Page 27 of Judging Julia

Getting it back up the stairs, however, was a different story. It was too heavy for her to simply carry, so with each step, the machine bumped along behind her with a heavy thud.

She was halfway up when she heard his voice, stern but with a hint of amusement that had her temper sparking to life. “What on Earth are you doing, babygirl?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” she snapped, taking another bumping step towards her destination.

“Are you sure you read all the instructions before you started?”

Pausing her trek, she turned to glare at him. “Are you kidding me? I’d still be sitting there reading if I did that! I just read the first page, for the guest room, like a normal person.”

“Hmmm.” Owen climbed the stairs and held out a hand for the vacuum, which she begrudgingly handed over. “I think you may have missed something in the instructions, babygirl.”

“Like what?”

“Like the fact there is another vacuum cleaner in the guest bedroom closet to be used upstairs. Babs refused to have her girls haul this beast up and down the stairs, so I just bought another one for up there.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” The question burst out of her before she could think about it, and she immediately regretted it when the pale blue of his eyes darkened.

“I am not. And you are on thin ice with the language, little girl.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled, lowering her gaze so she wouldn’t have to see the annoyance in his.

“I know you’re frustrated, baby, but you need to learn to not take your frustrations out on the people around you. That’s part of the reason you are here this weekend.”

“I know. Can I go?” As much as she didn’t feel like spending her day cleaning, she had even less desire to spend it being lectured.

“Yes. I’ll come find you when lunch is ready.”

A pang of longing pierced her chest. What she wouldn’t give to spend the day in the kitchen, whipping up something amazing for them to share, instead of scrubbing the floors.

But obviously she hadn’t proved herself repentant enough yet, whatever that even meant, so she turned and headed back up the stairs. Sure enough, the closet in the guest bedroom was home to another, much newer vacuum cleaner. And even more annoyingly, the next line on the list specifically laid out where to find it.

Scanning the list for any other important tidbits, she froze at the very last item on the list.

You are doing amazing. I’m so proud of you. - Daddy

A dozen emotions slammed into her at once, forcing her down onto the bed to catch her breath. Flipping through the pages, she scanned each list. At some point on each page, there was a similar encouragement.

You are smart and talented. You can do incredible things. You are beautiful and kind.

Closing her eyes, she hugged the folder to her chest as if she could simply absorb his words through the plastic. Words she didn’t deserve, but oh, how she wished they were true.

When her system had finally settled again, she set the folder aside and went back to work. Maybe she didn’t deserve the praise, but she was going to do her best to earn it.