Page 48 of Judging Julia



He gave her half an hour before checking on her progress. Multiple pages of the notebook were filled with her scrawling handwriting, a few dotted with spots where it was obvious her tears had dripped onto the paper. Poor thing.

“How are you feeling, baby?”

A shrug of her shoulders was his only answer, and he debated his next move. If he waited for her to believe the words on those pages, they may never get the rest of her punishment out of the way. And he’d much rather put all the messiness of her past sins behind them so they could move forward together with a clean slate.

“All right. I think that’s good for now, but if you so much as hint that I can do better than you, or any other nonsense, you’ll be right back in this chair. Fair enough?”


Pulling the chair away from the desk, he braced his hands on the back of the chair, trapping her in place. “Is that how you address me, little girl?”

Pink blossomed on her cheeks. “No, Daddy. Sorry.”

“Good girl. Now, do you have anything you need to ask me before we start with your final punishment?”

It hadn’t escaped his attention that the past few minutes she’d been squirming in her seat. His suspicions were confirmed when the color on her cheeks darkened and her head bobbed up and down.

“Words, babygirl.”

Finally lifting her head, she sent him a pleading look, but he simply cocked an eyebrow, perfectly content to wait her out.

She gave in with a resigned sigh. “May I please use the bathroom?”

“Yes, you may. Do you just need to pee?”

“Oh my god.” Covering her now flaming face with her hands, she groaned. “Yes, I just have to pee!”

“Then you have five minutes. Do I need to remind you what the consequences for going over are?”

“No, sir, I’ll be quick!”

As soon as he released her, she took off for the bathroom. It took less than three minutes before she returned, her cheeks still bright pink with embarrassment.

He’d used those three minutes to his advantage, pulling the straight-backed desk chair to the middle of the room with their newly purchased paddle sitting on the seat, so it would be the first thing she saw when she exited the bathroom.

It took only a moment for her eyes to land on the setup, her shoulders slumping forward when she did. But pride swelled in his heart when he didn’t have to call for her. Crossing the room, she stood in front of him, her head slightly bowed.

“I’m ready, sir,” she said, her voice soft but firm with conviction.

Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her head back so he could watch her expression as he spoke. “This is not going to be easy, babygirl. Are you sure you’re ready?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Please bring me the bag on the bed over there.”

Confusion filled her eyes, but she didn’t argue. He’d added a few things to his purchases while she’d been distracted by the clothing selection, and he’d deliberately kept them hidden until now.

Surprisingly, she grabbed the bag and returned to his side without so much as peeking at the contents. “You don’t want to know what’s inside?”

“I didn’t know if I was allowed.”

Holding the bag open, he allowed her to peer inside. Her cheeks brightened again with embarrassment, and she let out a low moan when she saw what the bag held.

“I thought you were just gonna spank me!”