Page 26 of Outback Skies

“I can see that,luv.” He laid a thick emphasis on the word luv, and she wanted to curl her lip at him. “I won’t move it until you tell me to. Okay?”

“Right. So, you’re going to move the truck soon?” She was shouting at the top of her voice now, and Mack gave her a curious look. She knew she was acting foolish, but all she could hope was that Finn overheard her conversation.

“Yes. But not until this here bloke tells me it’s okay.” The truckie shook his head as he walked away, as if he were talking to an imbecile. And she didn’t blame him, because that’s exactly how she felt.

The driver disappeared as he walked the length of his truck toward the cab, and Indy let out a groan of dismay. She’d tried to help Finn, but she’d clearly failed, because—

Finn rolled out from beneath the truck in a flurry of dust a few meters away. Got to his feet in one quick movement and was headed toward a nearby stand of trees before Indy could properly close her mouth.

Why, that bloody…!

She was going to have some choice words to say to him at smoko.

At the last second, Finn glanced over his shoulder and gave her a cheeky smile and a thumbs up.


“What was all that about?” Mack asked from beneath the brim of his black hat.

Indy sighed. What, exactly? Now she was going to look like the camp fool. And all for what?

* * *

Indy walked up behind Finn, resisting the urge to slap him. He was leaning against a tree trunk on the outskirts of the cleared area around the mess tent, waiting for the queue for scones and coffee to reduce. She couldn’t help the way her gaze traced up his legs to his backside, snug inside his well-worn jeans, then followed the contours of his straight back up to where his impressive shoulders filled out his blue chambray shirt. Why was a man in a pair of jeans and cowboy boots such a turn-on? His hat dangled in his hand, his hair curly and dark on top.

“Hey, you,” she said, coming around and planting herself directly in front of him. “I have a bone to pick with you.” She kept her voice low, so no one overheard.

He flashed her a grin that was half cheeky little boy, half sheepish. “Hi, yourself,” he replied.

A streak of dirt—probably from where he’d climbed under the truck—covered his left cheek. Before she knew what she was doing, she reached up and brushed the offending smudge away. Finn stilled at her touch, his eyes locking on hers.

“You had some dust…” she trailed off as his gaze remained fixed on her, pupils darkening. How could a single contact set off such a reaction in her? Shit, she needed to remember not to touch him like that. Not in broad daylight, where everyone could see, anyway.

“Thanks,” he growled, then cleared his throat. And she had a stupid sense of triumph. He was just as affected by her touch as she was. And she liked that.

She leaned nonchalantly against the other side of the tree, pretending nothing major had just passed between them.

“And thanks also for your help this morning,” he continued.

“I looked like a complete idiot,” she grumbled.

“Yes, but you may well have saved a police officer’s life. Small recompense, I say,” he replied lightly, giving her a wink.

Now that the sexual tension between them had eased, she could feel an aura of excitement around him.

“You found something, didn’t you?”

“Is it that obvious?” he asked with a scowl. Even frowning at her, Indy was struck by his handsome features. Piercing blue eyes and rugged jawline, firm lips drawn into a thin line of concentration. Be still her fluttering heart.

“Yeah, you need to work on your resting cop face some more,” she quipped. But perhaps it was just her. Perhaps she was more attuned to his moods and slight facial expressions than most.

He gave her a look that said he was torn.

“Go on,” she prompted. “You know I won’t tell a soul.”

He gave an exasperated sigh, but couldn’t seem to help bouncing lightly on his toes. “Yeah. I found something. A hidden compartment, stuffed with bags of crystal meth. I had to bust the lock open, but it was worth it.”

“Oh, wow.” Indy covered her mouth.