Page 81 of Rescued

Was that jealousy she detected in his voice? It couldn't be, yet the mere thought of influencing the emotions of an all-alpha man like Ryder Helms thrilled her. Their eyes met long enough for her to see a vulnerability shining back at her from his intense icy blue eyes. She had to force herself to tear her gaze away and return her attention to the stagefloor.

Her ears perked at the sound of heavy furniture being dragged across the stage floor. Her pulse raced as she imagined the possibilities the men were preparing for their submissives. She had to force cleansing breaths, trying to remain calm by reminding herself that she could trust Ryder. The last time they'd been here, he had been completely unknown to her. He'd nearly scared the bejesus out of her at first, and yet they'd ended up connecting in a way that had held them together, even for the months they'd beenapart.

The pull of her leash told her it was time to stand. Her knees were stiff after kneeling for so long, and Ryder was there, helping to pull her upright. Her line of sight fell on a now naked Emma being fastened into restraints. Jaxson pulled her arms high above her head, attaching her wrists into hanging fur-lined manacles while Chase spread her ankles wide, locking her into matching padded metal brackets about three feet apart in thefloor.

Only when Ryder stopped them directly in front of Emma did Khloe notice identical restraints waiting for her. He worked silently and she offered no resistance as he started with her arms, securing her tightly before kneeling before her to bind her legs spread eagle. Only when he finished the final point and stepped away from her did she realize she couldn't keep her feet flat on the floor as she hung from the constricting device above herhead.

Unable to look her submissive friend in the eye, Khloe focused her attention on Emma's own toes straining to hold her steady as she swayed from her high hook as well. They didn't have to wait long for relief as Ryder and Chase returned from a brief absence, pushing what looked like two pommel horses used in gymnastics, only the handles on top where a gymnast might hold on weremissing.

The leather of the six-inch wide sex furniture was cool against her bare tummy as Ryder moved it against her abdomen, instantly bringing some relief to her arms already becoming fatigued from holding up her weight. Yet she quickly realized the farther he pressed the leather forward, the higher her feet left the ground. Worse, the horse was the perfect height to present her ass as a ready target for whatever devious plans Ryder might come upwith.

Khloe dared a glance up to lock eyes with Emma, recognizing the same excited anticipation reflected back at her. The walls of Khloe's pussy contracted with expectation of the coming sexual exploration reminiscent of Valentine's Day. Familiar fear and excitement mingled into a heady cocktail as the women hung waiting for their men to return to the center stage. For now, the Doms had left their submissives displayed on the main stage acting as the delectable centerpiece of the smorgasbord of debauchery being enjoyed around theroom.

She focused on the sound of a paddle rhythmically connecting with the tender skin of a nearby submissive. From the sounds of it, the recipient was enjoying the attention her dominant was paying her body because with each connection, her moans turned more feral until the unmistakable sound of her screaming through a powerful orgasm briefly silenced the din around the sexclub.

It was impossible to gauge the passing of time as she hung there waiting, but with each minute that passed, her arms ached a bit more and the wetness between her legs produced a steady stream of cream she could feel dripping down her inner thighs. If he was gone much longer, she feared there would be a wet spot on the floor beneathher.

Only when Chase suddenly appeared from behind the nearby black curtain backdrop of the stage did she realize the men had probably been close all along, watching over their submissives. Her ex looked different than she'd ever seen him. Gone was his trademark jovial smile, replaced with a serious dominance that reminded her more of Ryder and Jax. The leather flogger he carried matched the tight leather pants that hugged him in a way that showcased his ample cock, already pressing forrelease.

Chase stepped close to Emma whispering something in her ear so softly Khloe couldn't hear. She pushed down the pang of jealousy as she witnessed their intimacy as he snuggled his submissive, clearly making sure she was okay before he proceeded with theirscene.

The funny thing was, she wasn't jealous watching her ex-boyfriend. No. She was truly happy for him that he'd found love with Emma and Jaxson. What she wished more than anything was that she could have the kind of long-term commitment from Ryder that the trio clearly had made to each other. For all she knew, tonight could be their last night together. The fear of Ryder deserting her hung over her like a black raincloud.

The first impact of the flogger against Emma's back was soft, drawing a purr from her friend. Chase moved from side to side, changing the angle of the strikes, peppering Emma with light kisses of leather until she closed her eyes, absorbing the increasing thwacks, and taking deepbreaths.

Khloe had been so enthralled with the scene playing out in front of her she'd missed hearing her own Dom arriving until she felt his clothed body press against her ass, leaning in to talk softly against herear.

"You're leaving a wet spot,Princess."

She could feel her face heating with embarrassment that only grew deeper when she felt his fingers sliding through the lake between her splayed legs. His sexy growl of desperation doused her humiliation, reminding her of the power she wielded in their complicatedrelationship.

As if he'd been thinking the same, he asked, "Again, what's your safeword tonight,baby?"

She had the power to make the scene stop at any time. In February, it had been the only reason she'd continued on with the game long after she'd left her comfort zone. How quickly things could change. She was no more experienced as a submissive, and while she and Ryder had only had a few short days together, something had shifted between them. He still intimidated her with his larger than life dominance, but underneath that was an inherent trust in RyderHelms.

He will never hurt me. Not really. Not physicallyanyway.

She pushed down sadness of his coming desertion to answer. "I don't need a safeword. You won't hurtme."

The growl in her ear corresponded with his pressing harder against her. "Don't be so sure, Princess. You drive me crazy in a way that makes me want to losecontrol."

She heard the truth in the emotional rumble of his voice. She paused, watching Chase's continued thrashing of Emma's ass only feet away until she could formulate herresponse.

"I trust you,Ryder."

She felt his teeth biting into her shoulder proving just how on edge he was. He ground his hard cock into her hip, hugging her against him while squeezing her heavy breasts in his palms. Khloe recognized that he was making his mark on her, body and soul. He was claiming her body in every way except the way she wanted themost.

As suddenly as he'd pounced on her, he pulled away, leaving her chilled. "Red. That's the word that will stop everything. Gotit?"

She nodded slightly, forcing him to command, "Say it. I need to hear it fromyou."

Khloe should be relieved at his gallant actions, but instead she was annoyed. "I toldyou..."

A line of fire ignited across her ass, the worst pain striking her right hip. The sudden sting took her breath away as Ryder jammed his hand into her long tresses and yanked her head back, exposing her long neck as he growled against her ear. "We play by my rules. You'll have a safeword when playing at the club. Say it.Now."

Memories of almost screaming the word in February flooded back, giving her the courage to whisper, "Red."

"Good girl. Don't be afraid to useit."