Page 39 of Judging Julia

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, but just barely, she acknowledged the order with a stiff nod and pushed up out of her chair. The temptation to make a run for it, to race back to the safety of her Daddy’s arms pulled at her, but she forced herself to walk into the adjacent office and shut the door behind her. If nothing else came of today, she was going to make her apologies and leave the Ranch with her head held high.

And then she could decide what to do with the rest of her life.


Gripping the long, thick toy with one hand, he rubbed it against her clit. The vibrations had her pupils dilating, her breath hitching with each teasing stroke.

“Are you going to come for Daddy, babygirl?”

“Y-yes Daddy.” Panting, moaning, she arched up, her loud cries of release filling the room as —

Cracking one eyelid open, Owen glared at the phone on his nightstand. The buzzing sound had obviously infiltrated his dream. And it had been a pretty awesome fucking dream. Making a mental note to reenact the final scene as soon as humanly possible, he reached for the device, clumsily pressing the button to answer the call.

“Coulson,” he answered with a grunt, his throat still rough with sleep.

“Owen. It’s Derek Hawkins. Are you perchance missing one naughty little girl?”

It took a moment for the words to sink in, but when they did, he bolted upright in bed, whipping his head around to search the bedroom. For a fraction of a second, his heart stopped, terror unlike anything he’d ever known digging its claws into his chest.

But common sense pushed through the fear and the worry. If Derek was calling and cracking jokes, then she obviously was with him. “Why the hell is she at Rawhide?”

“She came to apologize. Alone.”

“What?” Rubbing a hand over his face, he willed his mind to clear so he could focus on what Derek was saying. “Our appointment isn’t until tomorrow.”

“I know that. But she said it was something she needed to do by herself and after listening to what she had to say, I understand why she felt that way.”

“What? Why?”

“Because she is refusing to honor our agreement.”

“Refusing to — Goddammit, Derek, it’s six-thirty in the morning. Stop talking in riddles and just tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“Julia apologized for everything, as agreed upon. But she doesn’t want Connor’s letter of recommendation. She says she’s giving up being a chef.”

Stunned, it took him a moment to find his voice again. “What?”

“That’s what she said. But I had a feeling you might have something different to say about it, so I figured I would give you a call.”

“I’m on my way. Don’t let her say another word and if you value your life, you sure as hell won’t let her sign so much as a credit card receipt before I get there.”

“That’s pretty much what I thought you would say. I have her locked up in Erica’s office until you get here.”

“Good. Oh, and Derek?”


“I may need to borrow a room when I get there. And your heaviest paddle.”

Derek’s chuckle was filled with knowing amusement. “I believe we have some vacancies available.”