Page 88 of Daddy's Way

Chapter Twenty-Four

Sitting on a hard diningroom chair with her hands bound behind the wooden slats, Olivia studied her captors. MaryAnn, with her sweet, mousy face, which had gone completely white after her friend had tied Olivia to the chair.

And then there was the man. The more she looked at him, the more she was convinced she knew him. He seemed familiar somehow, but she couldn’t for the life of her figure out how she knew him.

And she may never get a chance to figure it out, if he kept waving that damn gun around. The idiot was going to kill her before he got a chance to kill her.

“Bobby, I don’t know about this. You said you just wanted to talk to her.” Eyeing Olivia uncertainly, MaryAnn twisted her fingers together in front of her.

‘Bobby’ smiled, but there was no warmth in it. “I do want to talk to her, baby.” Moving behind MaryAnn, he slid an arm around her waist, all while keeping his eyes locked on Olivia. “I want to talk to her about the way she’s treated you. Swearing at you, berating you for the tiniest little mistakes. Remember that, MaryAnn? Remember how she talked down to you, made you feel like nothing?”

Fuck. Olivia felt her chances of survival slipping away when MaryAnn frowned and nodded.

“She did do all of that. But I don’t want to kill her.”

“But don’t you?” Bobby released his hold on her and walked over to the chair. Raising the gun high, he grinned at Olivia before swinging his hand down.

The back of his hand connected with her cheek, hard enough to snap her head back and have her tasting blood. From across the room, MaryAnn whimpered but didn’t move to intervene.

“Women like her, whores who spread their legs to get ahead, they think they’re better than everyone else.” Using the tip of the pistol, Bobby lifted Olivia’s chin up so she was forced to look at him. “You really think you’d be top bitch if you weren’t sucking your broker’s cock on a regular basis, Olivia?”

A laugh, bitter and slightly hysterical, escaped before she could stop it. “That’s what this is about? You’re pissed I’m better at my job than you are?” It hit her, then, where she knew him from. “Wait. You’re that guy James interviewed. The one he said he wouldn’t hire to sell doghouses on the side of the road.”

“He didn’t hire me because he can’t shove his cock between my legs whenever he wants!”

“If that’s what you have to tell yourself.” Olivia shrugged. “But I’m sure our other agents would be rather surprised to learn of their new job duties. Especially Randall.”

“Shut up!” Even though she saw the next blow coming, she was helpless to stop it. Pain radiated through her skull and her vision darkened at the edges when the butt of the gun connected again with her cheek.

MaryAnn’s shocked gasp distracted Bobby and he crossed the room to her, taking her in his arms. “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to upset you. But she had that coming. You heard the way she talked to me.”

“MaryAnn. Please.” Head swimming with pain, Olivia fought to focus on the figures across the room. “Let me go. I swear I won’t tell anyone you were involved.”

“I’ve heard enough of your lies. Hold this.” Bobby thrust the gun into MaryAnn’s hand and pulled a length of rope from his jacket pocket. He stalked over to the chair Olivia was bound to and dropped the rope around her neck.

The rough, prickly cable pressing into her skin reignited the fight in her. Ignoring the pain in her cheek and the burn of the rope digging into her wrists, she jerked against her bonds.

“Fight me all you want, bitch. I won.” His voice dropped to a hoarse whisper, tinged with madness. “I beat you.”

He pulled tighter, completely cutting off her air. The world began to darken, her lungs felt like they were going to burst. This was it. She was going to die here. She’d never see James again, never feel his lips on hers. She was never going to see Bryant and Shannon get married.

Something exploded in the room, and the pressure around her neck disappeared. Warm, wet stickiness splattered her cheek. Gasping for air, Olivia whipped her head around, looking for her rescuer.

She found only MaryAnn, still standing in the same spot, the gun pointed just over Olivia’s head.

Behind her, she heard someone groan. Twisting her head around, she spotted Bobby rolling on the floor, clutching his shoulder.

Before she could begin to process what had happened, the front door burst open. “Police! Drop the weapon, now!”

MaryAnn complied immediately, crouching to place the gun on the floor before thrusting her hands into the air. As soon as the weapon was on the floor, Detective Rogers moved in, nudging it away with her foot. “Face down, hands on your head!”

“It wasn’t her!”

Detective Rogers flicked a glance toward Olivia. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. She saved me.” Olivia jerked her head toward the moaning figure behind her. “He’s the one you want, he tried to kill me.”

“Okay. What’s her name?”