Page 49 of Rescued

Slowly, her mouth moved. She expected him to gloat, but instead, the icy blue of his eyes melted a bit. He lookedpleased.


Testing a theory, she did as she was told and this time was rewarded with an actualsmile.


Still, she wasn't going to let him treat her like a child. She opened her mouth to tell him so, but the bastard scooped another big bite in instead. She finished that bite without prodding, but then clamped her hand over her mouth to protect it from incoming projectiles while she tried to set himstraight.

"You don't understand. This is how it is in Hollywood," shemumbled.

He wrestled her hand away from her mouth, shoving a slice of bacon in as he answered her. "I understand perfectly. I just don't give a shit about Hollywood." He chucked her chin as she tried to spit out the greasy caloric nightmare, preventing her from spitting it out as he added, "I only care aboutyou."

His simple words worked like magic. He only cared abouther.

Instead of looking embarrassed by his admission, the blue in his eyes melted into an inviting pool she wanted to lose herself in. She had no idea what it was called or how it happened, but there was no denying the almost magical attraction they had for each other. It had been there the minute they'd met and he'd chased her down at Black Light. It had nearly destroyed her when he'd turned his back on it, walking out on her and making her think she'd imagined the wholething.

As if he could read her mind, he answered her unspoken question. "I don't really understand it either. But I know this is where I'm supposed to be." He hesitated before adding, "Please, Khloe. Let me take care of you. At least until we find the bastard behind the threats and get themneutralized."

He was asking her. She should be happy, but it felt like they were treading in new waters. Renegotiating their scene. Only this time, there would be no roulette wheel calling the shots and there was more at stake than pushing each other's sexualbuttons.

She needed moreinformation.

"What do you mean by take care of me? What exactly are we talking abouthere?"

His eyes hardened again. "Effective immediately, I take over your personal security. Twenty-four, seven. I put together my own independent team of investigators to dig into the threats against you and ferret out who's behind them. I won't stop until they're behind bars." He paused and she was about to tell him that sounded perfect when he held his finger up to shushher.

He continued. "I also call the shots on who has access to you. You'll go where I tell you, when I tell you. I approve your schedule, publicly and privately, with your safety my number one concern." He squeezed her chin, ensuring she wouldn't look away as he added with the yummy authoritative tone that melted her core, "And... when we're alone, I'm your Master. Like we were back at Black Light, only I call the shots instead of the roulettewheel."

Khloe's heart lurched at his unexpected proposal, her brain and body at war. She'd half expected him to drop her off at the studio and then ride off into the sunset, never to be seen again. Relief that he obviously planned to stick around for a while warred with terror at the thought of turning herself over to him as he wanted. She was a successful, independent twenty-first century woman, and he was asking for unprecedented control over every aspect of herlife.

This was not normal. But then again, nothing had been normal for them since the minute they'd met. But what if she couldn't do it? He was asking toomuch.

"Just like that? You waltz back in and demand completecontrol?"

"I rarely waltz, but yeah... prettymuch."

The bastard had the audacity to grin the sexiest smile in his arsenal. It almost made her waver, but she stuck to her guns, grateful for the clarity of what she needed to do. She pushed away from him until she was standing on her own two feet, her hands on herhips.

"Here's my counteroffer, Mr. Helms. I agree to turn the investigation over to you, including control over my personal safety and schedule, but Trevor stays on. Until the culprit is found and behind bars, I will defer to you for all things regarding my protection." She paused, reaching out to hold his chin as he had hers, sending a loud and clear message. "As for being my Master behind closed doors... that one you're gonna have to earn back." His eyes widened at her demand. "You walked out. It hurt me, more than I'd like to admit." His eyes softened. "So, you have a bit of work to do before you earn that kind of unwavering trust from me again. Gotit?"

Several long seconds went by as she held her breath, worried she'd overplayed her hand in the complex game they seemed to beplaying.

He moved so fast, she had no warning. One minute she was standing in the kitchen with her hands on her hips in complete control, the next she was spun around, her torso bent over and pressed into the hard kitchen counter. Ryder opened her robe and ripped it away from her body, leaving her naked before him. He yanked her arms behind her back and used the belt from her robe to effortlessly wrap her arms together from her wrists to her elbows, subduing her completely under his control in less than aminute.

Electricity sparked where he touched her body, his hands roaming... exploring. She gasped for air, feeling lightheaded as he slapped her ass hard before using the same hand to slide through her shamefully wetpussy.

She didn't understand it. She didn't even know if she liked it, but there was no denying her body loved everything he did to it. The problem was, her brain couldn't quite get wrapped aroundit.

He pinched. He squeezed. He slapped. He caressed. He played her body, driving out all cognitive thought until she was nothing but a sexual blob, desperate for release. He edged her until ithurt.

"Ryder! Please!" She couldn't stand it any more. She needed to come more than she needed air. She trembled at his victorious growl of satisfaction as he finally buried his cock inside her, lifting her at the hips, her feet now dangling as he plowed her from behind like a manpossessed.

She screamed as her first orgasm consumed her. Still in the throes of ecstasy, she was like putty in his hands as he lifted her off the counter by placing his hands on the back of her thighs, holding her still linked body in front of him as he effortlessly lifted her off his rod before letting gravity impale her again. He was like a machine–a piston at work–lifting and dropping her to a fast rhythm until he grunted his own release, hugging her to him as she felt the heat of his wetness fillingher.

As she came down from her sexually-induced high, she felt Ryder trying to catch his own breath as he hugged her folded body against hischest.

Her arms were starting to hurt having been sandwiched uncomfortably between their grinding bodies, but he distracted her from the pain by sucking her earlobe into his mouth, nipping it intimately until he released her to speak softly against herear.