"I'm glad to see you like thong panties. They will serve you well to help keep the plug nestled in your ass. I'm guessing it would be a bit embarrassing for you if you lost your hold on your little hitchhiker and it fell to the floor in the middle of ascene."
"Oh, God..." She was too overwhelmed with physical and emotional feelings to fend off the confusing intimacy she felt towards the man who was helping her stand upright as he gently smoothed down the skirt of her dress before pulling her into his arms for a bear hug. In addition to the obscene fullness, she also felt the naughty jewelry dangling down, rubbing against her innerthighs.
It was suddenly harder to hold back her tears as he cradled her close, stroking her hair softly while he whispered, "Shhh... it's overnow."
This man confused her like none other. So stern. Strict. Dominant. Yet now gentle and evencomforting.
Trevor's pounding had stopped at some point. When her tears waned, Ryder pulled a hankie from his pocket and spent a minute dabbing at the wetness. The smoke rising from his eyes told her he was as turned on as she was, but they didn't have time to do anything about it at the presentmoment.
"Ready to goback?"
She nodded, looking down, too shy to hold his eye contact. She took a few tentative steps away from him towards the door to the trailer. He was beside her when he opened the door, letting the bright sunlight flood the space, temporarily blinding her. Ryder grabbed her above her elbow again to help her navigate the steepsteps.
Only when her heels hit the parking lot pavement did she glance around to see a small crowd had gathered near her trailer. If looks could kill, Trevor's glare directed at Ryder would have dropped himdead.
Khloe kept her eyes down, trying to avoid looking anyone in the eye for fear they would know what had happened. It was humiliating enough to be spanked as a grown woman, but she prayed no one else knew what had happened behind the closeddoor.
Her hopes were dashed when Ryder pulled them to a stop next to Randy. Only then did Khloe see he'd picked up the heavy wooden paddle brush before they'd left the trailer. His hand held the implement out, but Randy was almost afraid to touchit.
"Thanks for the use of your hairbrush. It came inhandy."
The jerk had the audacity to crack into a wide grin, enjoying the uncomfortable awkwardness that had fallen on the small crowd as they put the clues together to know that the actress they all knew had just had her butt roasted by the man who'd now placed his arm around her waist, pulling her closer as they resumed their walk towards thestudio.
Before they got too far away, he shouted back to her hairdresser. "I'll try to pick up one for my duffle so I won't have to borrow yours nexttime."
Khloe groaned, wishing the pavement would open up and swallow her whole. She was so embarrassed. Having Ryder there to protect her was proving to come with an unexpected pricetag.
Chapter 16
He wasabout ten minutes away from pulling the plug, literally. Khloe looked exhausted. They'd been at filming for almost five hours straight with the asshole of a director who was clearly on a power trip, demanding take after take from the cast and crew. He knew she'd be furious with him for interfering, particularly after it had taken more than a few minutes for the whispers and pointing to die down after he'd returned her after her butt blistering. News traveled fast in the petrie dish of a closed set and while he was perfectly comfortable with every single person knowing the kind of relationship he and Khloe had, he was conscious of the fact that he was in her world rightnow.
Her world or not, he wasn't going to stand by and watch her dehydrate or work to exhaustion. And he sure as hell wasn't going to let her starve herself to death either. She needed abreak.
For the twentieth time, Ryder let his vision scan the crowded area of onlookers watching the courtroom battle in progress. They'd gotten to the crux of the story and he wasn't too crazy about watching Khloe breaking down into tears over and over with eachtake.
Yet her tears while I lit up her ass werebeautiful.
He didn't bother to examine how fucked up thatwas.
When Apollo yelled out, "again,” Ryder moved into motion, pushing his way through the small circle of crewmembers and stalking out into the middle of the regal courtroomset.
He beelined it straight to Khloe sitting in the witness chair where her makeup artist was touching up her red and swollen eyes. "I think Khloe's had enough for now," he demanded, stepping into the box and taking her by thearm.
The fact that she didn't object told him he'd made the right call. She moved slowly, walking a bit stilted. He was an asshole to smile, knowing the secret no one else did, which was that she'd been filming for hours with her cute back passage stretched with his butt plug. Their eyes met briefly as she looked up at him, silently pleading with him to remove the uncomfortableaccessory.
Ryder had a betteridea.
He escorted her backstage, away from the cursing director who didn't care for his star performer being taken away from him. He didn't stop until they arrived at a food and drink cart setup in an out-of-the-way corner where a grinning young man with a lopsided smile looked like he might pee his pants as theyapproached.
"Khloe! I brought you an éclair. Mary wanted to eat it, but I wouldn't let her. I told her it wasyours."
The young man's speech was slurred, his movements jerky. Ryder was a bit surprised the studio would hire disabled staff, but then again he was serving coffee and donuts so how hard could itbe.
"Hi, Peter. You know I don't normallyeat..."
Ryder cut her off, taking charge. "We need a sparkling water for Miss Monroe and then I'd like you to warm up that ham and cheese sandwich. Do you have any carrots or maybe an apple instead of all of thesesweets?"