Page 44 of Outback Skies

“Didn’t Finn ever tell you about me?”

Indy’s mind began to roil. It was all beginning to make terrible sense. Finn had mentioned a brother. But he never told her his name. And he’d never said…

“Yeah, that’d be right.” A disgusted sound rumbled in the back of his throat. “Of course, he didn’t say anything. He’s ashamed of me, that’s why. We’re twins, and yet he can’t stand me.”

Her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest cavity. Indy sagged against this man who wasn’t Finn, her legs no longer able to hold her weight. Finn had a twin brother. And he’d never told her. Even worse, it looked like his brother was on the wrong side of the law.

“Ah, you’re a smart one, hey?” He bent his knees slightly so he could stare her in the face, starlight reflecting from his eyes,tipping his hat back so his nose was mere inches from hers. “I can see you’re putting two and two together.”

He studied her for a few moments, sharp, perceptive gaze boring into her skull. “I can see why he likes you. You’re feisty. Brave for a woman. A decent person, by all accounts.”

She was still trying to wrap her head around this…deception. How had she so easily fallen for him?

“But you’re wearing his clothes. His hat…” she stuttered to a halt. She’d recognize Finn’s hat anywhere.

“Yeah. He loaned them to me.”

“He did nothing of the sort,” she retorted.

“It doesn’t really matter if you believe me or not,” he replied with a shrug. “Because I’ve got you, and I’m not letting you go.”

“Yes, you are.” She spat in his face, stomping on his foot as hard as she could at the same time. But it did no good, he still had her about the waist.

“You little bitch. You’re gonna pay for that,” he said, slowly drawing his sleeve across his face to wipe away the spittle.

“No!” she screamed the word in his face, then brought her knee up into his groin. But he twisted at the last second, and she missed connecting fully with his genitals. Even so, he buckled, and let out anoofnoise, but managed to hang on to her. A hand smashed across her face and pain bloomed, instant and colossal, almost blinding her. Then her knees were kicked out from beneath her and she landed on the gravel so hard it knocked the wind out of her.

He was on top of her in an instant, still moaning like a wounded lion.

“Settle down, you bitch,” he snarled in her face. “Or I’m gonna have to make you settle down.”

But she wasn’t listening. All she could think was she needed to escape. Needed to escape this man who pretended to be Finn.Still fighting to breathe, she strove to get a leg free, at the same time clawing at the man’s face.

“Stop it,” he bellowed, hitting her across the face again with such force she thought she blacked out for a few seconds. That old cliché of seeing stars was actually correct. Bright lights flickered in front of her eyes as she struggled to stay conscious.

“That’s better,” he crooned as she lay immobile, almost senseless. He stroked a finger down the undamaged side of her face, and she flinched away from the contact.

“Don’t,” she snarled. Or at least she tried to snarl, it came out as more of a slobbery wail through her split lip, which was already beginning to swell. She couldn’t see out of one eye as it became puffy, too.

“Or what?” he taunted, his mouth crushing hers as he kissed her again. Pain speared through her injured lip, and she tried to bite his tongue, but he forced her teeth apart and ravaged her mouth. The weight of him holding her down surprised her; their size difference suddenly apparent. Funny, she’d never considered how heavy a man could be before. Finn had lain on top of her when making love, but she’d never realized just how much he supported his own weight. This guy was pinning her to the ground, and she didn’t think she had the strength to push him off. The smell of his unwashed body was making her stomach churn. How could she have thought Finn would ever smell like this?

“You’re in no position to stop me,” he rasped, as he came up for air. Indy realized there was something different about this man’s voice. A slightly deeper tone than Finn’s. More domineering. How had she missed it before? Then she felt it. His growing erection throbbing against her thigh, and she was so disgusted she nearly vomited. He was getting off on this. The sick, twisted pervert. She wished she’d kneed him twice as hard. Kicking out with her feet, she tried to dislodge him, managing toroll to the left and get one elbow beneath her. The hard gravel bit into her back and shoulders, but she ignored it.

“Oh, no you don’t.” His forearm landed on her windpipe, and he pushed down, hard, until she couldn’t breathe. She stopped struggling and began to tug at his arm, ripping her fingernails with the effort.

“If you lie still, I’ll let you go,” he said calmly.

She was beginning to see stars again, and so she stopped struggling and stared up into his face, desperately hoping he meant what he said. If she passed out, it would all be over. She wouldn’t be able to stop him. Would never escape.

“Good, girl,” he said softly, and released some of the pressure, but not all. She could breathe now, but she knew he had the power to change that in an instant.

She felt one of his hands slide between them, while his other arm remained firmly pressed against her windpipe. What was he doing?Oh, God. He was undoing his belt buckle, pulling down his zipper. Then he fumbled with the fastener on her jeans.

“I don’t normally like to force a woman. I prefer if they come to me of their own free will. But you’re just too tempting. I want to find out what my brother sees in you.”

Was he going to rape her? Was this what it was like to be raped? She’d always imagined that she’d be able to fight off any man who tried such a thing. But with her heart in her mouth, she knew that wasn’t going to be the case. He was too strong.

She wanted Finn. Wanted him to come and rescue her. Where was he? Then she remembered this brother was wearing the clothes Finn had worn today. Which meant…