Page 42 of Rescued

She wanted to argue that she wouldn't be riding with him again. Didn't he know? She rode in limos... chauffeured luxury SUVs... not on the back ofmotorcycles.

Her retort died before she spoke, recognizing the truth was she'd loved riding on the back of the powerful machine. It had made her feel alive. Less like a celebrity and more like plain Khloe, something that didn't happen often enough thesedays.

He worked silently on her hair as she closed her eyes, focused on keeping her breathing steady to hide the impact his touch was having on her body. Only when the cup-full of cool water fell over her head did her eyes pop open insurprise.

"Hey, that's cold," shecomplained.

"Maybe if you hadn't fallen asleep in here for over half an hour, it would still be hot," heretorted.

"So shoot me. I'mtired."

Their eyes met long enough to remind her of how much danger she was in. It dawned on her that she'd just traded in the danger of her stalker for the danger of falling deeper for a guy who had the power to destroy her emotionally when he leftagain.

And he would leave again. Of that she wascertain.

He didn't help when he added, "I have a lot of things I want to do to this body, but shooting you is not one ofthem."

The words came out playful, but the heated gaze that devoured her naked body was dead serious. A full-body shiver shook her, and she was grateful he blamed it on the watertemperature.

"Let's finish washing your hair before you catch achill."

His hands were as gentle tonight as they'd been demanding and harsh in February. This new version of Ryder Helms confused her, contrasting with her memories of his stern dominance over her body... over hersoul.

Only when he turned off the jets and pulled the stopper to the water did it really dawn on her that she'd been naked and on display. How long had he gawked at her while she slept before waking her? When he turned his back to put away the bath supplies, Khloe shot to her feet and lunged for the pile of towels on a stool next to the tub, anxious to wrap herself up as quickly as shecould.

When he turned back to her, laughter danced in his eyes as he taunted her, of course knowing what she'd beendoing.

"It's a bit late for that, baby. I've seen it all already," heteased.

Too late did she realize her sudden push to her feet left her lightheaded. Too much stress, not enough food and a healthy dose of sexual tension sent her toppling sideways, thankfully into the open arms of the man directly responsible for at least some of herdistress.

Ryder scooped her up into his arms, half wrapped in the towel that dragged behind them as he hurried back into the bedroom. He'd put bedding on while she'd been in the bath. His efforts had the room looking like a five-star hotel. The sheets had been turned down, inviting her to sink into their comfort. The only thing missing was a mint on thepillow.

He sat her on the edge of the bed before pulling the towel she clung to away from her body. She wrestled for the cloth briefly, but gave in quickly, realizing she didn't have the energy to fight him. Instead, she let her body be dried like a child before he moved the towel to her dripping hair, squeezing out the excess water as he leanedcloser.

She had people wait on her all day, every day. They drove her places, brought her food and drink, applied makeup and even did her hair. So why did what Ryder was doing feel completely different? Randy touched her hair every day on the set, but not once had his fingers left a trail of fire against herscalp.

They were so close, his legs leaning in, pinning her against the bed where she sat. Unexpected tears pricked at her eyes. She slammed them closed in an attempt to hide her weakness, not wanting to let him know how affected she was by his proximity. Her plan was ruined when she let herself fall forward, her forehead touching the heart of his six-pack abs as she embarrassed herself further by wrapping her arms around his waist, not stopping until she huggedhim.

"Khloe..." Her name came out as if she were torturing him, guttural...raw.

It was a warning... one she ignored as she let the tears fall, dripping onto hisskin.

His desperate, "Christ," was synchronized with the hard yank of her wet hair, snapping her head back so they were face to face, inches apart as he towered over her. A storm brewed in his eyes as if the dominant normally in control of everything was lost. His confusion made her feel powerful, knowing she had some level of power over him as well. She suspected he didn't let that happen often in hislife.

Time stood still long enough that she had to gasp for a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. His pull at her scalp increased until she cried out, inpain.

He released her as fast as he'd grabbed her, shoving her shoulders so hard her body flung back to the soft bed, bouncing slightly from the sudden impact. Ryder pounced on her like a predator, trapping her beneath him like a prized animal he'd wrestled under his control. His hands were near each of her ears, holding his body above her to stare into her eyes. Her legs had fallen open, allowing his crotch to grind against her sex, only his leather pants protecting her from penetration. A dangerous glare had turned his eyes almost black in the dimlighting.

She was helpless to stop herself. She'd spent too much of their time apart missing him. Her body remembered how he'd played her like a maestro played a violin. In that moment of weakness, she needed to hear their musicagain.

"You're playing with fire, littlegirl."

She finally found the courage to whisper, "So burnme."

* * *

They hadn't even madeit a few hours. The entire cross-country flight, he'd lectured himself on how he would need to keep his emotional distance from the A-list actress. He'd come to protect her. No good would come from confusing his mission to keep Khloe safe with anything personal. He was a Goddamned machine at controlling his responses while on the job. It was why he was alive today and exactly why he needed to keep whatever was happening between them as strictlybusiness.