Page 42 of Outback Skies

Suddenly, the flashlight disappeared, and his world was plunged into darkness.

Shit. It must’ve fallen off the wall. Now he’d have to go out there stark naked, and search around in the dark until he found it.

He fumbled around until he found the latch and opened the door. A figure loomed in front of him, then a bright light flashed in his eyes, blinding him.

“Evening, bro.”

That voice.

It was Garrett.

“What the hel—” Something struck him on the side of the head and his world went black.


WHERE THE HELL was Finn? Indy was getting tired of waiting. He said he’d be half an hour, at the most, it was now over an hour, and her impatience was building, turning into a licking flame of anger and doubt. What could be keeping him so long? He’d mentioned that he wasn’t going to talk to his boss tonight, but maybe he’d changed his mind. Or perhaps he changed his mind about coming to her tent? No, he wouldn’t do that. Finn was a decent man; he wouldn’t hang her out to dry like that. Certainly not after that look he’d sent her just before he left the campfire, like he wanted to devour her whole. Perhaps he’d got caught up chatting to David and Carrot. But by the sound of it, everyone had gone to bed.

Dammit. She got out of bed and wandered over to lift the flap of her tent, peering outside into the darkness. She’d left the small tent light on low to help Finn find his way. Where was he? Should she go and look for him? Taking a few careful steps, not wanting to step on anything nasty with her bare feet, she walked to the corner of her tent and peered around the edge. All the lights in the camp were out, except for hers, which confirmed her theory that everyone was asleep. She wrapped her arms around her middle, the cool night air nipping at her bare skin.

That did it. She was going to look for him. As she turned around to go back into her tent, the snap of a twig brought her head up.

“Finn, is that you?”

A figure stepped out of the gloom, and she gave a sigh of relief as she recognized Finn’s broad shoulders, and his quick, easy step.

“Yeah, babe, it’s me,” Finn replied. Before she knew it, he’d removed his hat and scooped her up in his arms, and kissed her, his tongue delving into her mouth, hungry and urgent. She wanted to melt into him, but something stopped her. Perhaps it was the remnants of anger that he’d made her worry unnecessarily. Whatever it was, she pushed him away.

“I thought you were going to have a shower,” she said, when he released her mouth reluctantly. He sure didn’t smell like he’d had a shower. Exactly the opposite, in fact. Almost like he hadn’t showered in days, the smell of dry sweat a little overpowering.

“Sorry, babe, I was going to, but something’s come up. We need to leave. Now.”

“Oh, no.” She put a hand to her mouth. “What’s happened? Why do we need to leave?”

“I’ll tell you on the way. But you need to get dressed. Quick, now.” He patted her on the bottom, pushing her toward the open tent flap.

He followed her inside, his features thrown into sharp relief by her small light. He looked worried as he tugged his hat down deeper over his brow. Was there something different about his face? She searched his eyes for a second. That same brilliant blue they always were. His strong jawline and sharp aquiline nose all so familiar. Same clothes she’d just seen him in earlier tonight. Nope, it was definitely Finn.

“What about everyone else?” she asked, hurriedly pulling a T-shirt on over her tank top.

“Nah, they’re all safe. It’s you I need to get out of here. You’re the one in danger.”

Oh, God. That didn’t sound good. “What sort of danger?”

“I heard someone from the gang is coming to get me. And you. They found out about you helping me, and they want to get rid of us both.” Finn banged his hat agitatedly against his thigh.

“Oh, Jesus,” she breathed. She dragged her jeans on over the top of her sleep shorts, Finn avidly watching her every move. Normally, she liked it when his hungry gaze flicked up and down her body. But tonight it felt a little…inappropriate. Especially given what he’d just told her.

“Where are we going? How did you find out? Have you told your boss yet?” Sitting down, she tugged on her boots.

“Nah, I haven’t had time. I was talking to Clive, and he said something that made me suspicious. Look, I’ll answer all your questions later, we need to get moving.” He made shooing movements with his hands, hurrying her along.

“Coming.” She grabbed her jacket at the last second, knowing it would get cold outside soon, and preceded him out of the tent.

“Where are we going?” she asked, suddenly wondering what his plan was. Finn didn’t have a vehicle of his own, he travelled with Dave and Carrot in their truck. Unless he was planning on using his motorbike. “And are you sure we shouldn’t wake Dale and Steve? At least tell them we’re leaving.”

She didn’t really feel like Finn had any sort of proper strategy worked out. She knew she shouldn’t doubt him, but still.

“I left a note,” he replied, but she thought she detected a slight hesitation in his answer.