Devin knew though only because Mia told him that it wasn’t one ship and one crew. He passed those concerns on to those who stood there outranking him. They simply said knowing how it was being done would eventually bring a stop to it. He managed not to tell them they should have asked his wife how it was being done. And heed her warning it wasn’t going to be so easy tostop.
Devin leaned back letting the conversation about future plans and possible commission roll past as he searched the crowd for Mia. He spotted her standing with several of the ship’s topmen and those men’s families talking and laughing. Looking at the crowd, he didn’t miss the appreciative looks his wife got from other men and the heated glares she got from the ladies. Yes, his wife was beautiful, but she was so much more. How he got so lucky as to be chosen for her he didn’t know, and he didn’t question. He had her now and nothing was going to take her fromhim.
“Yes, the reception will be at nine o’clock,” Devin heard the admiral say as he turned his attention back to the group. “You’ll be an honored guest,Captain.”
Devin cleared his throat and fought down the flush that rose up. “I can’t say I deserve such accolades. My crew is most assuredly responsible for oursuccess.”
“As is your young wife, we understand,” another Captain, Fallbrook, Devin thought his name to be, said as he stepped up. There was something of a challenge in his manner andtone.
“Aye, Mrs. Winthrop was remarkably useful aboard. She saved our necks more than once,” Devin said easily and watched the man’s eyes flare wide in surprise. Either because Devin admitted such without hesitation or that it might possibly be true. “Most of my crew would have been lost to sharks if not for Mia’s fast thinking and actions,” Devin went on. “Isn’t that correct, Lieutenant?” he directed the question to Coventon who stepped beside him, shoulder toshoulder.
“Yes, Captain. Mrs. Winthrop was most invaluable that day. I have the scar to prove it.” He tapped his leg with the cane he still used. “But you’ll excuse me now. I have command this night,” Coventon said and made his way back onboard, leaving Devin envious of his ability to escape this surge ofpeople.
“Good heaven,” another officer breathed. “Are you going to make us wait to meet this fine woman until tonightthen?”
“No, I can introduce you now if you like,” Devin said and again leaned back to spy Mia. Only she was gone from where he’d last spotted her. “I’m sure she’s close.” Devin said, even as the hairs on the back of his neck stoodup.
The scream that rent the air wasn’t Mia’s, but it was no less as chilling. The crowd on the docks began rumbling. Devin headed towards the spot Mia was last seen, asking several of the crew as he passed if they’d seen her. They all pointed him farther down the docks. Towards the ships that nearlycollided.
“Help me, help me,” Devin heard a woman calling. “Thomas, Thomas. Someone helpme.”
“Madam,” Devin yelled at the near hysterical woman when he reached her. “What is it?” Devin couldn’t say why, but he had a feeling the woman and Mia were connectedsomehow.
“My son, he’s three. He was right here and… and…” She began to wail but she also pointed to a very old man sitting against somerocks.
“Do you know something, man?” Devinasked.
The man spat on the ground, sat back and stroked his long beard. “Both them went in the water. Too late now. Tide’ll wash them out. Back to the sea theygo.”
Devin spun around and stepped to the edge of the dock. He could see no one in the water. “Madam,” Devin yelled as he grabbed the woman and shook her. “Where was your son when you last saw him? Where was he exactly?” The woman sniffed and pointed to the dock edge where the ship anchored there was perhaps a foot out. Enough space for a small child to fall between. But as he watched, the wave carried the ship out another two feet before slamming it back in and washing water up through the cracks of the planks of the docks. “Mia,” Devin yelled. “Mia.” He moved to the ship and though futile he pushed at the hull. “Mia.” She might have swum under the ship. If she did, she may have gotten hung on the keel. “Mia.”
He spun around and looked over the crowd again. Had he heard her? “Mia?”
Damn it, yes, he heard her, but he couldn’t locate her. He needed to listen. But the crowd was getting louder as a man of some prominence was now standing by the woman whose son was missing. He strained to hear her call him, but then he thought he heard crying. The crying of a small child maybe. “Mia?” He looked aroundagain.
That was her and she sounded scared. “Mia?” he looked around, pushed people out of the way. He needed to hear where she was calling from. The waves came up again soaking his feet causing some of the people to push back, but they were being too loud. “Shut up,” he ordered. “Shut up. Be quiet.” No onelistened.
“Captain?” Mr. Asher, Mr. Brinks and Mr. Wilshire steppedup.
“Mrs. Winthrop?” Asher called as he too started searching the crowd forher.
“Shut them up. Everyone shut your mouths. Be quiet,” Devin yelled and straight away more of his crew gathered and started hushing thecrowd.
“Dev—” she called then was gone. “Devin?”
“Mia?” she sounded rather close. He stepped again towards the ship. Was she on the otherside?
“Devin, we’re here. We’re here. Help us. Hel—” The waves washed up and washed out Mia’s call for help. She had to be in the water, butwhere?
He tried now to look between the ship and the dock. But the ship was pressing up firmly. “Quiet. Everyone be quiet and still,” he ordered and this time most complied. It wasn’t her voice he heard next; it was a pounding. Someone banging on the dock. Banging on it from underneath it. “Mia?” He homed in on the sound. “Mia?” the wave washed out and it took his guts withit.