Page 8 of Judging Julia

“I don’t think you’re a hardass, sir.”

“No?” He let his grin turn a little mean. “Then maybe I’m not doing my job, little one.”

“I changed my mind. You’re the biggest, baddest, hardassiest Dom I’ve ever known.”

“That’s more like it. Sit down, babygirl, lunch is almost ready.”

Something crossed her face at his use of the endearment. A longing so deep, it was almost painful to see. But it was gone as quickly as it came, and she hurried back to the table before he could decide how to address it.

Setting it aside for now, he finished making their sandwiches and carried their plates to the table. To his delight, she’d finished her vegetables by the time he placed her sandwich in front of her.

“Thank you for eating all of your vegetables, little one. If you finish the rest of your lunch, there may be some ice cream in the freezer for you after your next punishment.”

The excitement that lit her face at the mention of ice cream vanished at the mention of more discipline. “Am I getting another spanking?”

There was a hopefulness in her voice that made him wonder if he’d gone too easy on her the first time. “No. After lunch you’ll be writing lines.”

Her nose wrinkled and he had to bite back another smile at how adorable she was. “Ugh, I hate writing lines. Couldn’t you just spank me again?”

“Nope. And if you keep begging me to spank you, I’m going to assume I didn’t spank you nearly hard enough last time.”

Though her eyes widened, he didn’t miss the flash of excitement in them. “No, Daddy, you did. Promise!”

Uh huh. That may have been the biggest lie he’d ever heard, in or out of the courtroom. But he let it slide. “Then I suggest you don’t argue with me about writing your lines.”

“Yes, Daddy.”


Lines really did suck. She hadn’t been lying about that.

Staring down at the lined paper with Owen’s careful handwriting at the top, she couldn’t help but wish again he’d just spank her and get it over with.

With a sigh deliberately heavy enough for him to hear, she picked up her pen and started writing.

I will not bully other submissives. I will not shame anyone for their kinks.

She hesitated on the second half of the sentence, a tightness settling around her chest. Was that what she’d been doing to the Littles at the Ranch? Making them feel ashamed for their lifestyle choices?

She certainly hadn’t been supportive of them. Was it really all because she’d been jealous of Hayleigh stealing Connor out from under her?

Or was there a deeper reason?

Pushing aside the unsettling thoughts, she concentrated on her lines, making sure each one was perfectly printed as she worked her way down the page. But the tightness around her chest didn’t ease and her mind kept drifting back to her behavior at the Ranch.

Halfway through her hundred lines, she was tempted to just quit. Until she shifted in her seat and the gently buzzing butterfly pressed more firmly against her clit.

Chewing on her bottom lip, she studied her paper while ripples of pleasure teased her with the release Owen had been keeping just out of reach. Lines sucked… but if she was naughty and didn’t finish, she wouldn’t get to, well, finish. Putting her head down, she worked her way through the rest of the lines and tried her best to ignore the growing heaviness in her chest.

“Done, Daddy!”

Footsteps behind her alerted her to his presence a moment before the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as he came to stand behind her, leaning over her to study her work.

“Good job, Julia.” His voice dropped to a low, seductive purr. “I think someone deserves a reward for writing her lines so prettily. Stand up, little one.”

He didn’t have to tell her twice. Grinning widely, she jumped to her feet and turned to face him. But instead of leading her to the living room or her bedroom, he pulled a chair from the table and sat down, reaching for her.

“Daddy, no! You said I was getting a reward,” she protested as he tugged her over his broad lap.