Page 62 of Rescued

Only when they were alone did he use the towels to start patting at her splotchy face, wiping away drops of spittle and tears along with snot running from her nose. He wiggled until he could retrieve his hankie from his pocket, holding it up to her Rudolf-red nose and asking her to, "blow forme."

The loud honk of her nose made them both smile, breaking the heavy blanket that had been thrown over them. Fresh tears welled in her eyes as she tried toexplain.

"I panicked. I felt so full. It scaredme."

He didn't know what to say, so he saidnothing.

"You don't know what it's like, being a woman in Hollywood. Always having someone slightly younger, or thinner, or more talented nipping at your heels, trying to take away every part. Every appearance. Everyopportunity."

He took his time, formulating his response. When he was ready, he drove his hand through her ruined hair, grasping close to her scalp and yanking her head until he was certain she couldn't lookaway.

"I want you to listen to me well, little girl. You have one body. One life. What you're doing to it may help you today, but what about tomorrow? And the next day? Trust me when I say, you're on a fucking slippery slope. One day, you'll get so tired from holding on, you'll let go and fall so hard and fast, there won't be any recovery. I see it in your eyes. You're exhausted, pushing yourself so hard, but by refusing to refuel your body, you'll be burned out before you'rethirty.

"You're a beautiful, talented woman, Khloe Monroe. I've watched you all day, and you have serious talent.Dirty Businessis a box-office smash hit. You're being offered dream roles. You're so close. Don't fuck it up by judging yourself by some antiquated vision of what asshat producers want. You're the real deal. Make them take you on your ownterms."

"Why are you being so nice tome?"

She really didn'tknow?

"Because I think you are amazing. Because as much fun as I have hurting your body, the thought of you hurting yourself infuriates me. I'm not a doctor, but I know enough about this to understand you need help, so I guess I'd like to apply for thejob."

"Since when do you ask? You barged in and made yourself the head of my security without asking." She must be feeling better; she was teasinghim.

"Guilty. I guess I know I can't just spank you into submission on this one. Not without getting this straightened out first." He tapped her temple with his indexfinger.

She melted into his arms, trembling as he rocked her. He wasn't sure how much time passed until McLean returned. "Apollo is pissed as hell. I think we should get out ofhere."

Khloe wiggled in his arms. He knew she was going to try to pull it together, but he knew it would be sheer hell for her trying to walk out there and pretend nothing had happened. She was an amazing actress, but he didn't think she could pull itoff.

Instead, he would play the role of overprotective guard. "I think that's a good idea. As much as I love seeing her on the back of the bike, she's too tired for that right now. I'll leave the bike here. Bring the SUV around. Do you have a key to her Malibuhouse?"

"Yeah. I have a key toeverything."

The men's eyes locked, recognizing Trevor had just admitted he was one of the few people on the planet who had access to all of the locations where the actress they protected had been threatened. It was also in that moment that Ryder knew in his gut that the guard was innocent. He'd trusted that inner voice dozens of times in more dangerous situations thanthis.

"That's good. We'll stop and pick up clothes and supplies and then head back out to the safe house." Trevor had turned and was at the door when Ryder added, "Pack yourself a bag too. I'll need your help watching our six and I want to run through all of the evidence with you and get yourinput."

The tall man nodded slightly, his only acknowledgment of Ryder's official offer of atruce.

"Let's go home,baby."

* * *

The news vanslined the street in front of Khloe's beachfront home, making the few photographers who had been outside the studio gate look insignificant. Their driver, Michael, slowed to avoid hitting people brave enough to approach the moving SUV. Ryder was grateful for the tinted windows, hiding the three occupants in the back seat as shouts of Khloe's name could easily beheard.

There was no way he was going to subject her to this throng, but that wasn't the only reason he wouldn't be getting out of the luxurycar.

The last thing we need is for me to have my face plastered all over themedia.

Artel Volvo's hired guns would find him in a hot minute. Uncharacteristic guilt gnawed at him as he remembered he could be doing more harm than good with his presence. He felt trapped. An almost desperation to keep the slip of a woman next to him safe warred with knowing that despite his unique skill set, he probably should stay as far away from her aspossible.

Her stalker was a boy scout compared to the likes of the RussianBratva.

"Let's get inside the gate and then, McLean, I'd like you to go in and grab what she needs. I'll wait in the car withKhloe."

She protested. "I don't understand why we can't just stay here? They aren't stupid enough to go past the lockedgate."

"You mean like they wouldn't go into your locked New York apartment or VIPtrailer?"