Page 26 of Daddy's Little Spy


Standing off to the side of the living room, Benito watched some of the most dangerous and powerful men and women in a hundred-mile radius talk and laugh as if they hadn’t all spent the day dealing in death and crime. It was a monthly event, a tradition their grandfather had started in order to build a sense of camaraderie across the local crime families. It hadn’t entirely prevented feuds from happening, but it certainly went a long way towards easing tensions between the different groups. So, Emilio kept the tradition. One night a month, no business, just the heads of each family coming to enjoy some good food and friendly conversation.

And any minute now, Diana would be walking straight into the lion’s den. What the hell was he doing? It was all part of the plan, one he’d painstakingly drawn out with both Emilio and Amara, but suddenly the thought of seeing her with these people made his skin crawl.

As though he’d conjured her with the power of his daydreams, there she was. Walking through the front door, the sapphire silk clinging to her curves, highlighting the pale creaminess of her skin in contrast. Her dark hair was twisted up on her head, leaving the long, slender column of her neck exposed.

Poised in the foyer, she looked around, her expression anxious as she searched the crowd. Pleasure at seeing her again clashed with fury that she was here, surrounded by people who would gladly kill her without a second thought. It didn’t matter that he was the reason she was here, it pissed him off all the same.

The fury must have shown in his expression, judging by the way her eyes widened when they met his. Without bothering to excuse himself from the conversation he’d been politely listening to, he wove his way through the small crowd to where she stood frozen like the proverbial deer caught in headlights.

Cupping her elbow, he silently guided her away from the party to Emilio’s office. Once they were safely locked in, he spun her around, crushing her to him as his lips descended on hers. The need to take, to own, to claim, overwhelmed him. He wove his fingers into her hair, destroying the sexy arrangement when he yanked, pulling her head back so he could sink his teeth into the taut skin of her neck. Her cry of shocked pain echoed around the small room, feeding the beast inside of him instead of soothing it.

“Benito! What has gotten into you?”

He nipped his way up her neck to her ear, his mind searching for something to say to explain his caveman-like behavior. “You really thought you could just waltz in here, dressed like this, and there wouldn’t be consequences?”

“What’s wrong with my dress?” Her voice was a soft, thready whisper, breathless with a need that echoed his own.

Turning with her, he maneuvered them to the deep, wide chairs in front of Emilio’s desk. The thin scrap of lace she called underwear gave easily when he ripped at it and he shoved the remnants into his pocket, ignoring her shocked gasp.

“Sit,” he ordered, his breathing ragged and uneven as he waited to see if she would obey. He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed when she dropped into the chair and glared up at him.

“Do you have any idea how much that underwear cost?”

Lowering himself to his knees in front of her, he met her glare with a cold stare of his own. “I’ll replace them. Open.”

“That’s not the point - oh!” Her argument cut off on a gasp when he placed his hands on her knees and shoved them apart, baring her to him. Lowering his head, he ran his tongue up between her soaked pussy lips, capturing her swollen clit between his teeth.

Slender fingers gripped his hair, urging him to continue. Encouragement he didn’t need, as his own desire to hear her scream his name spurred him on as he licked and teased, nipped and suckled, until she was a wild, writhing thing under him.

“Ben… Benny… Daddy! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!”

He didn’t stop until he felt her go limp in the chair, until he was certain he’d drained every ounce of pleasure and strength from her very bones. And even then, it was merely a pause long enough for him to pull her to her feet and bend her over the arm of the chair. Swearing under his breath, he fumbled with his pants until his cock sprang free and he could drive into her. Soft whimpers turned to gasps when he gripped her hair again, pulling her head back.

“You belong to me, Diana. Every inch of your body, from your hair, to your sweet ass and pussy, right down to your toes is mine. Do you understand me, little girl?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Part gasp, part groan, the sound of his title on her lips was the sweetest high he’d ever experienced.

And still it wasn’t enough to banish the uncertainty, the unease that had settled at the base of his spine. Releasing her hair, he pushed the blue silk up over her hips, watching each movement as he branded her. He pressed the tip of one thumb against the crinkled hole of her anus, a dark sort of triumph filling him when she cried out in protest.

“I can’t wait to fuck you here, bambolina. And then you will truly be mine.”

He came to the sound of her whining denial, and the walls of her pussy milking his cock as she came again.

With more than a little reluctance, he slipped from her and tucked his cock back inside his dress pants. When he felt steady again, he picked up his nearly unconscious woman and carried her to his bedroom, where he used a pair of leather cuffs to secure her to the bed.

“Sleep, little one. I’ll explain everything when you wake up.”

* * *

Benito headed for Emilio’s office to pour himself a glass of the good whiskey his cousin tended to hide from their guests. He was halfway through a second glass when the door opened and Amara slipped inside.

“What’s wrong?” Concern was etched into every line of her face. “Where is Diana? I saw her and then you both disappeared.”

“Downstairs, taking a nap.” He glared down at the honey-colored liquid in his glass. “I should get back to her before she wakes up.”

“I think we should call off the plan.”