Something in his chest constricted. It felt as though they weren’t just talking about her behavior anymore. “It would be easier if that were always true, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes. We have rules for a reason.”
“So why did you do it, then?”
More surprise, followed by her fingers picking at the lace hem of her dress. “I dunno.”
“I think you do. And we aren’t starting your spanking until you can tell me why.”
Just like when he’d waited for her to take his hand in the kitchen, this moment felt bigger than just a scene between a Daddy and his little girl. It felt huge. Important. Life-changing.
“But I don’t know why. We’d had some wine and it just seemed like a good idea.”
“Even though you knew you were both likely to get in trouble?”
“Why did it seem like a good idea?” he pressed. He wasn’t even sure why, but something inside of him told him to push. To force her to confront whatever truth they were currently dancing around.
Temper flared in her dark eyes and he could have sworn she nearly stomped her foot. “I don’t know!”
“I think you do know. You say rules matter, but you keep breaking them. On purpose. Why?”
Her mouth settled into mutinous lines. “Maybe they’re stupid rules.”
“So it’s all right for people to break rules they don’t agree with?”
“No.” Obviously flustered by his observation, she scowled. “That’s not what I said.”
“Why do you think the rules are stupid?”
Now she did stomp her foot. And glared daggers at him. “I don’t know.”
Sensing that pushing any more at the moment would just lead to both of them being annoyed and frustrated, he straightened in the chair and patted his left knee. “All right. Over you go, then.”
She practically threw herself over his lap. Flipping the dress up over her back, he grinned when he found her naked underneath. He ran the tips of his fingers over the swell of her bottom, delighted when she quivered at his touch.
“Do you want Daddy to punish you, Diana?”
There was a brief silence, and he wondered if she was struggling because she didn’t want the spanking or because she did. “Yes, Daddy. Please punish me so I can be a good girl again.”
Oh, his poor, sweet little warrior of justice. Lifting his hand, he brought it down on her bottom. Not hard enough to really hurt, but enough to sting and turn the skin a pale pink. He repeated the action on her opposite cheek before rubbing at the twin spots.
Conflicting courses of action warred within him. On the one hand, he had a duty as her Daddy to punish any naughty behavior. On the other, he wanted to make a point. He wanted her to know that sometimes, people broke rules because they felt it was the best thing for everybody.
Or, if he was being brutally honest with himself, he just wanted her to stop looking at him like he was a common fucking criminal. For her to see him when she looked in his eyes, and not just the crimes he’d committed.
It was the first time in his life he’d been tempted to let a submissive under his care off the hook without some form of correction. And even as he wrestled with the possibility, he recognized how incredibly selfish it was.
Diana would never be able to move past this moment, no matter how small the infraction, if she wasn’t properly punished for it. She simply wasn’t built that way. His little girl had staked her entire life on a system of checks and balances, and she needed some semblance of justice in her world. And it was her peace of mind that mattered just then, not his.
With that in mind, he set about delivering a lesson she would remember at least the rest of the evening. Before long, she was squirming and kicking over his knee, promising to be good forever. But she never once asked him to stop, and he didn’t so much as pause until her entire bottom and the tops of her thighs were a nice, deep pink.
It was by no means the hardest spanking he’d ever given. But when he helped her up to sit on his lap, she curled into him with a quiet sigh and said, “Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, little one. Do you feel better?”
“Uh huh. I’m sorry I was naughty.”
“All’s forgiven. And now that you’ve been punished, you can have a treat.”
She immediately sat up, her eyes going bright. “A treat?”
“Yes.” Cradling her in his arms, he pushed to his feet and carried her to the bed. “Good girls get rewards. Like Daddy’s mouth on their pretty pussies. Would you like that, bambolina?”
Excitement and need burned in her gaze. “Yes, please!”
Pushing her legs wide, he lowered his head and gave her the promised reward. And then again, and again, until he lost count and her screams of pleasure had become incoherent sobs. When she was limp and sated, he took her, rocking her gently toward another orgasm, this time tumbling over the edge with her.
And when they slept, he dreamt of a cage slamming shut around him, Diana on the outside in her pretty little dress, her eyes cold and hard as she turned the key.