Page 15 of Judging Julia

“Didn’t we just have a discussion about being careful with our words, Julia Lynne?”

“But it’s the truth, isn’t it? I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.”

“It isn’t the truth at all. And you’re far too overwrought for this discussion right now, so let’s put a pin in it for now, okay?”

It felt like the truth but arguing with him required far more energy than she had in that moment. “Yeah, okay.”

“Good girl. We’re going to get you all cleaned up and then we’ll go downstairs and get started on dinner.”

“Can I help?”

The pity in his eyes gave her his answer before he spoke and she instantly regretted even asking. “Not tonight, babygirl.”

“Okay. Never mind. I shouldn’t have asked.” Lowering her gaze to her lap, she twisted the fabric between her fingers. Jesus, was she about to start crying again? How much more humiliating could this weekend possibly get?

“Julia.” Cupping her chin, he forced her to look up at him again. “You can ask me for anything, at any time. I might not always say yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m upset with you for asking. Okay?”


His smile flashed, bright and brilliant and comforting. “Good girl.” Taking her hand, he helped her down from the counter, but instead of letting her go when she was steady on her feet, he entwined his fingers with hers. “Let’s go see about dinner.”

“Okay, Daddy.”