Page 89 of Rescued

Trevor filled in the blanks. "Yeah. It's a good thing you stayed elsewhere because when I got back here last night, I found the Kaplans had so graciously invited Dean to share the suite. What did you say the reason was again? Oh yes, for appearance’s sake," he finished, glaring at NatalieKaplan.

Khloe couldn't believe her ears. She couldn't have been more clear with her agent and her publicist about her feelings on spending even one single second longer with Dean Reynolds than was necessary. It was her turn to squeeze Ryder's hand so hard that he released his grip, wrapping his arm around her waistinstead.

"Who's the new security guy, baby? You better hope the press doesn't find out you've been slumming it with grampshere."

Ryder moved so fast it took her breath away. One second he had his arm around her and the next he had Dean lifted off the ground several inches, his back slammed against the wall so hard several items on the nearby bookshelfrattled.

Everyone in the room stood frozen, looking shocked. Everyone except Trevor, who had a shit-eating grin plastered on hisface.

"Everyone out except the Kaplans, McLean and Khloe." When no one started to move, Ryder added a stern, "Now!"

Ricky and the others quickly moved into action, shuffling towards one of the suite's bedrooms. Khloe held her breath, unsure what was about to happen. Only when the door slammed closed did Ryder speakagain.

"Listen up, you piece of shit. You gave up your right to breathe the same air as Khloe the day you stuck your dick in Gloria Mining's snatch. If you ever talk to her again with anything other than respect and reverence I'm going to rearrange your face. Got it,snookems?" When Dean didn't answer, Ryder continued on. "Within thirty seconds of your feet hitting the floor, I expect your ass to be out of this suite. I don't care where you go, but it won't be here. Khloe will meet you on the carpet later where you'll keep your fucking hands to yourself. This will be your last public appearance with her.Ever. Gotit?"

When Dean failed to answer, Ryder pulled him away from the wall a few inches and slammed him back again, this time knocking over several nearby books from thevelocity.

"Okay. Okay. I got it," Dean shouted, finally struggling to free himself like a fish hooked on the end of aline.

Khloe had to fight the urge to giggle at the alarmed expression on Natalie's face. She was watching her publicist when Ryder added his final threat. "And Reynolds, God help you if I find out you've had anything to do with this stalker business. I've heard terrible things happen to pretty boys like you inprison."

Dean stopped struggling, his spray-on tan failing to hide how pale he'd turned at Ryder's promise. The sniveling cheater never uttered another word. As instructed, the second his feet hit the carpet, Dean Reynolds was hustling towards the door, never even lookingback.

Khloe wanted to clap she'd enjoyed the entertainment so much, but she soon realized the show wasn't over yet. Ryder had turned his attention to the elder couple in the room, stalking towards them with such fervor that Natalie gasped, rushing to put the long kitchenette counter between them before shouting, "Don't you dare come near me, you barbarian! If you so much as touch me, I'll presscharges."

Her pulse spiked watching her dominant lover take charge of the situation. He stopped short of the counter effectively trapping the Kaplans in the small kitchen. He crossed his muscular arms, staring her employees down with a glare that took her breath away. In that moment she had no problem visualizing Ryder as the dangerous man he'd assured her he was the night before. The knowledge brought a full body shiver, realizing how lucky she was to have him on herside.

The silent standoff continued for a full minute, until Ryder's clipped sentences directed at Hollywood's power couple revealed to her how close he was to losing histemper.

"Let me be clear. I want you gone. But for some reason, Khloe continues to want you here. She says you're the best at what you do, which I find hard to believe. For now, I'm deferring to her decision, but with the followingconditions."

Bernie had stepped up next to his wife, forming a united front against Ryder. "Wait one minute, young man. You're in no position to demand conditions. You're here because I've allowedit."

Khloe could no longer be a spectator. Bernie's words infuriated her. She rushed to stand next to Ryder, as she shouted, "Enough! Ryder is here because I want him here, and I don't give a shit what you and Natalie want, Bernie. I've had enough of you ignoring my wishes. You know damn well I don't want Dean anywhere near me, yet you invite him here. I don't want to turn my stalker problem into a publicity stunt, yet you keep leaking shit to the press, and setting up interviews I don't want and never should have had to do. And the worst thing is, you were supposed to arrange to keep the crowd at bay at the Chinese Theater, yet hundreds of people were within touching distance ofme."

Natalie's sour voice cautioned her. "Don't be naive, Khloe. Fame is fickle. You'll only get one chance at this. Our email box is full of up and coming artists, desperate for us to make them a star like we've done foryou."

Ryder approached the counter separating them, forcing Natalie to step back with alarm. "I know your type. Throwing in digs. Trying to make her doubt herself. But, Khloe is the real deal and you know it. She has brains, looks, and talent. The whole package. And she's just getting started. Losing her as a client would be a huge blow to your reputation. So knock off the threats. Hangers-on like you are a dime-a-dozen in Hollywood, so straighten up and remember... You work for Khloe and not the other way around. If you don't, you're out ofhere."

"Why Inever!"

The muffled ring of Ryder's cell phone in his pocket interrupted the fireworks. He dug the cell out and answered it with a gruff, "Axe?"

She couldn't hear the other end of the conversation, but she knew his friend was sharing upsetting news by the angry frown on hisface.

"Hold on a sec." He pulled the phone away from his ear long enough to dismiss the Kaplans. "We aren't through here. I'm watchingyou."

His face softened as he turned towards her. "I need to take this call, and then I'll be back to eat withyou."


"No, buts. We'll eat first and then you can getready."


"Khloe." It was his forceful Dom voice. "You don't get to pick and choose when you want me here. You'lleat."

"Yes, sir." She hadn't meant to add the 'sir.' It just sort of slipped out, but the feral look that leapt into his eyes at the sound of it made her glad she'd tacked iton.