Page 8 of His Pirate Wife

Not that he at all was dissatisfied with how she did them. Damn him, though, if he hadn’t had a moment to think maybe she’d need more than one of his soft discipline episodes to let go of that frightened look that was on her face from the moment he opened the dock to pull her out of the water. In their time together, Devin learned Mia wasn’t one to care for the feeling of guilt. And the moment she may have considered abandoning the boy causedguilt.

He did wonder if this was the first time she’d been threatened with death. As a ship captain there was always danger to be had, but it always seemed manageable, usually right up until all was lost. Still she’d not shown any caution in her other dangerous activities like jumping ship at sea or jumping from that cliff into the sea. Not until she was about to be held to account did she even flinch and even then he was the only one who saw her doso.

He rather admired her for it, too. Her ability to face off and stand to a challenge was impressive. And while he’d almost fainted when she went off that cliff, he didn’t want to see her become timid. Cowardice, he knew, would make her more vulnerable and give him more to worry on. His wife, after all, might be a risk taker, but she wasn’t stupid in any manner. Her going in after the child, while not well thought out, was instinct for her, same as when she’d dropped nets for the crew to climb out of the water. She acted first, the best she could, then thought about it. It wasn’t how he did things, but he knew Mia and he were as opposite as east and west. But without each other the day couldn’t becomplete.

Crossing the private sitting room, he noticed that both his and Mia’s trunks from their quarters arrived, but little else. They’d each at least have something to dress in, though his plans at the moment were to do little else than lie in bed with her for the next week. He set his hand on the door handle then his other on the frame and leaning over he drew in a deep breath. Damn he’d almost lost her. Maybe a little more caution on her part wouldn’t hurt either ofthem.

Devin made his way to the main floor of the Dolphin Inn. The pub was crowded but not overly noisy. He’d request someone fetch up something that could be brought to their room. Pulling his watch from his pocket he was disappointed to see it was barely teno’clock.

“Captain.” Devin spun at the call. “Captain,” Mr. Brinks called again with a smile as he approached. “Mrs.Winthrop?”

“A bit swamped but still afloat,” Devin said and smiled at the man’s show of relief. “It will take more than a rising tide to sinkher.”

“Sure is that, Captain,” Mr. Brinks said. “We have a table.” They both looked around and Mr. Brinks amended, “Several tablesactually.”

“I shouldn’t leave Mia alone too long,” Devin said even as he followed the man through the crowd. “Is everyone from the ship here?” he asked as he was greeted by several crew who stopped long enough in eating to saysomething.

“Watch is still on board, but anyone who could ran when Mr. Hong started yelling about the mess left in your quarters, then about how long it was taking to get Mrs. Winthrop’s things out of the hold. Some haven’t seen the purser for theirpay.”

“That wily little man was in my room not twenty minutes ago,” Devin said wondering at how he was getting around town so quickly. Of course, the Dolphin was hardly a stone’s throw from the docks, but with three ships in port he imagined the streets to be quite crowded. Then again it was only ten in themorning.

“Yes, he took what was ready. Sit here, sir,” Brinks said, pulling another chair close to the table as Devin waved the others sitting around to remain seated. “He took what was ready then came back to yell at us for not having everything else offloaded.”

“Talking about Hong now,” Mr. Quiggly said, pushing a tankard toward Devin. “How’s the missus,Captain?”

“Dried out and warmed up, asleep when I left the room,” Devin said and looked in the cup. By the dark color and rich smell, it seemed to be port. “I was thinking it was too early to drink. I don’t want to garner a drunkard’s reputation if I’m to stay here.” He lifted the cup, put it to his lips, pulled it back to think better about it then tipped it back and swallowed down abouthalf.

“As soon as everyone meets your wife, sir, they’ll understand,” Mr. Wilshire said, waving until he caught the attention of one of the bar maids. A chuckle was heard around, not just at his table but at a few close enough to have heard the remark. Devin raised his brow but tipped the cup and finished itoff.

“I’m going to be the only man just twenty and three with a head of grey hair,” Mr. Asher complained with a nervous laugh. “That boy was taken to a physician. Should one be sent forMia?”

“No, she swallowed some water but otherwise I think she’ll recover,” Devin said. That he’d just left her asleep after a hard, wild pounding probably spoke loud enough to herfitness.

“Fetch up a meal for the captain, love,” Mr. Wilshire said when the maid made it to theirtable.

“Two, that I can take one back for my wife,” Devin said then tried not to smile at the woman’s disappointed look when he said wife. “And a pot of tea if you’d be sokind.”

He turned back about to ask what their plans for the stay were. Some had family and London wasn’t so far. But theIron Rosewas still a commissioned ship, so they all still belonged to her. He opened his mouth only to hear his name called. “Captain Robert Winthrop?” The man calling was dressed in an aide’s uniform and Devin groaned. He rather prayed he wasn’t being called up sosoon.

“Here,” he called back and raised his hand so the aide could findhim.

“Captain,” the man, a very young petty officer, stepped up and held out a beautifully embossed envelope, sealed with the stamp of the Lord High Admiral. “I’m to tell you, should you like to see this rescheduled…” His look said that rescheduling wasn’t really an option. Breaking the seal, Devin opened thenote.

The formality of the invitation made him aware this event was long planned and his absence would be a grand faux pas and considering these were to be his new immediate commanders, he said, “Tell his Highness, Lord High Admiral, it’ll be my great honor to attend.” He glanced at the invitation again to make sure he read it correctly, “And tell him while I’ll have seven men from the crew with me I can’t promise the fitness of my wifeyet.”

“Aye, Captain,” the man said snapping to and saluting before turning and running off to do whatever aidesdid.

“Who’s the unlucky seven of the crew?” Quiggly asked glaring athim.

Devin chuckled and smiled wickedly, “You, my trusted quartermaster, and those six fine officers who served sowell.”

Grumbling went around the table while at other tables sighs of relief were heard. “I’d rather scrape barnacles, Captain, then elbows with those bigwigs,” Mr. Quigglysaid.

“So should I, which is why we’ll go together to keep our rigging neat,” Devin said, and his stomach rumbled as the food was put down before him. “You’ll make sure Lieutenant Coventon and the others are informed, and they know it’s of the highest formal dress. Don’t let any of you show with scuffs on yourshoes.”

“Aye, Captain,” they all grumbled, but Devin knew for each of them it would be a boost in their careers. Few men, even high-ranking officers, got the chance to enjoy entertainments with such powerful naval men. This gave them all the chance to speak to which assignment they’d like next and most likely have it granted. Though he’d suspected even if Devin remained in port at the academy, the crew would want to return to those warm Caribbean waters. Devin would be making the recommendation for the next captain for the ship. The thought saddened him. Shaking out his napkin to cover his lap, Devin made to take the first bite of a meal he was suddenly starving for when a disruption at the inn’s entrance made him sigh and set his forkdown.

“Where’s he at I say. Show ‘em to me now.” Devin turned and saw a stout man pushing his way into the pub. Behind him were five men with guns trained on Grim. Devin shot to his feet as did the rest of the crew who happened to be sittingthere.