Page 44 of Judging Julia

“Thanks.” Nudging his reluctant girl towards the shop, Owen lowered his voice for her ears only. “Let’s go see what we can find to help a naughty little girl learn her lesson about sneaking out of the house and stealing cars.”

“I didn’t steal it.” The sulk was clear in her voice. “I just borrowed it.”

“Without permission, which is pretty much the textbook definition of stealing. I should know, being a lawyer and all that.”

Although he couldn’t properly see her face at this angle, he was fairly certain she’d rolled her eyes. Biting back a grin at the bratty response, he guided her into the gift shop and straight to the wall of paddles. Some were large enough to cover an entire naughty bottom in one swat, others were no bigger than a wooden spoon, and plenty were in between. Wood, rubber, Lexan, leather, any kind of paddle a Daddy could possibly want was available on that wall.

“All right, babygirl. Pick your poison.”

“Me?” Twisting around to stare up at him, her eyes wide with shock, she sputtered her protests. “But, but, that’s not — I don’t wanna pick!”

“Either you pick one, or I’m buying as many as I can carry and we’ll test each one out so I can decide which one to use for your punishment.”

“You wouldn’t!”

Cupping her chin in his hand, he cleared every ounce of amusement from his expression. “I am very serious, little girl. Not only are you in trouble for sneaking out and stealing Daddy’s car, you still have your final punishment for this weekend coming. So, I suggest you choose wisely, and quickly.”

When he released his hold on her, she spun back towards the wall so fast he was surprised she didn’t topple right over. But she did as she was told, studying each paddle as if it were the most important decision in her life. Which, in that moment, it probably felt like it was.

Even if she managed to choose a wimpy paddle, he had other plans in mind for his naughty little girl. No matter her choice, he had every intention of ensuring she knew exactly how wrong she’d been.

And that there would be no doubt left in her mind she belonged to him.