Swallowing the Tums she’d snuck from a medicine cabinet, Diana rubbed at her stomach and wondered if she’d given herself an ulcer. It was the only thing she could think of to explain the constant burning in her gut.
“You did the right thing, Clarke,” she told her reflection.
But if she’d done the right thing, why did she feel this persistent, nagging guilt? It was there with her, a constant companion whenever Amara shared another little piece of her life. When Emilio snuck her a slice of cake, even after her daddy said she’d had enough.
When Benito woke her in the morning with his gentle, yet demanding touch, her name on his lips like a prayer as he drove them both wild with need.
None of that erased what they’d done, as much as she wanted it to. So, even though it was slowly killing her, she kept her mouth shut about what she’d done. Hell, she didn’t even know if her information had made it into the right hands. Maybe she was worrying over nothing.
Which was a problem all on its own. How the hell was she supposed to just sit around, waiting to see what happened? She’d end up driving herself crazy until they returned.
Not to mention what would happen to her if her tip had made it into the right hands, but the trio managed to avoid being arrested. She was absolutely certain her punishment for this level of betrayal would be unlike anything she’d experienced at Benito’s hands so far. Sitting around, waiting to discover her fate, would drive her crazy before the night was over.
And that was how she’d found herself dressed head to toe in black, sneaking into the garage after Emilio, Amara, and Benito had all left for the drop. One of the men was meant to be watching her, but she’d given him the slip by claiming “female problems” and asking to be left alone for a while. Thank god for the predictability of men.
Snatching the first pair of keys she found from the cabinet by the door, she hit the lock button, wincing when the beep echoed around the cavernous garage. She held her breath, straining to listen for the sound of footsteps running her way. When she didn’t hear any, she relaxed and hurried toward the snappy little convertible at the end of the row.
Well, at least she’d be able to watch her betrayal go down in style.
“You did your job,” she muttered to herself as she slipped behind the wheel and hit the push-start button. “You are a good cop, and you did what you had to do.”
The mini pep-talk didn’t ease the churning of her stomach or the hum of her nerves. Every part of her felt like it was on high alert as she backed the car out of its spot and out of the garage.
Even when she’d somehow made it down the driveway and onto the street without sounding the alarm, her system wouldn’t settle.
Too easy, a little voice whispered. Something is wrong. Too damn easy.
Maybe it was. Maybe she was walking straight into a trap. But she had to know.
When she hit the interstate, she slammed her foot down on the gas, not even bothering to glance at the speedometer as she wove in and out of traffic. The thrill of the chase took over, adrenaline pumping through her veins and filling her with a familiar excitement.
She rode the high all the way to her exit. The temptation to simply keep driving, to keep going until the car ran out of gas and then just walk until her legs gave out was strong. But she hadn’t come this far to turn tail and run at the last minute.
The excitement she’d found while racing down the highway gave way once again to nerves and fear when she parked the car a block away from her destination. Without giving herself time to chicken out, she shoved out of the car and headed for the docks.
* * *
“Is she on her way?” Impatience laced Amara’s tone as she shoved her hands in her pockets, then pulled them out again, like she wasn’t quite sure what to do with them.
Frowning at his phone, Benny watched the little dot racing down the interstate. “Yes. And I’m going to whip her ass raw once this is all over. I knew we should have hidden the keys to your car.”
Grinning, Emilio captured Amara’s hands in his own, lifting them so he could brush his lips across her knuckles. The gesture calmed her instantly and she shot him a look so full of love and gratitude, it made Benny’s heart ache.
Would Diana ever look at him that way? Especially after tonight?
“Let her have her fun, cousin. You only live once, right?”
With a glare for Emilio, Benny shoved his phone back into the pocket of his coat. “And I suppose you wouldn’t be threatening Amara with the same if she was doing damn near a hundred and ten in that little death trap?”
Emilio’s eyebrows raised and Amara giggled quietly. “Oh, I absolutely would,” Emilio conceded, sending his wife a stern look of his own. “So don’t go getting any ideas, piccolina.”
But judging by the mischievous glint in Amara’s eyes, she’d be testing that particular threat the first chance she got.
“Just remember, Benny, you’re the one who dropped the breadcrumbs. You can’t be angry with her for following them.” Amara’s teasing smile faded. “I still don’t know why she needs to be here. You’ve already said your vows. She’s yours.”
Another twist of the knife buried in his heart. Lying to Amara was almost as hard as lying to his own wife. “I told you. It’s just some additional insurance. We don’t want her changing her mind, do we?”