The overly calm tone sent alarm bells ringing in the back of her mind. “It burns! Please take it out!”
“Then it’s working. Stay right there. I need to go clean up and then I’ll be right back.”
“What? You can’t just leave me here!”
The only response to her screeched protest was the sound of his footsteps retreating, followed by running water.
Fury sparked inside of her, matching the heat of whatever he’d shoved in her ass. “Benito! Take it out, right now, you sadistic son of a bitch!”
“Excuse me?” The ice in his tone was absolute zero, freezing even the inferno of her anger. “What did you just say to me?”
Oh, shit. “I-I’m sorry, Daddy, it just hurts so much.”
“And it’s going to continue to burn for as long as I want it to. Do you know why, Diana?”
“Because I was naughty?”
“Yes. And because I am your Daddy. Which means I decide when your punishment is over, not you. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, her core trembling with fear at the cold fury in his voice.
“Good. Now, since you seem to think you’re a big girl who can talk to her Daddy however she wants, I think a big girl punishment is in order. Roll over.”
She scrambled to obey, even as his words elicited a strange mixture of excitement and dread. How was a big girl punishment different from what he’d done to her so far?
Very different, she quickly discovered. As soon as she was in position, she felt the weight of him settling on her chest, and the warm, thick head of his cock pressing against her lips.
“Open, Diana, and show Daddy how big girls use their naughty mouths.”
Lips trembling, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest, she obeyed. The long, hard, silky length of him filled her mouth and she gagged when he bumped up against the back of her throat.
“That’s my good girl,” he crooned as he pulled out of her mouth, allowing her a few deep gulps of air.
The reprieve was short, and then he was fucking her mouth again, more shallowly this time, but hard enough to make her gag, for her to feel the drool dripping down her chin as he used her.
And even through the pain, the humiliation, her body burned for him. Ached for his touch, for the screaming release she knew he could give her.
Pulling away again, he gripped her hair, dragging her head back as she gulped air down her burning throat. “What is your mouth for, Diana? Is your mouth for naughty words and calling your Daddy names?”
“No, Daddy.”
“Then what is it for?”
The warm, wet head rubbing across her lips gave her a hint as to what her response was meant to be. “Daddy’s c-cock?”
“That’s right.” There was pride in the growled response, and she felt it fill some dark, hidden space in her just as his cock filled her mouth again. “This” — he thrust all the way in again, cutting off her air supply — “is how good little girls use their mouths.”
Another few thrusts and then the hot, salty taste of him spilled down her throat. By the time he climbed off of her, every inch of her mouth and throat burned as though it had been branded by his cock.
And still, she wanted more. More pain, more punishment, more humiliation. More of the boundless pleasure only he seemed capable of giving her.
“Back on your knees. We still haven’t finished your punishment for lying to my face over and over again.”
He’d lied to her, too, but it didn’t seem like a good time to mention that. There was no doubt in her mind that he could find equally unpleasant ways to punish her if she backtalked him again. So she rolled over again, whimpering softly at the twinges she could already feel in her muscles as she returned to her original position.
Something smooth and hard tapped against her upturned ass and she clenched in response, reigniting the fire from whatever he’d shoved inside of her earlier. A quiet sob escaped, and she could already feel tears soaking her blindfold.
“I understand why you felt you needed to lie.” His voice was surprisingly gentle and understanding. “And I know I’ve been less than forthcoming with you, as well, so I am going easy on you tonight. Ten with the paddle. But if the need arises to have this discussion again, you will be over my knee for a very, very long time. Do we have an understanding, Diana?”