Page 86 of Rescued

Her quiet question felt loud in the silence. "Why did you finally tell me thetruth?"

He'd hoped that telling the truth would get easier, but it wasn't working. "Because you deserve to understand. I left you last time because I had to return to my mission but..." He paused, hating the next words more than any he had ever uttered in his life. "But the next time I leave, it'll be because it's the only way to keep yousafe."

She hugged him harder, clinging to him as if she could physically force him to stay. "What is the otherthing?"


"Before. You said you were going to tell me two things you've never confessed before. What is the secondthing?"

His heart lurched with a cocktail of emotion he'd never felt before. Desire to tell her the truth warred with his normal practical intellect telling him to say whatever would help her forget about him the fastest. He'd listened to that voice the last time they'd parted ways on Valentine's night, forcing him to say the hurtful words that their time together had just been a game to him. In that moment, he remembered the pain in her eyes as his words had struckher.

God help him, but he would never do that to heragain.

In one swift motion, Ryder rolled them closer to the center of the mammoth bed. Khloe's back was pressed into the mattress as he let his weight blanket her, grinding his semi-hard cock into her as he grabbed her hands, intimately linking their fingers as he forced her arms up and out, spreading her before him like anoffering.

Their faces were inches apart. Red blotches surrounded her wet, swollen eyes. Snot dripped from her nose. And yet to him, she'd never been more beautiful. This was the Khloe Monroe the rest of the world would never get to see. The one meant for him alone in their intimate moments where she let her public facade fade and bared herself to him, allowing him to glimpse the woman at the core of thecelebrity.

The woman he'd fallen in lovewith.

"I... well..." The confident Dom who kicked ass and took names most days had fled, leaving him to chart the new emotional waters alone. He took a deep breath and plunged forward. "I decided you deserved to know the whole truth about why I to have to leave again." Her tears were back, rolling down the outside corners of her eyes, down to soak her hair. Khloe started to struggle to free herself, unwilling to lay there as he talked of deserting heragain.

"I love you, Khloe Monroe." It was a declaration. Loud andclear.

She froze beneath him, surprise and relief warring on her face. "Oh, thank God. I've wanted to tell you I loved you too, but I was so afraid I'd scare you off. Everything's going to be okay. It has tobe."

He couldn't take the sound of her crying again. He crashed his mouth against hers in an attempt to end the painful confessionhour.

He'd said his piece, not that it changed what had to happen. He'd find her stalker and make sure they regretted ever threatening the woman he loved. He'd see them sent to jail and then make sure Trevor had all he needed to form an impenetrable security blanket around Khloe in case the Volkovs ever found out his deepestsecret.

And then I'll disappear again. It's the only way to keep hersafe.

The deep sadness of not waking up beside her every day in his future tampered the passion of his kiss, slowing it to the tender exploration of lovers. He released her hands, letting her hug him tightly around his neck as he cupped her damp face in his own palms. She clung to him holding him close, while opening her legs wider, thrusting her ass off the bed as if desperate to take him insideher.

He was happy to oblige, letting his now hard cock slide through her wet folds, piercing her core slowly... reverently... lovingly. He yanked his lips from hers, needing to look into her eyes as he consciously made love for the first timeever.

Ryder Helms had fucked many women in his life, performing any number of extremely intimate actions between the sheets, but nothing in his life had prepared him for the intensity of his connection to the woman moving beneath him. She'd ruined him. These few days together would never be enough, yet they would be all that they had. As he stroked his shaft deeper with each thrust, he again started memorizing everything about this moment. He knew he'd recall it many times over in the coming years, his only tenuous connection to what he was losing. In that moment, he knew it was so much more than Khloe herself. He was losing his shot at a family. Children. The house with the white picket fence, or in the case of his love, the beach house inMalibu.

He felt his own tears streaking down his face, refusing to hide them from her, hoping they would bring her comfort later, helping her understand he'd told her thetruth.

Khloe turned their D/s dynamic topsy-turvy by pressing against his chest, rolling their still linked bodies until it was Ryder's back flat against the mattress. She straddled him, pressing her slight weight down and holding his phallus as deep inside her womb as it could touch. His little minx rocked against him, treating him to a sexy ride like none other, lifting and falling erratically as they each enjoyed the sound of their bodies slappingtogether.

She toyed with him, proving how much power he'd ceded to her, bringing him close to his peak again and again, and then backing off, leaning down to suck on one of his nipples. He watched her confidence growing as she pushed his buttons in a way he'd never experiencedbefore.

He was supposed to be letting her say goodbye in her own way, but too late he realized the error in his strategy. She had pulled him in closer. Giving him a glimpse of themorehe'd be walking awayfrom.

The emotions were too much. He wanted... noneeded... controlagain.

He had her on her back in a flash, driving so deep she cried out. He let his desperation flare, yanking her knees up and out, pinning them down next to her ears and folding her inhalf.

Her only warning was his anguished cry of her name into the dark. His "Khloe!" marked the tip of his hardness bumping against her cervix, pulling a cry of physical pain from her to mingle with their emotional ache. He turned his body over to the sentiment, possessing her pussy with long, demandingstrokes.

"Come with me, baby," he invited as hot spunk threatened to spurt from hiscock.

He was hanging on by a thread. Precarious. Her request caught him off guard. "Promise me,Ryder."

She paused and he had to slow down his thrusts to keep from orgasming. "I'm not sure I can promise anything,baby."

Their bodies stilled in unison, recognizing they needed to sort things out beforefinishing.