling thepress.

Ricky and Trevor were waiting for her as she extricated herself from the figurative grip of the last invasivereporter.

"I can no longer feel my feet," she grumbled under her breath as she leaned on her security guard's offered arm forsupport.

"You should have worn flats. No one can even see your feet in that gownanyway."

"Men. Everyone knows you don't wear flats to a galaevent."

"Women. Everyone knows they care more about appearances thancomfort."

Ricky piped in to support her. "I'm a man and even I'm not wearingflats."

Trevor bantered back. "Yeah, well you bat for the other teamso..."

"Guys. Really?" Khloescolded.

The men at least had the decency to look sheepish. Khloe would love to debate with them, but she was too damn tired. Lack of sleep, the stress of the stalker, much too little food and most importantly, Ryder's pending departure, were adding up to her feeling woozy on herfeet.

"Where are Bernie and Natalie? They were supposed to be with me as I did the interviews today to help run interference with thepress."

When Trevor didn't answer, she looked up the several inches until their eyes met. She didn't know how to interpret the anger she saw in hisgaze.

"Seems they took off early for thehotel."

"Let me get this straight. My agent and my publicist left the D.C. opening of my newest movie without even being seen withme?"

Trevor added, "Pretty much. I think they were peeved at being seated on thesidelines."

"Actually, I think Ryder scared them away. They really don't like him," Rickyadded.

When Khloe stumbled on her long dress, Trevor caught her, stopping her from falling flat on herface.