“It’s beautiful. We’re going to have a hotel in Santa Cruz?” I’ve been studying the company and I definitely don’t remember seeing Santa Cruz on the list of hotels or properties we own.

“Yeah, I guess Mr. Clarke and Mr. Osman are working on the final negotiations to buy some land there. I think we’ve revised this thing at least ten times and we don’t even have the property yet.”

“That’s a lot of work for something that’s not a sure thing.”

He shrugs at me and says, “You know how it is, what Mr. Clarke wants, Mr. Clarke gets.” I give him a tight-lipped smile. The last thing I want to do is discuss my boss, even if this guy seems pretty nice. “So anyway,” he continues when I don’t chime in, “since it’s Friday night, some of us are getting together and going down to the Radiator Whiskey after work, get a few drinks, unwind. You up for some fun tonight?”

“Actually, I’m not sure what time Mr. Clarke is leaving tonight and I have to stay here until he leaves. Another time?”

“Oh, come on, Hollie.” He stands up and looks at me straight on. He’s giving me his best puppy dog face and I can’t help but let out a giggle. Lucas is a bit of a charmer. “You’ve got to meet some new people,” he says. “I bet you haven’t even been off this floor yet. Come with us and I’ll introduce you to some people in my department. Plus, I think there’ll be some people from marketing there too.”

That piques my interest. It can’t hurt to make some connections in the marketing department, since that’s where I want to end up eventually. Plus, Lucas seems nice. He looks like a bit of a playboy, but a girl can never have too many friends. I’m about to tell him I’ll try to make it when I hear a deep voice from behind him.

“Excuse me. Don’t you both have some work you should be doing?” Lucas turns and we both stare at Archer, who is now standing directly behind Lucas, arms crossed in front of his chest. I’m not sure how tall Lucas is, but Archer towers over him, making him seem small.

Before I can say anything, Lucas jumps to my rescue. “Mr. Clarke, I’m just here to bring you the latest rendering of the Santa Cruz property.” He yanks up the poster board and shows it to Archer, who doesn’t even bother glancing at it before plucking it from his hands.

He pins his cold and assessing gaze on Lucas even as he addresses me. “Miss. Simmons, I’m going to need you to stay late tonight. I’ve had some things come up that we need to handle before the weekend.”

“Sure, Mr. Clarke.” What else can I say? That it’s Friday night and I want to go out drinking with his other employees? Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to fly with him. He remains fixed where he is, his eyes never leaving Lucas.

“So, I guess I’ll be going,” Lucas says as he makes his way towards the elevator before looking over his shoulder at me. “Rain check, Hollie? I’ll shoot you an email.” Did he just give me a wink?

The expression on Archer’s face turns almost murderous. If his eyes were lasers, Lucas would be cut in half, bleeding out on the expensive carpeting. “Sure,” I mumble as my gaze bounces back and forth between the two of them. Once Lucas is out of sight, Archer turns his attention to me.

“Miss. Simmons, my office.” He strides past me, and I quickly grab my notepad and jump up to follow after him. I guess his meeting didn’t go well.

I trail behind him into his office and perch on the edge of my usual chair, ready to jot down notes on whatever takeaways he has from his meeting.

“Miss. Simmons, you signed all the paperwork that was given to you by Human Resources, correct?”

“Of course.” I wonder where this is going. I lay the pen across my notebook and wait for him to continue.

“Then I’m sure you read and made note of our company’s no fraternization clause.”

My head rears back slightly. No fraternization clause? Thoughts quickly go flying through my head.

What no fraternization clause?

Why is he bringing this up?

Did he hear Lucas ask me to happy hour?

Does he think I’m running around “fraternizing” with a bunch of his employees?

“I don’t recall seeing that in the handbook.”

“Then I suggest you pay closer attention to what you’re signing in the future. What would your boyfriend think if he heard the conversation you were having?”

Wait. What? Why is he asking about my boyfriend? This conversation has taken a distinctly unprofessional turn. Is he fishing for information? He wants to know if I have a boyfriend?

Of course not, Hollie!He’s probably concerned about a sexual harassment lawsuit. His eyebrow is raised, and he’s silently leaning back in his chair, his gaze unwavering. Apparently, he actually expects me to answer that.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” I admit, feeling a blush stain my cheeks and travel down my chest. I’m sure he thinks I’m a loser for not having a boyfriend. Just as quickly as the embarrassment starts, it turns to annoyance. My personal life is none of this man’s business.

“Well,” he clears his throat and leans forward, “I want to make sure you’re concentrating on what I need and not with the little boys wandering the building.”

“Mr. Clarke, he was only here to drop offyourbuilding schematics. The conversation took two minutes, tops. I’m aware of my job and have no plans on shirking my duties to you or this company.” I raise my head up, practically begging him to challenge my work ethic again.