Page 17 of His Pirate Wife

The coach pulled up and Mia stepped out before a corner shop front with large glass windows on two sides. The signage declared it to beThe Wind and Pearl Shipping and Freight Company.Established 1795. The name of the proprietor was almost scratched away though and Mia frowned as she entered the shop and the little bell rangout.

“I’ll be right with you,” a man called from behind acurtain.

Mia smiled and pulled her gloves from her hands. Setting them on the beautiful counter, a large piece of wood with the name and a picture of every ship in papa’s fleet carved in, she looked around the shop. It was neatly kept and warmly decorated with maps and glass jars and more model ships. Two small seating areas each with a table only large enough for the shipping bills and a tea service sat one under each window which limited the need for extra lighting with either lamp or candles. The shop also sat at the end of the street allowing a good view of the docks and water beyond. Papa hadn’t been able to buy this building straight off, but he’d made it one of the first such offices he did buy when he was better established. Most business was conducted aboard ship between the captains but the several buildings at the various major ports allowed those who bought the goods to place special requests or to bid on whatarrived.

“As I live and breathe, look what the tide washedin.”

Mia turned to see the man who’d worked with her papa from the very start. Adam Finker was Papa’s boyhood friend and Mia’s godfather. And as he stepped to her and opened his arms Mia laughed and rushed to him. “Oh, it’s so very good to see you,” Mia said, returning the hug as fiercely as it wasgiven.

“I could hardly believe when the commodore sent word you’d be coming ashore to take over here. I thought the seas would have to run dry before you left them.” The man laughed as he ushered Mia to one of the seating areas and held the chair forher.

“Yes. Well it wasn’t completely my idea,” Mia said and reached out to cover the man’s hands with her own. “Papa arranged my marriage, to a navy man no less,” she laughed again at the man’s look of surprise. “And Captain Winthrop will be taking a position at the college when the next term starts. So here I am, runaground.”

“Ah, but I see that shine on you,” the man said. “You are not unhappy with thearrangement.”

“Not yet,” Mia said then frowned. “At least not until I have to tell the captain what it will cost to take the house I have found us. Then I might be unhappy as he ties an anchor around my neck and drops me in thedrink.”

They spent some time speaking of what housing was in the area and the soundness of the investment made in taking a good house. They also spoke on matters of business. This aspect of what Mia’s papa did, and what he trained her to do was something Mia was taught but really had little practice with. Anything this man said was invaluable. Though at first she thought she’d have him to run to if she got stuck, when a man stepped up to the window next to where they sat and started to scratch at the paint Mia felt the entire weight of what was about to be hers settle onher.

“You can’t remove your name, Adam,” Mia said, about to stand and stop the man from erasing words that had been in place nearly thirtyyears.

“You’re proprietor now, Mia. Though you must decide how you wish that displayed on thisglass.”

“You’re not staying at all?” she asked then glared at the man. “Papa didn’t sink you did he? I don’t want to be here if you have been shoved off so that I can. I’ll tellPapa—”

“Mia, no. No love. Not atall.”

“But you’ve been here thirtyyears.”

“Yes. And worked with your papa for almost forty getting this business in the currents and running swift. It’s time to go. It’s time to let someone younger take over. I’ve been waiting for the commodore to toss me a line for more than five years now, but I knew he wanted to hand it to you and you weren’t ready untilnow.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready yet,” Mia admitted. There was a good deal more responsibility to this end of what they did than simply sailing to a port, finding a good cargo, and sailing itback.

“Oh you’re more than ready,” Adam told her with a squeeze to her fingers. “And it hardly matters now, you’ll sink or swim, because when that first ship comes in to port in two weeks it’ll be you at thehelm.”

“Two weeks?” Mia gasped. “You’re not going to stay on? What will you dothen?”

“I’m going to board a ship and start finding out where all of these lovely items I sell everyday come from. I’ve a letter of free and want passage from the commodore and I’m going to make grand use ofit.”

“Well,” Mia huffed, “I like that. I’m run aground and you go out with the tide.” There was a moment of silence then they both burst out laughing. “Where will you gofirst?”

“Where do yourecommend?”

They spent some time discussing locations and what to see when one arrived. Mia bid the man farewell as the sun began to sink on the horizon and promised to be back first thing in the morning so she could start taking over the duties for this good man. Before she left she was given a large package of correspondence that arrived from the commodore before Mia made shore. She’d need to go through all of it carefully, but as she entered the inn and felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up again, she knew she needed to focus on getting Devin to agree to the house first. She couldn’t stay hereanymore.

* * *

Devin stoodoutside the home of Mia’s choice and frowned. It was a very good choice, suiting their needs, but it was perhaps a bit large and it was well beyond the budget he’d set for her. He couldn’t afford the more than one hundred pounds a year. What was Miathinking?

“Devin please, it’ll suit us well and after a year if you are again sent to sea I can move out and find somewhere… small and… less pleasant to stay.” Mia pleaded. Though he knew if he was put to sea again, she’d not stay on land longer than it took one wave to follow the last toshore.

“Mia, it’s not even furnished,” Devin said. Another thing he’d not be able toafford.

“TheMerry Lynnwill be in port in less than two weeks, Devin. My things are in her hold. Come, you’ve seen the bill. Everything we need will bethere.”

“Mia it’s nearly twice what I said I wanted to pay,” Devin said, needing to actually work to remain firm with her on thematter.

“Well it’ll be my home too, can’t we split the cost? This once, Devin? Please? It’s a good investment for me to have a home in England. Even if I’m not in it I can rent it to someone. That is what I do now with my home in Cartagena. Devin, please. I’m so tired of the inn and there is so little here to choosefrom.”