Page 51 of Daddy's Little Spy

“I guess.”

“No guessing. You splash some water on your face. I’m going to get your husband and knock some sense into him before I send him in here.”

“Wait!” Pushing to her feet, Rose threw her arms around Amara’s neck. “I’ve really fucking missed you.”

“I’ve really fucking missed you, too.” After another long squeeze, Amara gently pushed her away. “I’m going to get your man. You better tell him everything you just told me, or I swear I will put you over my knee myself.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Rose agreed with a watery giggle.

Taking Amara’s advice, she grabbed a towel from the cabinet and saturated it with cold water before pressing it to her heated cheeks and scrubbing away the remnants of her tears. She was nearly presentable again when the door pushed open and her husband filled the doorway.

“Cuore mio. What’s wrong?” Cupping her face with his hands, he lowered his head and she sighed at the soft brush of his lips against hers.

“Nothing. Everything,” she corrected with a forced laugh. My heart, he’d called her. When was the last time she’d heard those words from him?

“Are you tired of me?” The question seemed to explode from her lips, shocking her as much as it did him.

“Tired of you? How could I ever be tired of you, my love? You are my whole world.”

“It seems like the bakery is your whole world right now.” There. It may have been childish and bitter of her, but at least it was out in the open.

Of all the reactions she might have expected, she would never have anticipated the red creeping into his cheeks or the sheepish smile curving his lips. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“Surprise me? With what?”

“I hired a new manager at the bakery. Someone to take on the brunt of the paperwork so I can have more time with my little girl. We are also hiring a part-time baker to help with the more basic recipes.”


“Yes. I don’t want to spend a second more than I have to being away from you. As much as I love the bakery, I love you so much more.” Grinning now, he slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. “I thought we could take some trips, see the rest of Europe.”

Just knowing that he would hand over the smallest bit of control of his precious bakery was enough to soothe the anxiousness, the fear she’d been carrying with her these past few months. Looping her arms around his neck, she smiled up at him. “That sounds perfect.”

* * *

From the corner of his eye, Francesco watched his wife as she scanned the countryside during their drive back home. After their discussion in the bathroom, she’d been much more like herself. Happy, sarcastic, sassy, full of life.

Even when she shifted carefully in her seat, obviously feeling the plug he’d placed in her bottom after their talk, she radiated happiness.

Meanwhile, he was silently kicking himself for not getting more help at the bakery sooner. And for letting her think for even a single second that he was tired of her. Didn’t she know she carried his very heart with her wherever she went?

Well, if she hadn’t known before, he had every intention of making sure she knew tonight and every day after that the universe saw fit to bless them with.

Parking in front of the villa they’d purchased just a few months ago, he killed the engine and turned to her. “I want you in our bed, naked and on your tummy waiting for me when I get inside.”

He’d expected a bit of an argument, or at least some sass, but all he got was a flash of her brilliant smile. “Yes, Daddy.”

Giving her time to get ready, and to drag out the anticipation just a bit, he carried the boxes of leftovers his aunt had pushed on them into the house and took his time putting everything away. When he was certain she’d be a bundle of nervous energy, he made his way back to the bedroom.

And there she was. All long, lean lines and gentle, sloping curves with the jeweled base of the plug peeking out from between her bottom cheeks. She’d filled out a bit during their time here since she wasn’t nearly as active as she’d been as a cop, but he wasn’t complaining.

“Good girl,” he praised softly, running his hand over the rise of her bottom. “I’m sorry I haven’t been a very good husband the past few months. Or a good daddy.”

“It’s okay. I understand.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Because I realized I have let quite a few things slip lately, haven’t I, bambolina?”

Beneath his hand, she squirmed, her ass instinctively clenching and then relaxing again. “What do you mean?”