Page 29 of Outback Skies

This thing with Indy was going to kill him if he didn’t do something about it soon. It was going to be a cold shower for him tonight.

* * *

“They found the murder weapon used to kill Wombat.” Mike’s voice resounded over the sat phone, and it took a few seconds for Finn to process the words.

“What?” He straightened. This was good news. “Where?” This was exactly what he needed to hear. Something to get his head back into his job and off Indy and the scorching kiss they’d shared earlier this evening.

“Buried in a shallow hole at the bottom of the dry creek bed near the campsite where you found the dead guy.”

Better and better. The incriminating evidence had been found at the other crime scene. Which made it less and less likely someone from this muster camp was involved.

“That’s good news,” Finn replied, leaning his hip against a tree trunk and tipping his head back to study the stars through the leaves. He came to a different spot every night to talk to his boss. Never be predictable. It made it harder for anyone to track him. The full moon from a few nights ago was now waning, but there was enough light for him to make his way cautiously thorough the bush, until he found a place that looked good.Somewhere with clear space around it. He’d learned his lesson that first night when Indy had snuck up on him.

“Yes. And they’re analyzing the blood found on the blade, see if they can get any hits.”

“Good. Good,” Finn said distractedly. Mike had already filled him in on all the other pertinent details. They had a name for the victim. Ronaldo Dimitri. He was well known to the police. Had a long record of petty crimes—theft, drug possession, illegal firearms. The man had been a bouncer and bodyguard for an Italian “businessman”who ran a series of nightclubs and strip joints down in Sydney for a while. Then he’d disappeared off the police radar around two years ago. Until he’d turned up dead in the middle of the outback. Mike’s team was scrambling to find out more about his dealings for those past two years. If he was now perhaps working for one of the bigwigs in this drug ring, it might be another clue they needed to get this gang.

“I’ll let you know if any more of the puzzle pieces drop in once we have the results from the DNA,” Mike went on. “Anything else you want to report? Any more questions?” His boss was clearly itching to go, probably wanted to get to bed, much like Finn. These late-night debriefs, while essential, were also taking time away from much-needed sleep. And Finn needed to stay sharp. Not become complacent.

But there was one small detail Finn desperately wanted to know. He drew in a breath and screwed up his nose. “Have there been any more sightings of Garrett lately?” he asked, going for feigned nonchalance.

“No. Why?” Mike cut back sharply. Clearly, his casual tone hadn’t fooled Mike Rogers. Probably one of the many reasons he was a detective sergeant. Nothing got past him.

“No reason. I was just wondering if he’d turned up again, that’s all.”

“You haven’t seen him, or heard from him? Have you?” Mike asked.

Finn nearly laughed out loud. Heard from his bother? Who was Mike kidding? Garrett was the last person to contact him. He knew better than that.

“No, I haven’t,” Finn promised.

“Good. If that’s all, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, Sarge.” Finn rang off, and placed the phone in his pocket. Wending his way back through the trees, he knew he wasn’t quite ready for sleep yet. The same as he’d done over the past three nights, he headed toward Indy’s tent. He’d check on her once, just to be sure. The tent was dark and quiet. She must be asleep, like the rest of the muster crew. Digger whined a welcome, and Finn shushed him, going over and patting the dog’s head. Stalking around the back of her tent, he made sure the area was secure. Everything was quiet, nothing was amiss. He should go to bed now and try to catch some sleep.

As he turned on his heel, ready to head back to his own tent, a wraithlike figure appeared in front of him.

“Holy shit,” he whispered, jumping back in surprise. “What the hell are you doing out here?”

“I could ask you the same question,” Indy said, crossing her arms and tipping her head on the side. Even in the dark, Finn could tell she was glowering at him.

“Ah… I was just on my way to bed. I’ve been—”

“Cut the crap, Finn. I know you’ve been hanging around my tent at night. What are you up to?” Her voice lost some of the sharpness from before.

“I want to make sure you’re safe.” He knew enough about Indy to understand the truth was his best course of action. But then, perhaps he shouldn’t make it seem like he was singling her out. “It’s my job to make sure the whole camp is safe,” he added blandly.

“Maybe. But I don’t see you creeping around anyone else’s tent at night.” Her voice was smooth, almost a purr, and she stepped closer.

Hell, she had him on that one. How did she know about his nocturnal missions? Perhaps she’d been watching him all along, when he thought she’d been sleeping soundly. Some kind of detective he was, if he couldn’t even perceive whether a target was awake or asleep. But Indy had that effect on him. She addled his brain, turned his normally-razor-sharp instincts to mush. Especially, when she stood that close, wearing…the same attire she’d had on when he caught her coming out of the shower.

Oh, no. She had no bra on for the second time tonight. His mind went back to the feel of her breasts, nipples taut and pebbled against his chest. His cock ached at the memory.

He scrubbed a hand through his hair, but it didn’t help ease the tension in his groin.

She took one final step until she was pressed up against him. Unfolding her arms, she wrapped them around his waist instead and stared up at his face.

“I can’t stop thinking about you. That kiss tonight…”