Page 43 of Judging Julia

“Yes, sir. I was just apologizing to Hayleigh.”

Connor and Derek’s attention shifted to the other woman, but Owen’s blazing stare remained locked on Julia. it was clear he was still pissed at her for sneaking out, and her chest ached knowing she was leaving things so messy between them. But she couldn’t find it in her to regret what she’d done, even if he spent the rest of his life hating her for it.

“Hayleigh? You okay, jellybean?” Stepping away from the group, Conner captured her face in his large hands, forcing her attention up to him.

As if a switch had been flipped, Hayleigh relaxed, pulling her arms away from her middle to wrap her hands around his wrists. A pale pink stone on her left finger flashed under the bright lights of the lobby, and an all-too familiar jealousy churned in Julia’s stomach.

But almost as quickly as it came, the feeling faded. This was how things were meant to be. The love shining between the couple was impossible to miss. Hayleigh’s bright, happy smile was in place once more as she stared up at her Daddy. Connor’s expression, so full of love, exactly how —

Her mind skidded to a stop before the thought could fully form. Yes, Connor was looking at Hayleigh like she was his entire world, like she was the answer to every prayer he’d ever spoken. And yes, maybe Owen sometimes looked at her with that same expression on his face, but that absolutely did not mean he was in love with her. Going down that road would only lead to more heartbreak, so she pushed the thought firmly out of her mind.

As if her thoughts had summoned him to her side, an arm slipped around her waist, pulling her close. And even though she knew what they shared was coming to an end, she desperately needed the strength he so easily offered, so she allowed herself to lean on it, one last time.

Off to the side, Derek cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to him. “While I am glad Ms. Simmons took the initiative to offer Hayleigh an apology of her own accord, we still have the matter of the recommendation letter to deal with.”

Annoyed at having her decision questioned yet again, Julia shot him a glare. “I already told you, I don’t want it. I don’t deserve it.”

“Wait.” Stepping away from Connor, Hayleigh looked from Julia to Derek and back again, her brows furrowed together in confusion. “You refused the letter?”


“But…you apologized.”

“Yes. But it isn’t right for me to accept Connor’s recommendation in exchange for an apology you deserved, free of any kind of strings or reciprocation.”

Hayleigh narrowed her eyes. “So, what? You’re just going to walk away from an amazing opportunity out of this misguided sense of righteousness?”

“It’s not misguided. But yes, I am turning down the position at The Majestic. And I will be finding a new line of work.” Someday, she prayed it wouldn’t feel like her heart was being ripped from her chest to acknowledge what she was giving up.

“Well, that’s just stupid.”

“Hayleigh Anne!” Shock colored Connor’s tone as he scolded her, but Hayleigh brushed it off with an eye roll she was certainly going to pay for once he had her alone.

Taking another step forward, she jabbed a finger into Julia’s shoulder. “It’s stupid and I am not going to let you lay that guilt on me.”

“What? That’s not what I’m doing!”

“It absolutely is. You really think I want to go through the rest of my life knowing you sacrificed all your hopes and dreams out of some ridiculous attempt to make up for all the bullshit you put me through? Because I don’t.”

Julia opened her mouth to protest, but Hayleigh rolled on with barely a breath. “I refuse to let you be a martyr and put your issues on my conscience. I can forgive you for the bullying, the harassment, threatening to get Connor fired, all of it. But if you put this on me, if you force me to live the rest of my life with the weight of your stupid decisions, I will never forgive you for that. Got it?”

“Okay.” It sounded lame even to her own ears, but it was all Julia could think to say. “Okay. I won’t, then.”

“Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I’m late for my study group.” Turning on her heel, Hayleigh flounced off down the hall, leaving everyone staring at her retreating form.

“Well.” Connor recovered first, raking a hand through his hair, flashing them all a smile that was somehow proud and apologetic at the same time. “I guess I’ll have that letter to you on Monday, Julia.”

“I guess so.” Holy shit. Relief swamped her, her knees weak and her lungs suddenly incapable of drawing in air. “And I guess I should let Daniella know I’m accepting the position.”

“There will be time for that.” Owen, who had stood still and silent by her side during Hayleigh’s dressing-down, tightened his hold on her. “After we have our talk, little girl.”


From his watchful post just off to the side of the action, Derek grinned. “Do you still want me to see about getting you that room?”

“If you wouldn’t mind,” Owen confirmed, ignoring Julia’s squeak of protest. “We’ll be in the gift shop picking up a few things in the meantime.”

“I’ll come find you once the arrangements have been made.”