Page 58 of Rescued

"Oh, I'm quite certain it won't. Not after I get through withyou."

She wasn't sure what he meant, but the skin on her ass physically prickled as if it knew it would be paying the price for herfoolishness.

Ryder released her abruptly, shoving her upper body forward, pressing his hand against her back until she was bent over the back of the makeup chair in front of her. She thrust her hands out in time to catch herself on the armrests of the stationary chair. While she struggled to stop her forward trajectory, she felt his knee inserted between her legs as he then used his shoe to kick her high-heeled feet wider and wider until she felt obscenely open. Instead of stabilizing her, the awkward position forced her body weight to rest against the padded back of the chair she'd spent hours in having her makeup and hair attended to in the recentweeks.

Once he had her positioned the way he wanted her, he gave his next order. "Don't move a fuckinginch."

Too afraid to disobey, she stood frozen as she felt him lift the hem of her dress up and across her back, exposing her thong panties and milky white ass cheeks to his hungry gaze. Not that they gave her even an ounce of protection for what she suspected was coming, it still shocked her when he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her underwear and yanked them down to her knees. With her legs splayed open, the fabric stretched, digging into the flesh of herlegs.

She waited anxiously for his palm to connect with her now-bare ass. As much as she dreaded the pain that was certain to come, she couldn't deny the equal measure of excitement coursing through her, injected into her veins by his rawdominance.

When he reached around her to pick up the wooden paddle brush Randy had left on the counter, she tried to stand, but he anticipated her move. His palm laid on her lower back, holding her in placeeasily.

"Khloe..." Her name was a warning toobey.

"Please..." It was a futile attempt at changing his mind. Manipulating men had become rather easy for the talented actress. She could usually get her way one way or another with most men, but in Ryder Helms, she knew she'd met her match. She'd witnessed him in his dominant glory at Black Light on Valentine's Day and she knew he wouldn't be swayed by begging or tears. In a sick way, she respected him because of it. He didn't let anyone manipulate him or his decisions, once made. And right now that meant she was about to have her ass litup.

He didn't pull any punches. There was no warm up. The first crash of the flat wooden paddle-brush on her right butt cheek made an alarmingly loud splat that filled the trailer. The pain of the swat caught up to her brain just as the next strike connected with her left ass cheek. It had only been two smacks, yet already her bottom felt like she'd sat on a nest of wasps. The skin of her butt prickled and stung from the heavy thud of continuing lashes against her behind. While Ryder kept his attention on her bottom, Khloe watched his profile in the mirror, trying to focus on the masculine scruff on his chin or the salt-and-pepper grey streaks through his dark hair, both reminding her he was all man. Dominant. Aggressive. Sexy,man.

Tears pricked at her eyes as she struggled not to call out, not wanting Trevor to be alarmed that she was being hurt, yet her paddling continued on with pounding regularity until she couldn't hold still any longer. The burn was too intense. She tried to stand, but he easily subdued her in her prone position. She wriggled her ass wildly, trying to move away from her punishment, but he only used his left arm to hug her around her waist, pulling her flush against his body as his right hand rained down even harder and faster. Back and forth until she started begging him tostop.

"Please, stop! It's enough! I've learned my lesson." When her begging failed, she changed tactics. "I can't cry like this. It's ruining my makeup and we don't have time to redo hair and makeup! Apollo is gonna kill me if I fuck up theshoot!"

It was thetruth.

He finished her off with a half-dozen wallops a bit lower that hurt so bad she lost the battle and cried out, "Please,stop!"

Her cries triggered Trevor's pounding on the door again. "Goddammit, Helms, open the fuckingdoor."

Through her tears she watched him in the mirror as he inspected his handy work as if he were admiring artwork on a canvas. Satisfied he'd properly roasted her bottom, he looked up and caught her glare. She could see his panic had receded, but that was the only emotion that had diminished. His eyes shone with raw authority that had an odd way of making her feel safe. He rested his right hand on her bottom as if he enjoyed feeling the heat of her skin, but she didn't complain. His light caresses helped take away a bit of thesting.

"What do you have to say,Khloe?"

His question confused her. She stumbled on her words a bit until she forced out, "I alreadyapologized."

"I'm glad you're sorry, but that's not what I'm waitingfor."

Genuinely at a loss, she waited until he instructed her. "You'll thank me after apunishment."

The man was a lunatic. The look on her face must have portrayed her sentiment because his hand lifted and swats started raining downagain.

"Stop! Enough!" Those words had no impact on her situation until she added, "Thankyou!"

The thrashing stopped as soon as she said the two small words, and she finally let go of the tension of her body when he stepped away from her, letting her collapse with relief, dropping herself across the back of the padded chair where she struggled to catch herbreath.

She was too lost in her own thoughts to wonder where Ryder had gone until he returned, resuming his position on her left. The light stroking of his left hand on her hair and back calmed her farther so when she felt the cold, wet finger pressing against her exposed pucker Khloe tried to shoot out of the chair like a cannon. He was ready for her reaction, pressing her body back into her prone position as she felt one of his fingers slip inside heranus.

Damned if what he was doing to her most private body part didn't feel confusingly glorious. The insertion and removal of what felt like his middle finger gained speed until he was slowly finger fucking her ass. As nice as it felt, it was her pussy that was desperate for his touch. Instead, he removed his finger altogether, much to herregret.

Only seconds later, the press of something much larger than Ryder's finger was pressing for entry in her backdoor. As the first inch of the toy disappeared inside her, the stretch began to hurt. The sharp pang of pain as he forced the hard object deeper had her tensing and renewing her struggle to wiggle away, but he was having none ofit.

"You had problems remembering the rules and consequences. This is my reminder to keep you on track. If it bothers you, then I suggest you follow instructions in the future to avoid beingplugged."

His words marked his sincerity because he gave the thick dildo a hard push and it shoved home, the widest part right before the end flange stretched her puckered hole obscenely wide until it slipped inside her lubed opening. Once the flange was the only part sticking out of her body, the pain stopped, leaving her feeling uncomfortablyfull.

Khloe collapsed over the chair again, suddenly feeling completely drained of energy. When she felt his continued touching in the area, she looked into the mirror in time to see him take the cheesy bracelet he'd asked her to wear out of his pocket. She couldn't see what he was up to, but he was focused on the hitchhiker protruding from her ass and realized too late that he was oddly wrapping the bracelet around theflange.

Unable at first to understand his motive, she allowed Ryder to lift her feet one at a time to move them to a more comfortable position before pulling her tiny panties back up her legs, settling the thin strip of fabric of her thong against the portion of the plug sticking out of herbody.