Page 47 of Rescued

When he finally spoke, his words gutted her. "I never wanted to leave you. Not then. And notnow."


"I had to, for myjob."

"Even if that's true, why are you here then? Did youquit?"

"Not exactly. Let's say I took a leave ofabsence."

"Why would you dothat?"

"Because I know I'm supposed to be protecting you now, instead of..." His voice trailed off as if he were afraid he'd said toomuch.

He may be telling her the truth, but there was a lot he wasn't saying too. She was still hurt. "Except now you regret it. You said ityourself."

He held her chin still, forcing her to look at him again. "I meant what I said. It would be easier to protect you if things weren't so...personal... between us." When she didn't reply, he continued. "I'm distracted around you. I'm worried that I'm going to spend too much time thinking about all of the delicious things I want to do to your body instead of focusing on any danger in your environment." His voice cracked as he added, "I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to you on mywatch."

She was stunned into silence. He sounded sincere. God, she wanted him to be telling thetruth.

Their visual standoff was interrupted by the ringing of a nearby phone. Ryder released her chin to dig a phone out of the pocket of his pants. He didn't even look at it before answering it with a simple, "Helms."

He listened intently to whoever was on the other end of the phone as he stared at her with that unreadable glare he had perfected. Several minutes ticked by while he listened before finally answering with two simple words. "Holdon."

He looked down long enough to mute the call before looking back at her. "It's Davidson. Seems your asshat of a bodyguard is threatening to call the police if he doesn't get to speak to you within thehour."

Guilt closed in. She hadn't even thought about calling Trevor to check in. He must be frantic, not having a clue who Ryderwas.

"Is that him?" sheasked.

"He's there,yes."

She reached for his phone, taking it off mute. "Trevor?"

"No, Jax. But he's here. I tried to tell him you were safe, but it seems he'll only listen toyou."

"He's only doing hisjob."

Jaxson hesitated, "Are you sure about that? It seems to be more than that." It took her a second to understood what he was hinting at. She blushed, remembering Trevor's declaration of love less than a weekearlier.

"I'm sure. Put him on, please." She felt heat rising under Ryder'sglare.

"Khloe? Where the hell are you?" Trevor was seriouslypissed.

"I'm safe. You don't need toworry."

"The hell I don't. I don't know what's going on around here, but since when do you take off with some stranger without even a word of who he is or where he's taking you. Fuck, you didn't even take your phone withyou."

"I'm sorry. I really am." Her gaze locked with the man who's lap she was wiggling in. "Ryder is an old friend. I didn't know he was in town or that he'd be coming to seeme."

"That's bullshit. I know all of your friends. Your enemies. Your business partners. This guy is a complete unknown. Now of all times, I can't believe you'd be stupid enough to take off without myprotection."

He was right, of course. It had been foolish of her. "I said I'msorry."

Trevor sighed. "We'll talk about this when you get home. Apollo called. He needs you on set in two hours. They're doing the retakes on the courtroom scenes today before he releases theextras."

"Dammit, we're supposed to be off until nextweek."

"That's not how this works, and you know it." She detected the simmering anger he was barely containing. Even if he was right, he'd never talked to her like thisbefore.