“I, um.” She licked her suddenly dry lips, wishing she had the willpower to look anywhere but straight at him. Those eyes seemed to see far more than she was comfortable with. “I drank coffee after you said not to.”
“How many times?”
“Five,” she whispered, a strange sense of shame washing over her.
“After your spanking, you’ll get ten with the belt: two for each time you deliberately disobeyed me.”
A low whine escaped, and she immediately rolled her lips together to stop the humiliating sound.
“No, bambolina.” The thumb at her chin moved to her bottom lip, tugging until her mouth opened. “You will not hide yourself from me. Every sound you make, every whimper of pain, every scream of pleasure, belongs to me. You will not deny me. Do you understand?”
She was about to scream, but more out of frustration than anything else. He’d barely touched her and she was already more turned on than she could ever remember being in her life. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Go take your blazer off and lay it over the back of the armchair in the corner. Then come back here and place your hands on your head. Daddy is going to bare your bottom. If you move out of position, I have a fridge full of ginger just waiting for a naughty little bottom.”
As if she was moving through water, she slowly obeyed, silently thanking her foresight in locking her service weapon up before she’d left the precinct for dinner. When the blazer was carefully draped across the back of the leather armchair, she returned to his side and reluctantly laced her hands behind her head. There was little doubt in her mind that if they played this little game much longer, she was going to learn firsthand about the ginger he kept threatening her with, but she wasn’t quite brave enough to risk pushing him that far tonight. Not before she knew exactly what she’d gotten herself into.
A soft tug, and a moment later her ass clenched as her pants were pushed to her knees. Two fingers hooked into the waistband of her panties, slowly pulling them down over her ass and thighs until they were bunched with her pants, leaving her completely exposed from the top of her freshly shaved pussy to her knees. Instinct urged her to cover up, but the threats lingering in the back of her mind stopped her from moving out of position.
Benito lowered himself onto the chair and patted his knee. “Over you go, bambolina. You may move your hands now.”
Now or never, Clarke. With another deep breath, she shifted forward, draping herself over his lap. Slender muscles were hard as rock beneath her belly, and she shivered when he stroked a hand over her bare ass.
Without warning, his hand lifted from her skin, connecting again a moment later with a pain so sudden and sharp she sucked in air and released it with a squeal. He gave her no time to recover before another swat landed, and then another.
Holy fucking hell. She had been wholly unprepared for how much this was going to hurt. It was an embarrassingly short time before she lost the ability to simply lie there and accept her punishment.
Howling at a particularly painful swat to her upper thigh, she threw her hand back to block any further attacks. But Benito paused only long enough to thread his fingers through hers and pin her hand to the small of her back before beginning the assault again.
“Stop, stop! It’s too much, it hurts!”
“Then I hope you’re learning your lesson and we won’t have to repeat this punishment.” His voice was as calm and steady as ever, and she realized with a rush of horror that he was barely exerting himself. Which meant this could easily be worse — a whole hell of a lot worse.
“I am, we won’t, I promise!”
“You promise… who, Diana? Who am I?”
She knew what he wanted, and still she hesitated. The brief pause between question and answer earned her a flurry of particularly nasty swats to the bottom curve of her ass, and she screamed out her response. “Daddy! I promise, Daddy!”
“That’s right. And when Daddy gives you a rule, he expects you to follow it. Are you going to be a good girl for Daddy now?”
“Yes, Daddy!”
“Good girl.” And just as quickly as it started, the spanking ended, and the hand that had so thoroughly punished her returned to gently stroking her inflamed skin. Then lower, his fingertips brushing against the swollen lips of her pussy.
The arousal she’d forgotten about during her spanking came roaring back to life and she lifted her hips, desperately seeking relief.
She nearly wept when he slid a finger inside of her, stroking at her sensitive inner walls.
“Did my naughty girl enjoy her punishment?”
“Really?” Amusement colored his tone as he pulled his finger from her to circle her painfully swollen clit. “Your body says otherwise, bambolina. Poor little brat, so hot and wet from her spanking. Would you like to come, little one?”
More than she wanted her next breath. “Yes, god, please.”
“I’m flattered by the upgrade, but Daddy is perfectly fine,” he teased with a quiet laugh.