Tyler stands beside her with his arms crossed over his chest and nods in agreement.

“Fine. I’m just not sure how I’m going to survive being down for weeks.”

Her eyes soften. “I understand, but it’s necessary. You’reverylucky, Everleigh. Just a few inches to the left and it could’ve been a lot worse. Luckily, your roommate was home, and you were able to get to the hospital quickly. I’ve seen people with stab wounds come in too late and not make it out of surgery because of severe blood loss.”

The room grows quiet, and I think about the what-ifs. When I meet Archer’s gaze, I know he is too.

“Welp, glad that didn’t happen.” I didn’t realize how serious it was. Maybe it’s a good thing I can’t remember because it sounds like it was painful.

“I think everyone can agree. Once you’re released, you’ll be on restrictions for at least two weeks. The first ten days are crucial. But it could take months for you to get back to normal.”

“Months?” My eyes go wide.

“Yes. Your body went through something very traumatic, andstrenuousactivities need to be avoided.”

She says strenuous as if to imply something else. “Well, that sucks. What about wound care?”

“Your bandage will need to be changed every four to six hours, depending on the drainage. There’s a continued risk for infection, so you’ll be sent home on an antibiotic.”

“And when can I take a shower and go home?”

“You can sponge bath today, but no soaking in water for a while. As far as getting discharged, it could possibly be tomorrow or the next day. I want to make sure you’re stable before releasing you. Though the risk is low, there’s a possibility of sepsis, and with your blood pressure a little spiked, I’d feel better watching you a bit longer,” she explains.

“Okay. Well. That was a lot to take in at once.” I chuckle lightly, though I’m not joking.

“I understand completely. You’ve been through a lot. Do you have any other questions?”

“Not that I can think of right now. Thank you so much. I really appreciate all that you’ve done,” I tell her genuinely.

“You’re welcome. If you think of anything else, don’t hesitate to call for a nurse. They’ve got my number, and I’m happy to answer any questions you have. I’ll stop in tomorrow.”

“Sounds good. Thanks again.”

She grins, then leaves.

I swallow hard at everything she said, then remember my dog. “Who has Sassy?”

“Mimi and Pops,” Tyler says. “I’ve kept them up to date with how you’ve been doing. They’ve been here every day.”

“Wow, I hate that I worried them,” I say just as Gemma and Katie rush into the room. They lean over the bed and hug me.

When they pull back, Gemma’s wiping her cheeks.

“Don’t start that,” I tease because I hate seeing her emotional over me.

“We were so upset! It’s not easy seeing you like this.” Gemma frowns.

“I was ready to track someone down,” Katie admits. “Especially after everything we’ve all been through these past few years. I was worried to death. My PTSD couldn’t handle it.”

My eyes soften. “I know. I’m sorry that I worried you guys.”

“We were ready tomurdersomeone,” Gemma admits.

Tyler speaks up. “I’ve already gone to prison once, but I’d do it again.”

“Same,” Archer adds.

“Add my name to that list too,” Gemma says.