Page 52 of Rescued

"Now listen up, because I'm only gonna say this once. You're done turning the illegal threats against your client into a publicity stunt. I'm taking over the investigation, and I'm gonna be digging deep, leaving no question unasked." He looked around the room, making sure he had everyone's attention before adding. "And if I find out anyone in her inner circle has anything to do with the threats against her, I'm gonna make it my life's mission to make sure the offender doesn't see anything but the inside of a jail cell for the next twentyyears."

"Why I never! How dare you speak to me like that? Mystery man or not, you're out of line." Natalie turned to Khloe, looking for support. "Are you really going to let him speak to me likethis?"

Before Khloe could answer, McLean decided to take sides–a majormistake.

"I'm with Natalie on this. I don't know who the hell this guy is or why he's here, but he clearly is a hothead prone to violence. You need to firehim."

Ryder barked a bitter laugh. "That would be a little hard for her to do since I'm protecting her forfree."

Trevor's eyes widened, "Why the hell would you dothat?"

Ryder stepped intohispersonal space, inches away before adding, "For the same reason you would if Khloe asked you to." The taller man's eyes widened withunderstanding.

"All right, everyone... stop arguing. We don't have time for this. Randy and Cathy, I'll be over in a minute. We need to get started on hair and makeup." Khloe turned to the Kaplans next to add, "Ryder is right. I'm done letting you turn the threats against me into an advertising opportunity. Cooperate with him, or gohome."

He didn't think it was possible for her to be more beautiful, but watching her take charge and stand up for herself gave him an instant boner. She was so strong and yet so fragile. A dichotomy of nature wrapped up in a too-small package that all he wanted to do was steal away to keep all forhimself.

Fuck. Not unlike herstalker.

The irony of his realization was unsettling, although it gave him a lead on a possiblemotive.

Khloe'd turned her attention back to the tall men in the room. "And you two... grow up. The pissing contest is already getting old. I trust you both, so you'll have to figure out how to worktogether."

She isn't nearly as cute when she's mouthing off to me,though.

Even as he thought it, he knew it was a lie. Her strength wasrefreshing.

She didn't wait for an acknowledgment, stomping away from the drama to sit in the makeup chair at the other end of thetrailer.

The remaining occupants of the room dispersed to all corners of the trailer. It felt a bit like prize fighters going to their corner between rounds, resting up for the next bout of punches. He couldn't stop a small smile from forming, acknowledging that, so far, he was having a surprising amount of fun with his unexpected side-job.

He filled the time organizing a few items from his duffle bag. It only took her crew twenty minutes to transform Khloe from the girl-next-door to gorgeous actress. As she stood before him, he could tell she was looking at him nervously, her previous confidencehidden.

Aware every set of eyes were on them trying to figure out who the new guy was to their boss, Ryder pulled her into his arms for a tame hug, leaning low to whisper in her ear. "You're stunning... but, not quite as beautiful as you were around three thismorning."

Her sharp intake of breath at his mention of their encounter was followed by a full-body tremble that had her falling against him in a way that told everyone in the room the real nature of their relationship. When they separated, she had an adorable blush shining through her layer ofmakeup.

Ryder pulled a small gold bracelet from the pocket of his slacks. A rather lame decorative four-leaf clover charm hung from thechain.

"Hold out your arm. I want you to wearthis."

He wasn't surprised at her reaction. It hadn't been his first choice either, but he had to take what he could get on his hasty supply run on the way to theairport.

"Um... thanks, but it's not really my style," she saiddiplomatically.

"Yeah, well, it's not meant to be a fashion statement. Just wear it. I'll explain later." He didn't have time to explain that there was a tracking chip in the charm that would allow him to track her with his cell phone anywhere in the world. For now, he didn't need to worry her further with suchdetails.

They were five minutes late leaving the trailer. Someone had sent a souped-up golf cart to pick up Khloe. With the driver and one other passenger already in the back seat, there were only two seats left. The asshole McLean rushed to take the front seat, assuming he was leaving Ryder without a seat in the impromptu game of musicalchairs.

Unfazed, Ryder held Khloe back while he took a seat in the only empty slot and then reached back to lift her into his lap. He knew he was being a jackass, but he couldn't stop flashing a grin at the disgruntledMcLean.

"Problem solved," hegloated.

"I'd have thought you were too old for childish games like this," she chastised himquietly.

His palm squeezed her ass through the thin pencil skirt she was wearing for the courtroom scene she was about tofilm.

"Are you kidding me? I love this game." He was happy to see his hands were having the desired effect. She shifted in his lap, her eyes widening as she encountered his thick erection under her bottom. He added suggestively, "In fact, I could play allday."