“Good evening, Jude. Nice to see you. How are you doin’ tonight?”
“Just fine. I brought a friend with me. This here is Iris.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her closer. “She’s going to meet Eli. Iris, this is nurse Pat. Eli is partial to her.”
Pat removed her glasses and set them on her desk, then rose to her feet and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you, Iris.”
“Nice to meet you too, Ms. Pat.”
“Iris here is going to be a friend to Eli, too. Give him some weekly company every now and again. If all goes well, her name will be on the roster for regular visits.”
“Okay, no problem. The more the merrier.”
“How was he this morning at the doctor’s appointment?” he asked as she took her seat again with a sigh. “I called him, but he didn’t seem to be in much of a talking mood.”
“Oh, he was grumpy…” Pat grimaced, then chased it with a smile. “You know he doesn’t like shots, but he pepped up because he’s been walking around and doing his thing, at least since I’ve been here. Besides, he got ice-cream after dinner. He was looking forward to it.” Pat glanced at her watch. “Y’all want anything to drink? I can grab some Coke or cold water if you’d like.”
“Naw, we’re not staying long. See you in a little bit.” Jude took Iris’ hand and led her the rest of the way down the hall that smelled of peppermint and cleaning agents. He stopped at Eli’s door, which was covered in Spiderman coloring book tear-outs, and unlocked it with his own key, then turned the knob. They were immediately bathed in soft purple and green light from his rainbow lamp that spun slowly, around and around, on a nearby table. Eli’s markers were in perfect order, the caps on, and all laid out from darkest to light, Next to them, his drawing paper was stacked neatly. Eli lay on his side in the bed, the covers over him, the television that was mounted on the wall on, playing Cartoon Network. Jude crept around the bed to see if he was awake or not. Eli’s eyes were barely open, as if he were teetering between the cozy layers of consciousness and slumber.
Jude placed the food he’d brought from the restaurant in Eli’s small refrigerator, while Iris stood nearby, a smile on her face as she looked at the man.
“What are you smilin’ about?” he asked quietly.
“I saw how you looked at him. You really care about him. That’s beautiful.”
Something about the way she said those words, made him feel peaceful, yet uncomfortable at the same time. Was it really that obvious? He’d chosen her for a variety of reasons, some she more than likely didn’t even realize or know, and those same reasons may be coming back to haunt him. Only time would tell.
“I’m going to wake him up,” he whispered. “This is a good teachable moment, too, so pay attention. Eli doesn’t mind being roused, but you have to do it gently.” She nodded in understanding. “Eli…” he whispered. He said his name again while shaking his shoulder with a tender jiggle.
The man’s limbs began to move, stiffen, then stretch. Long legs clad in pajama pants with a little black steam trains design moved against the tumble of white sheets. A head full of disheveled dark brown hair emerged. Eli blinked several times, then sat up a bit, looking dazed and confused. He stared at Jude, then turned slowly towards Iris, as if suddenly feeling her presence. Jude waited. This could go one of two ways, but one thing was for sure: Eli judged people pretty quickly. If he didn’t like you, you’d know it within the first couple of minutes.
“Who?” He pointed at Iris, then rubbed his eye with the back of his hand.
“My name is Iris,” she answered before Jude got a chance. She took a step towards him, then another. “I’m happy to meet you, Eli. Teen Titans Go is on the TV. I like that show.” She pointed up ahead at it, the whites of her eyes shining bright. Jude remained quiet. Watching. Eli rubbed his partially exposed chest, eyeing her suspiciously. His nightshirt, also dotted with little black trains, was sloping off one shoulder. He turned and looked at the television, then back at Iris.
“Name,” he muttered.
“No.” He pointed at the television. “Name.”
“Oh, the characters? You don’t believe I love this cartoon?!” She laughed.
Eli shook his head and crossed his arms, visibly skeptical.
“Well, Eli, I should’ve bet you some money, honey, because you’d lose it. They are Starfire, Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, Bumblebee, and…. hold on! Give me a second…” she tapped her bottom lip as she deliberated, “Cyborg.” The lady put her hand on her hip proudly, and Eli smiled, showing all of his teeth. “Eli, do you know why Jude brought me here?”
“Friend. To me.”
She nodded in agreement.
“So, you knew I was comin’ sometime today?”
“Yessss.” He scratched the side of his face and yawned. “Jewwwd told… me.”
“Well, at least he told one of us…” she mumbled. “Are you sleepy, honey? It’s a little late, isn’t it?” Eli nodded and started to scratch at his ankle, the elastic of his bright white socks leaving little indentions where he raked his short nails up and down against his skin. He began to slowly rock back and forth, smiling and looking about in wonder. Jude started to tuck him back in, and Eli immediately lay down, his eyes blinking frequently as he kept looking at the foot of the bed where Iris stood like some guard.
“I’m noooot… stoooo-pid.”
“Now why would you think you’d need to tell me that, Eli? Clearly a smart man watches Teen Titans Go, proving you have discerning taste. Not only that, only a smart man keeps his apartment just as neat and clean as it can be, and wears cute pajama sets with locomotives on them. Besides, you’dhaveto be astute to know that Jude’s company just ain’t enough. He could never be as fun as me, and he knows it, too. That’s why he called a pro.”