Page 74 of Libra

“Is there anything you’d like to say to them? In case they happen to see this?”

He shifted to face the camera, eyes blazing with triumph and avenging fury. “I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you never hurt anyone again. The FBI has my full and unwavering cooperation in this matter, and I am making it my personal mission to see that your victims get the justice they deserve. My only regret is that I waited this long to take you down. Gabrielle’s death is on me, because of the choices I made. But there is plenty of blood on your hands, and I hope it haunts you for the rest of your lives.”

The camera zeroed in on her for her closing remarks, and Cyrus practically vaulted out of his chair to storm to the kitchen. She delivered the lines she and Tracy had worked hours to perfect, but her mind and heart were already off in the other room.

As soon as she had the signal, she ripped the mic pack off and rushed to follow him. She found him standing by the sink, staring out at the dense woods that lined the back of the house.

“I’m so sorry.”

Even beneath the suit jacket, she could see his muscles tense. “Little girl, if you came in here to apologize for doing your job, it is not going to end well for you.”

Irritation joined guilt and grief for a swirling, nauseating cocktail in her gut. “I can apologize if I want, dammit. Especially when I hurt someone I love.”

Turning from the window, he stared at her, his expression unreadable. “What did you just say?”

Fueled by the maelstrom of emotion churning inside of her, she stomped over to him and jabbed a finger in his chest. “I said, I can apologize if I want, dammit.”

“And the last part?”

“Especially when I hurt someone I…” she trailed off, her own words slamming into her like a freight train.

“Love,” he finished for her, a knowing smile curving his lips. “Do you love me, Ace?”

The answer sprang to her lips as though it had only been waiting for him to ask. “Yes.” And it was as terrifying and wonderful as she’d thought it would be, falling for him. “Yes, I love you, so if that’s going to be a problem for you then you’d better tell me now.”

“Why would that be a problem for me, when I am so completely, hopelessly in love with you?”

“Oh, god.” Tears filled her eyes, but she was determined not to let them fall. “You better mean that, Cyrus, because if you’re fucking with me I will—”

He grabbed her, hauling her to him and silencing her with a kiss, just like the movies. Any other time it might have pissed her off, but she was too lost in him, lost in the flood of emotion and sensation to care just then.

“I love you, Mina,” he murmured against her lips before claiming them again in a kiss so sweet and tender it made her throat ache with those tears she still refused to shed. “I love the way you challenge me. I love the way you look on your knees, because I know I am the only person you let yourself be soft for. I love that gorgeous, busy brain of yours, and I love that you trust me enough to help you turn it off, even if it is just for a little while. I am absolutely wild about every single part of you, baby, and if you need me to spend the rest of my life proving it to you, then that’s exactly what I’ll do.”

“Was that a proposal, counselor? Because if that was a proposal, then I expect a ring.”

“Whatever kind of ring you want. Within reason, though, since I’ll likely be out of a job when we get back.”

And just like that, the guilt came rushing back, tainting their beautiful, perfect moment. “I’m sor—”

Eyes flashing, he clamped a hand over her mouth, cutting off her apology. “If you apologize one more time, I’m going to put you on your knees and give that mouth something productive to do.”

She glared at him, but he only raised an eyebrow in response. “I’m serious, little girl. You did your job, and you did it beautifully. I agreed to the interview, so anything I feel about it is on me. Now, if I let you speak, are you going to be a good girl?”

With an exaggerated roll of her eyes, she nodded, and he slowly removed his hand from over her mouth. “I could have gone easier on you.”

“Yes, you could have. But would it have been as effective?”

“No.” As hard as it was to swallow, it was the truth. Not only had it been necessary to push him to show the audience how sincere he was in his desire to do the right thing, she wouldn’t have been doing either of them any favors by going easy on him. Her reputation and his would stand up to the scrutiny, but both would have taken a serious ding if it was discovered she’d deliberately held back important information to paint him in a more favorable light.

“No,” she repeated with a sigh. “But that doesn’t really make me feel any less awful about it.”

“Poor baby.”

The words were sweet. Almost too sweet. Combined with the mischief dancing in his eyes, alarm bells immediately started ringing in her mind. “Ummm. Yeah. I guess.”

“Tell you what.” Cupping her face, he ran the pads of his thumbs over her cheekbones. “Once we get back home, I’ll help you with that guilt. It’s far too heavy for you to be carrying around all by yourself.”

“You know what, I think I’ve decided I don’t feel all that guilty after all.”