My dumb brain immediately reminded me why, as I pushed away from the door to go fix my hair. AnnMarie. That question still stood between us, but once again, I pushed it aside as I had all week. Also dumb? Maybe. Probably.

I wished I could push away my worries like a strong wind clearing the sky. But somehow, I felt as if I might be in the eye of a hurricane and when the winds returned, it wouldn’t be clouds blowing away. It would be the crushed fragments of the fragile peace I’d just regained.

“Good morning,” Carla said, her laughter barely hidden from her tone when I sank down next to her, sipping my to-go coffee, fifteen minutes later.

“Morning.” I yawned behind my fingers. I hated these meetings. They came too early for me. There was a reason I always opted for later shifts.

“How’s Felix?” she asked, that laughter even more evident.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re kidding, right? You guys are sonotstealthy. Everyone knows you’re dating again—even if you keep leaving Sizzle Beach to have your ‘secret’ trysts.”


“Uh-huh.” She sipped her coffee to punctuate her answer. “So…?”

“He’s fine. Getting completely back to normal.” It had been a little over a week since I raced to pull him out of the water, and he’d had a recheck yesterday to make sure things were heading in the right direction. It appeared the infection was gone, and his glucose numbers looked good, too.

“Good. So…?”

I knew she planned to fish for more info. “So…I’m not kissing and telling.”

“But youarekissing.”

“Carla,” I groaned.

She flicked her finger over her throat while she stared at mine. “That mark there says you are. I mean, unless you ran into something. With your neck.”

Dang it, Felix.My hand slapped over where he’d nipped earlier, heat rushing into my face. Carla just grinned and took another sip of her coffee, turning to face front as David walked to the podium there to address the weekly meeting.

My mind drifted back to Felix. The bag I’d pack for this evening. Staying in his arms all night. I shifted in the metal folding chair as I considered leaving a few of my own marks on him, and maybe a few scratches as I clutched at him while he fucked me like he owned me.

I could think of worse ways to spend the night.

Carla elbowed my side, and I jerked out of my thoughts to find my boss staring at me.

“What?” I asked. “I didn’t get that.”

“You mean you weren’t listening? I know it’s early and your boyfriend’s taking up all your off-hours, but try to tune in, okay?”

Everyone laughed, except my brother who shook his head.

“I asked if you’ve run into any issues this week.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Hope your attention’s more in the game out there than it is in this meeting.” His tone was teasing, and I knew it wasn’t a mean-spirited comment, but I also knew how serious he was. I couldn’t spend a second daydreaming while guarding.

“It is,” I assured him. No guarantees about the rest of the time, though, especially since I knew tonight would end up in Felix’s bed.

Chapter Eight

~ Felix ~

I pulled Breezy into my arms mere seconds after she knocked on the door. Rather than only hours, it seemed like weeks since I’d seen her. She came willingly, dropping her bag to the floor and melting into me.

“Good day?” I asked around kisses.