Page 76 of Libra

It wasn’t until he’d disappeared into the crowd outside the shop that Cyrus wondered if the ex-wife story wasn’t as fictional as he’d assumed.

* * *

Kneeling wasa lot harder than people made it look. Especially when you were half naked at the front door, waiting for your man to come home.

As her mind wandered, she lifted a hand to her neck, the tips of her fingers brushing against the simple strand of pearls he’d bought for her the second they’d returned home. Every morning, after her shower, Cyrus slipped them around her throat. And every night, before bed, he removed them. Not once had she ever taken them off or put them on by herself. Even more than a big, flashy ring, the pearls were an unspoken symbol of their commitment to each other. For as long as he was willing to put them on her, she belonged to him and he to her.

The sound of the door handle turning snapped her attention back to the task at hand. For a split second, she had the horrifying thought that she might have forgotten to lock it, but she relaxed when she spotted the deadbolt in the correct position.

It was Cyrus’s newest rule, and one of the ones he was strictest about. The last time she’d forgotten, he’d used a paddle on her, and she’d learned how much she absolutely hated wooden implements. That wasnota lesson she was keen to repeat, especially when she already had plans for their evening.

“Well, this certainly is a pretty sight to come home to.”

His voice, warm and amused, washed over her, settling her jumpy nerves. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“And so polite, too.” Planting the tip of his finger under her chin, he forced her head back. “To what do I owe the pleasure of finding my good little girl on her knees, ready and waiting for her Daddy?”

“Nothing.” It was the truth. There was nothing special, they simply hadn’t had much of a chance to connect since they’d left the safe house. In a way, she missed it, though she did not miss the sense of impending doom that had hung over them. “I’ve just…missed you. Missed us.”

Emotions she couldn’t quite pinpoint flickered across his face. “Have I been neglecting you, Ace?”

“We’ve been busy.”

“That’s not what I asked.” He pushed her head back further, stretching the muscles in her neck well past the point of discomfort. “Do you feel neglected, Mina?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Well, you have my full and undivided attention for the rest of the evening. Now, what should I do with all that time?”

Desire hummed across her skin. “Whatever you want, Daddy.”

The flash of his grin, bright and just a tiny bit mean, told her it was the right answer. “That’s right. Because you’re my…” he trailed off, obviously wanting her to finish.

She still struggled with the words, but she suspected he knew that. The humiliation of it was part of the thrill, for both of them. “Y-your good little slut, Daddy.”

“That’s right. And what would my good little slut say if Daddy wanted to use all her tight little holes tonight?”

“I’d say…you have to catch me first.”

She’d deliberately left her shoes off just in case she needed to move quickly. Rocking back on her heels, she jumped to her feet and took off toward their bedroom. He followed, his footsteps heavy and thundering on the stairs.

Anticipation heated her blood as she turned into the bedroom they shared. But where to hide?

The hesitation cost her, and a moment later his arm wrapped around her waist, hauling her up so her feet dangled off the ground.

“Naughty little brat. I was planning to spoil you a bit, but it seems you’ve been missing my discipline as much as my cock. Knees.”

As soon as he let her go, she sank back to her previous position, kneeling in front of him. He undid the buckle of the thin dress belt he wore, and she fleetingly wondered if he would use it on her tonight. Then his cock was free and all she could think of was his promise to use all her holes.

She couldn’t wait.

Tangling a hand in her hair, he jerked her head back, surprising her by smiling down at her. “I love you, Ace.”

“I love you too, counselor.”

“Good. Remember that when you’re choking on my cock in a minute.”

She did remember. She kept those words close to her heart as he used her in all the ways he’d promised. As he hurt her, brought her tiptoeing up to the edge of what she could take before pulling her back again. Just when she thought they were done, he’d start in on her again, so that by the time she crawled into bed hours later, her mind was blissfully blank of all but him and the love they shared.

* * *