I can hear her snort in my ear. “Oh. APersonal Assistant,” she practically sneers at me. “That’s the way those rich men operate. They just want a pretty little thing to warm their beds and hang on their arms. Then he’ll dump you and leave you all alone with a kid and nothing else to show for it. Believe me, I know.”

I sigh into the phone. She’s talking about herself again. I’ve heard this rant about successful men many times in my life. My father was one of those men and he left her high and dry. But not every successful businessman was like that. Right? Besides, it doesn’t matter. I have zero intention of letting anything inappropriate happen between Archer Clarke and me. Plus, let’s be honest, I’m not exactly his type.

“It’s not like that, Mom. I’m just his personal assistant, that’s it. There’s no way I’m sleeping with him. You taught me better than that.” Maybe complimenting her horrible parenting will get her to stop this line of conversation.

“Your sister needs some more books for her English class and there’s a fee for her upcoming school trip, so we’ll need you to send some money right away.”

“Of course, Mom, I’ll make sure Paige has everything she needs.” I really don’t want to ask the next question, but I do anyway. “How’s the rent? Is it up to date?” I reach my old and dented sedan and lean up against it, waiting for her response.

“Well, it’s a little behind. You know how it goes. There’s always some unexpected expense that comes up.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, letting my head thump against the roof of my car. “Yeah, Mom, I get it. No problem. When I get my first paycheck, I’ll send you guys as much as I can.”

“Thanks honey, I gotta go. Jeff is coming over.” Ah yes, the loser boyfriend, Jeff. I’m pretty sure that this one doesn’t even have a job, or if he does, it’s as her dealer. That he’s coming over in the middle of the day on a Friday speaks volumes. She sure knows how to pick ‘em.

“Bye, Mom,” I say, but the line is already dead. Of course. I toss the phone back into my purse, unlock the door, and slide into the driver's seat. I won’t let her get to me. Paige needs me and despite everything, my mother is basically my only parent. I can’t abandon either of them.

Pulling out into the congested downtown Seattle traffic, I head for home, hoping my two roommates aren’t there yet. I absolutely adore them, but I need some time to shake off the fog my mom’s call has left me in. As I turn onto the highway, it starts to rain.



What. The. Fuck.

My eyes are still glued to the door she’s escaped through. I shake my head, trying to get my thoughts in order. Reaching down to adjust the hard length in my slacks, I let out a low groan. I’ve never had this kind of reaction to a woman before. Certainly not from merely being in her presence.

The moment Hollie Simmons opened the door and stepped into my office, I was hit with the intoxicating smell of honeysuckles. It reminded me of summer vacations and sunshine. The fragrance had clouded my mind, made my heart rate pick up and my dick twitch. I had to keep my eyes down on my paperwork while trying to get control of my emotions. I even tried ignoring her for a time while I got a grip on myself.

Once I had that moment of insanity smoothed over, I looked up and saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. My dick was at attention. Again.Fuck.

Her honey blonde hair was pulled up into a neat bun on the top of her head. My fingers itched to reach across the desk and pull the pins out so that I could see the hair fall around her shoulders. I wonder how long it is. I knew it would feel as soft as silk in my hands. She was in a professional but prim outfit of a blazer, skirt, and blouse. Her white blouse was buttoned up to the tantalizing hollow of her throat, covering her completely. That didn’t stop me from imagining what her obviously curvy body would look like out of it, preferably spread out wide on my desk. I was certain her breasts would overfill my hands. The demure outfit was more tantalizing to my imagination than if she had walked in with a miniskirt and breasts hanging out. Not that I would mind seeing that either.

There was so much blood in the lower half of my body that my head spun. Women didn’t do this to me. I had way too much control for that. Of course I appreciated a beautiful woman and occasionally took them to bed, but this kind of feral reaction is unheard of for me.

What the fuck was I thinking? I shouldn’t have hired her as my assistant. She is going to be far too distracting. I should have created a job in the marketing department for her. I’m sure that Claire could use the help. Or better yet, I should have just told her that there was nothing here for her and sent her on her way. But I truly was in a bind with no personal assistant.

My latest PA, Jeremy I think, had quit first thing this morning, which was really quite rude of him. If he had told me last night, I could have gotten a temp for the day. People say that I am demanding, unreasonable, and intolerant. I think those people are lazy. I merely have exacting standards for not only myself, but for everyone that works for me. There is nothing wrong with that. I pay well and if I can work a fourteen-hour day, so can they.

With any luck, Miss. Hollie Simmons would crash and burn within the first few weeks, just like the rest of them. I am working on the most important deal of my career and can’t afford any distractions right now. Especially not a blonde, curvy distraction that I absolutely cannot touch. Besides the fact that she is most likely ten years younger than me, she is also now my employee. I am many things, but I won’t be the creepy boss hitting on his young secretary.

There is a knock at my door and for a second, hope blooms in my chest that Hollie has come back. Perhaps she has forgotten something? I push the feeling down and tell the knocker to come in.

The door opens and my CFO, Richard Osman, swiftly enters the room. Richard had been working at Clarke Hotels when my father ran the company before his death and I find his council invaluable. However, at the moment, I am annoyed he has interrupted my thoughts of Hollie.Get it together, man!

Richard settles into the seat that was recently vacated by Miss. Simmons. “How is the Santa Cruz deal coming along?” he asks. Yes, the Santa Cruz deal. I’ve had my eye on that piece of property for years and it is finally up for sale. At this point, it is almost an obsession. I want that land and I want to build a Clarke Hotel Luxury Resort there. It would be a flagship hotel for us. It is the start of a new venture for Clarke Hotels, breaking out of the boutique hotel business and into that of vacation resorts.

“It’s going well. I’ve been moving around some of our resources for the purchase of the land and the subsequent building of the hotel. As you well know.”

He leans forward in his chair, bracing his forearms on his legs, and gives me an assessing stare. I’ve been exceedingly careful to keep this deal hush hush. Only a select few employees and the members of the board know about it. They were reluctant at first to commit so many of our resources to this venture, but I had convinced them this is the best direction for us. I am staking not only the company, but my reputation on this deal.

“You didn’t come in here just to ask me how the deal is going. You’re the CFO. If something happened, you would probably be the one telling me. Why are you really here?” I ask, wanting to get straight to the point so I can go back to fantasizing about Hollie bent over my desk, wet and eager for me.

“We need to keep in close contact with Caroline DuPont.” He’s leaning back in his seat now, grinning at me. “Perhaps you could use some of that charm on her you’re known for.”

My jaw drops into what I’m sure is an appalled expression. “I don’t think anyone has ever accused me of having charm before, Richard.”

He barks out a laugh and shakes his head. “You’re right, but maybe you could try it this time. Mrs. DuPont isn’t the kind of CEO you’re used to dealing with. She seems a bit more sentimental. This is her family’s land after all, not some faceless company’s.”