Page 75 of Rescued

He saw the worry line, the one she often applied creams to avoid, crinkle on her brow. "I hope it's a good surprise. I've had my fill of bad oneslately."

"Well, at least I think it is. I called Davidson and we're gonna stay at his secure apartment above Runway while we're intown."

Khloe's face lit up like sunshine, understanding the implications of the location. Trevor was lessimpressed.

"What the hell? We already have a suite reserved at the Marriott. We spent a small fortune on securitysweeps."

"That's fine. You'll need a place to stay and it's a good thing that everyone thinks she'll be there. It could flush out thestalker."

"Thanks for turning me in to a decoy," Trevorgrumbled.

"Don't mentionit."

"Seriously, will you two growup?”

Trevor wasn't going to let the subject drop. "That makes no sense. Why the hell would you want to take Khloe to a popular dance club full of people on a Saturday night? That's the last place we want to try tosecure."

Khloe's eyes widened at Trevor's probingquestion.

"You don't need to worry about it. We won't be going to the danceclub."

He snuggled Khloe closer, enjoying the feel of her in his arms as they watched the national monuments passing by outside the tinted windows. Only the vibration of his cell phone could distracthim.

The text was from Axe. It was a simple 'call me when youland'.

He put his phone away, not wanting to call his friend back until he wasalone.

"Everything okay?" Trevorquestioned.

"Yeah. Justgreat."

The men's eyes met over Khloe's head. He should be pissed that Trevor was so suspicious, but wasn't that exactly the kind of protection Khloe would need when he wasn't there? He pushed down his jealousy, determined to make an effort to cut the asshole some slack. After all, it wasn't that he was in a competition with the guy for Khloe, but he was still jealous of the taller man, knowing he was free to go anywhere, do anything with Khloe... something Ryder could not do without putting her indanger.

He'd been lost in thought, not paying attention where they were going until the limo driver pulled up in front of a psychic shop. Khloe's eyes looked up at him insurprise.

Trevor injected before Ryder could redirect the driver. "Why the hell did we stop here? This isn't the hotel or theclub."

The driver called back over his shoulder through the open partition. "Mr. Helms, this is the address you sent me in a text, is itnot?"

"Yeah, but you need to drop Mr. McLean off at the hotel first." Trevor eyed him suspiciously so he added, "They have a backdoor VIP entrance to the club through this shop. Just one of the reasons I told you not to worry about her being safe. This place is like afortress."

Trevor leaned over and opened the door. "I'll help you get the bags inside and then I wouldn't mind throwing back a drink or two. I can grab a cab to the hotel later. I'm not in any rush to see the Kaplans since they are in the adjoining room to thesuite."

Khloe looked like she was about to hyperventilate. He reassured her, "It's okay, baby. I'll take care ofthis."

The three of them piled out, grabbing their bags from the trunk before heading into the psychic shop. It was late afternoon on a Saturday in Georgetown and the shop was not nearly as empty as it had been the other nights Ryder had arrived. It made him nervous, pulling Khloe against his body, shielding her face as they meandered to the back of the store. He was actually glad he had Trevor to follow behind with theirbags.

The Hispanic security guy, Luis, must never take a day off. He'd been there to greet Ryder on every visit to theclub.

"Good evening, Mr. Helms. Ms. Monroe. We've been expecting you. Mr. Davidson asked that I give him a call to let him know you'd arrived. He said he'll meet you at thebar."

Ever nosy Trevor edged closer. "God dammit, I thought you said you wouldn't be taking Khloe out inpublic."

It was Luis who answered. "Are you a member,sir?"

"A member of what?Runway?"

Luis looked to Ryder forhelp.