Page 77 of Rescued

"As you can see, I think you'll have more than enough space to spread out and relax." Jaxson wasn't very successful at hiding his sly grin, knowing damn well that Ryder and Khloe would be putting the custom bed to gooduse.

Trevor was less jovial at being relegated to bellhop. "Where do you want me to put thisstuff?”

Ryder was getting anxious to call Axe to see if he'd turned up any leads yet now that he'd had some time with the evidence. "Just park them over next to the table. I'll help her with them in a bit. I need to make acall."

He leaned down to kiss Khloe lightly, aware that they had an audience. "Jaxson, I don't suppose we could order up a light dinner by chance? It's time to get some more food into thisone."

"I ate on theplane!"

"Half a protein bar is not dinner. We slept late and you missed breakfast and we had a tiny lunch when we boarded. We're going to eat a gooddinner."

She looked as if she wanted to yell obscenities until he graced her with his most dominate glare. The pout that replaced her anger was adorable, and her quiet "yes, sir" went straight to his cock. He may be the Dom, but little did his submissive know how much control she wielded over him. Her happiness and safety felt like his new air andblood.

"I'll order up a good selection." When Khloe appeared panicked, he added, "Don't worry. I was on the runway for years. I know what to order that will make you both happy. I'll give you a call when the food arrives so you know when to expect one of my staff with thedelivery."

"Thanks, Davidson. For everything." The guy had turned out to be a great ally. Yet another man he would have to trust to keep Khloe safe when hecouldn't.

Jax was headed to the door when he stopped and prodded Trevor. "Why don't you come down with me? I'll get you settled on our VIP floor where you can unwind with some drinks andentertainment."

Trevor looked back at the hugging couple and then nodded, understanding his work was done for the night. For a minute, Ryder felt sorry for him, but he pushed it aside. He didn't have time to think of anyone butKhloe.

When they were finally alone, he scooped her into his arms bride-style and stalked to the giant bed, plopping her down, loving her giggle as he watched her petite body bounce before he pounced on top of her, smothering her against themattress.

"Finally. I didn't think those guys would ever leave," hecomplained.

A radiant smile lit up her face, making his heart physically ache. He'd been looking forward to spending time dominating his submissive on the unique BDSM equipment in the bowels of the building, but in that minute, he realized if they never left this room again, it would be toosoon.

He crushed his mouth down on hers, grinding his body against her, all finesse went out the window. She had a way of making him feel more like a giddy teenager than the sexual dominant he was. Only the feel of his phone vibrating in his pocket reminded him that Axe was waiting on hiscall.

With regret, Ryder separated from her enough to peer down at her, loving the look of sexual carnality staring back athim.

"Hold that thought for a minute. I need to call Axe and check in. Why don't you check out the rest of thesuite?"

"Really? Do you have to call him right now?" Her hands roamed his body, pulling his button-down shirt from the waistband of his pants to get to his back. She hugged him tighter, trying to stop him from pushing to hisfeet.

With a chuckle, he answered, "I'll only be a few minutes and then we can resume where we leftoff."

"Promises, promises," sheteased.

Still, when he'd rolled off her, she stood and took off for the other side of the room where there was a dining table and an opening to what looked like a small kitchen. Her hips swayed beautifully in her skinny jeans. Only when she was out of sight did Ryder ringAxe.

His friend answered with a, "I was gettingworried."

"I waited to get us settled before I called. What do you have forme?"

"Nothing conclusive yet, but plenty of interesting things to explore. I have a fewquestions."


"You told me who McLean and the Kaplans were. I know from the media about Dean Reynolds. I'm seeing the name Ricky Covasse popping up pretty often with a lot of intimate details about hertravels."

"I haven't met him yet, but he's her personal assistant so that would make sense, unless the messages arethreatening."

"Not so far. How about Apollo Starling and Edward Rivera?" Axeasked.

"The director of her current film and according to McLean, Rivera has produced two movies forher."

"Interesting. He is having some pretty substantial cash flow problems rightnow."