“Oh my God. This overprotective big brother act is gettin’ old.”

Katie stands next to me as I look in the mirror. “Well, are you? Your chemistry is off the charts, babe.”

I sigh, contemplating telling them. “We’ve kissed and fooled aroundonce,” I admit. “No sex.”

“Good God, why not?” Lexie blurts out from somewhere behind us. When she exits one of the stalls, I roll my eyes. “Y’all are sharing a bed but not bumping uglies?”

“What?” Gemma and Katie shriek at the same time.

“Thanks, Lex,” I deadpan, then go back to touching up my makeup.

“We sleep together,” I admit. “But like, actually sleep.”

“Like…a slumber party?” Katie mocks.

“Yeah, and then we tell each other our deepest, darkest secrets and braid our hair.”

They laugh, and I roll my eyes. I shouldn’t have said anything, but drunk and horny Everleigh has no filters.

“Honestly, that kinda sounds nice. Just a warm, strong body to snuggle and feel all protected and not so lonely,” Gemma says with stars in her eyes. “Tyler and I used to just lie in bed together and talk for hours the first summer we were together. It helped build our foundation.”

“As long as you’re not left for twelve years,” I add with a teasing smirk.

“Yeah, well…” She shrugs. “He came back running and knocked me up, so I can’t complain too much.”

I snort. “That’s one way to look at it.”

“All I have to say is you better get out there before Dana claims your man.” Lexie gives me a pointed look while washing her hands. “She was getting a little bit too friendly with the arm touching. I think she was asking him about his tats.”

“I’d like to see her try, honestly.” I shrug, then decide not to take any chances. The rest of the girls follow me out of the bathroom, and I find Dana flirting with Archer at the bar.

“Dana, here’s that hemorrhoid cream you were askin’ me about. I use it for my under-eye bags, so luckily, I had some with me.” I hold it out with a wide smile.

“Um, thanks?” Reluctantly, she grabs it and quickly shoves it into her purse.

“No problem. Hope you feel better soon.”

Dana walks away and chats with another table while I sit next to Archer.

“That was some mean girl shit you just pulled,” Archer leans in and whispers in amusement.

“Are you saying you wouldn’t try to rescue me if the roles were reversed?” I arch a brow, then grab his drink and suck on the straw.

“I’ve been telling guys at the gym for months now that you’re unavailable,” he admits, and I nearly choke on his whiskey sour.

“Excuse me? They’ve asked you about me?”

“Yeah, they know I’m rooming with you, so they book a session to get the dirty details about you.”

I nudge him with my mouth wide open. “You little vagina blocker!”

“Just protecting you,roomie.”

I narrow my eyes, wondering what he’d do if a guy really tried to bring me home. “Alright, bet.”

He furrows his brows. “What’s that mean?”

“You’ll see.” I pat his shoulder, then walk away to find me a single man.