Page 88 of Rescued

"Khloe." It was awarning.

She didn't listen. "I trust him. You shouldtoo."

Ryder growled, running his fingers through his cropped salt and pepper hair with frustration. "I trust him too. That's not the problem. The more you both know, the more danger you'rein."

"So you're active duty then?" Trevor was fishing forinfo.

Ryder shut him down. "Enough. All you need to know is that I have powerful enemies. Men who would relish taking out their revenge on the woman I love instead of me, which means they must never link me to Khloe in any way. Not at today's event. Not in the tabloids. Notever."

Ryder paused long enough that the sound of her renewed crying filled the quiet of the enclosed space. "Shhh, baby. It'sokay."

"It's not okay! It will never beokay!"

He rocked her gently, letting her cry it out until she felt the car coming to a stop. The Marriott was only a few minutes away from Runway. She needed more time to pull herself together before she could getout.

"Damn, the bloodhounds must have seen me leave and suspected I would be returning with Khloe. I recognize that group over there as some of the aggressive paparazzi that chase after herruthlessly."

Ryder yelled to the driver through the small half-open partition. "Take us around to the loading dock entrance," before barking at Trevor to call the hotel's head of security to meet themthere.

Fifteen minutes later, they had finally made it through the back of house corridors and into the housekeeper's service elevator that would take them to the penthouse suite. The industrial-sized elevator was slow and loud, yet unfortunately, not loud enough to mask the sound of her stomach growling withhunger.

"I'll order us up some brunch as soon as we get to the suite," Ryderpromised.

"Oh goodie," she deadpanned, earning her a quick swat to herbottom.

Trevor did his best to ignore their intimacy as he let them know, "Ricky already has a buffet set up in the kitchenette of the suite for us and the staff. The team was starting to arrive when I was leaving. I'm guessing they'll all have eaten and be waiting for you bynow."

They exited the elevator and only had a short distance to walk before they arrived at the double-doors labeled PRESIDENTIAL SUITE in large block letters. Trevor pulled out a packet of keys, handing one electronic card toRyder.

"Hold up. Before we go in, give me a run down of everyone who you expect to be heretoday."

"Right now, it's just Cathy, her normal makeup artist, and Randy on hair. You haven't met Ricky yet, but he's trying to keep everyone on task. The dress designer has a crew here and then there are two general assistants who the studio sent over. I've met them before." He paused, before adding, "And, of course, the Kaplans are here. They booked the connecting room to stayclose."

"Oh goodie again." This time, she glanced at Ryder, daring him to swat herass.

He grinned. "I couldn't agreemore."

Unfortunately, before Trevor could finish his listing, the booming voice of Dean Reynolds greeted them through thedoor.

Trevor's face contorted with anger. "And then Reynolds showed up as a surpriseguest."

As they opened the door, the annoying voice of her ex could be heard as he chastised Ricky for ordering only flat water instead ofsparkling.

Despite the tension in the room, Khloe had to fight the urge to laugh at the ridiculousness of Dean's temper tantrum, particularly in light of the heavy shit going down in herlife.

The bang of the heavy door slamming closed behind them drew everyone's attention to the newarrivals.

She was glad she'd left her sunglasses on. It gave her the courage to address her ex. "You know, Dean, if you don't like the refreshments in my suite, you are welcome to leave and order whatever you'd like up to your ownroom."

"There you are, snookems. I was getting worried about you," Deandared.

Ryder's grip on her hand grew so tight she almost had togasp.

Trevor moved farther into the room, putting himself between her ex and the angry man glaring at the pretty-faced actor who was too stupid to know he was about to get his mug punched if he didn't stop oglingher.

"Maybe you hadn't heard. This is my room, too," Deanspouted.

"Excuse me?" Rydergrowled.