Page 80 of Rescued

Danny greeted them by name when they were at the front of the line. "Mr. Helms. Ms. Monroe. We've been expecting you. Mr. Davidson said he'd buy you a drink when you gothere."


"Of course, sir. You know the drill. Please leave all electronics in your locker. Ms. Monroe will need to leave her cell phone aswell.”

Ryder flashed a devilish grin. "We left her phone upstairs, didn't we, Princess? In fact, I think you should demonstrate to security that you're not hiding anything. Let's leave the robe in thelocker."

Khloe's heart pounded hard in her chest. She'd thought she was prepared for her return to Black Light, but the idea of stripping naked suddenly terrifiedher.

Ryder stepped closer, pulling her into his arms so he could talk softly against herear.

"I've got you, baby. Trust me. Turn yourself over, like back inFebruary."

That night had been magical––right up until he'd ditched her without explanation at the end. What if he tried the same again after tonight? She shook her head as if to chase the negative thoughts away, remembering that at least for tonight, they'd sleep together upstairs in the luxurious roundbed.

Her body responded to his dominance. He knew the secret code to tap into her carnality. Her fingers moved to the opening of the robe and she pulled the sash loose, letting it fall open before she shrugged it off her shoulders to pool at her feet. She felt the eyes of the other couples in the small room on her, but she kept her focus on her Dom, swept away by the heat of authority in his icy blueeyes.

Ryder reached into the pocket of his slacks, coming out with a thin black choker that he attached around her neck. Khloe liked the surprisingly heavy weight of the jewelry, as if it was his calling card, marking her for all to see. From his other pocket, he pulled out a delicate chain with a jeweled clip on the end. The last of her reticence fell away with the snap of the clasp attaching to the ring of hercollar.

Tonight she was not Khloe Monroe, the actress. She was simply Ryder Helm's submissive, Princess, being led naked by a leash onto the main floor of the BDSM club. To those watching, she suspected she'd appear to be playing her newest part as many who role-played in the D/s lifestyle did for fun. Yet the invisible connection she felt to the man proudly leading her had never felt so real. So unlikeplay.

Pounding music mingled with sounds of sexual adventures creating a captivating soundtrack. It was impossible for it to not intrude into her jumbled mind. Naughty snippets intersected with naughtier memories. Where would he lead her? What was hisplan?

As hard as she tried to tune out everyone but her Dom, it was impossible when she'd catch fragments of conversations talking about her. She tried not to think about being naked and on display, yet if she were honest with herself, it felt a bit like coming home... being here in this place again and with the man who had rocked herworld.

She followed a few steps behind, keeping her head bowed, watching her slippered feet pad along the carpeted floor. Stopping when he stopped to chat with other Doms. Following as he wound them through the maze of debauchery in motion, as if she were on parade. With each moment that passed, she relaxed more, becoming accustomed to the crack of paddles and screams ofpassion.

By the time Ryder sank into a plush leather chair not far from the long neon-accented bar, Khloe had quieted her inner angst, subconsciously slipping deeper into the submissive mindset she'd begun to think had been an exaggerated dream from Valentine's Day. Gone was her Type-A career woman disposition, seduced by the sex-God presently tugging gently on the chain linking them until she was kneeling between his open legs facing him, his right hand reaching to stroke her silky hair as if he might pet a long-hairedfeline.

His soft petting comforted her, allowing Khloe to slip deeper, blocking out the sounds around them even as Ryder chatted with this Dom or shook hands with that Master. Between visitors, he leaned forward, using his dress shoe to tap at her inner knees, wordlessly instructing her to spread her legs wider. Instinctively, she laid her hands on her spread thighs, palms up, chin to herchest.

That earned her a soft, "Good girl,” which melted any final remnants of reticence she had. She tried not to think about why she felt proud, and not embarrassed, at Ryder's chauvinistic show of ownership over her body and soul. She watched the chain linking them sway, a symbol that she was his. But then it hit her. He was hers too, and that knowledge thrilledher.

Only the sound of Jaxson's voice was able to jar her back to the present, cutting through the din of commotion in the club aroundthem.

"I tried to make it over to the bar, but the place is packed. I figured you'd find us here eventually." Ryder was talking to Jaxson who'd nabbed the matching leather chair next to Ryder's as the previous Dom got up toleave.

"I couldn't be happier with the turn out. We've only been open a few months, but already we're exceeding our membership goals," Jaxson answered, setting his rock glass filled with an amber liquid down on the small table between themen.

Only through her peripheral vision did Khloe sense someone kneeling next to her, inches away. A quick glance confirmed a nearly naked Emma was kneeling in front of her Dom, just as Khloe was, only she didn't have a leash attached to her collar. Of the many times she'd met Emma, this was the first time seeing her deep into her submissive role in the trio's complicated relationship. The fact that Jaxson had stretched his long leg out and was presently rubbing the tip of his leather shoe against Emma's pussy while he chatted with Ryder helped Khloe feel less on display when she could share the spotlight withEmma.

But where was Chase? She had to admit that, much like the rest of the world, she was more than a little curious about the sexual dynamics of the trio's relationship, particularly after seeing their unique bed and its accessoriesupstairs.

She didn't have to wait long. Within minutes, a shirtless Chase arrived carrying an armful of scary looking punishmentdevices.

"Princess, I didn't give you permission to look around. Eyes on the floor unless instructed otherwise." Ryder's voice rumbled low in the noisy room, his chastisement enhancing her need tosurrender.

The "yes, sir," slipped from her lips as easily as her next breath, sinking her deeper still––calming the anxious noise that so often accompanied her every waking moment. Khloe stopped straining to hear what was happening around her, understanding her Dom would let her know what she needed toknow.

Ryder may be talking as if he weren't paying attention, but she felt the steady pull on the leash, moving her torso slowly closer until her head was cradled in his lap. His muscular thigh formed her pillow as he stroked her long, flowing hair as he would a beloved pet. Nervous tension receded, helping her relax and fall into an almost trance-like state as she allowed her brain to slow down long enough to quiet herdemons.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed when Ryder and Jaxson pushed to their feet, each reaching out to stroke the hair of the women at their feet. Only the tug of the leash against her collar told her it was time to move. She had started to push to her feet when a strong palm pressed the top of her head, silently instructing her to stay on her hands and knees. Khloe was relieved to be low to the floor as they wove between the growing crowd, grateful it made it harder for people to recognize her and her blushingface.

Having only been to Black Light once, she didn't have the layout of the club memorized by any means, but if memory served her, it felt like the dominants were heading them in the direction of the main stage where the roulette wheel had been set up in February. Her suspicion was confirmed when Ryder started climbing the carpeted steps, slowing down to make sure his submissive didn't injure herself as she crawled up the steps on all fours, aware she was moving into a central focal point of theroom.

Khloe was relieved when Jaxson and Emma followed them to the center of the stage where Chase waited for them all. Only now could she see he was wearing tight-fitting black leather pants, identical to those Jaxson wore. The glint of the gold rings piercing his nipples caught in the spotlight illuminating the center stage. The rings were thick and sturdy and Khloe couldn't help but be curious about how it would feel to have her body marked so personally. As if he could read her mind, Ryder's fingers pinched her right nipple as he leaned down to talk against herear.

"This is your second reminder to keep your eyes on the floor. If I wanted you to gawk at other men, I would have told you to kneelup."