“New year, new you, right?” He winks.

I wish he’d roughly rake his hands through my hair and devour my mouth. Instead, he hands me a plate with a fork.

“Maybe it’s more like, new year, newyou?” I challenge.

He sits in front of me, and sometimes, his gaze is so intense, my body just can’t handle it.

“I guess it could be my year,” he says. “It’s gotta be better than the past five.”

I smile. “I’m sure it will be. You’ve got a good job, a nice place to live, and a hot as fuck roommate. You’re basically winning at life.”

“All very,verytrue.” There’s a rasp in his voice, and his eyes darken with desire. I nearly choke on a grape, and Archer stands. “Are you okay?”

Coughing, I say, “I will be if you give me mouth-to-mouth.”

A roar of laughter escapes him. “You’d need the Heimlich if you were choking.”

I clear my throat and chuckle. “Can’t blame a girl for tryin’.”

He sits, and we finish eating, making small talk about our upcoming day.

“I have a bunch of one-hour sessions and some thirty-minute ones too. I’m gonna be exhausted tonight.”

“Use my tub,” I offer. “Let your muscles soak.”

His brow lifts as if he forgot I had one. “I might take you up on that.”

“You know, it’s big enough for two,” I taunt.

“Hmm. Might take you up on that too.”

I nearly stop breathing and narrow my eyes at his teasing grin. “Don’t mess with me.”

“Gotta get a rise outta you somehow.”

We say our goodbyes, then I head to work after Tyler picks up Archer.

As soon as I turn on the lights of the boutique, I post a coupon on my Instagram page. I put in the caption that anyone who shows the image at checkout will receive twenty percent off. Most people are tired of shopping after the holidays, so it’s just a little nudge for those who aren’t.

By nine, Lexie arrives with a gigantic coffee in her hand. She has sunglasses on, and her posture tells me how hungover she is.

I lift a brow.

“Don’t ask,” she grumbles.

“Ahh. To be young and twenty-three again. I remember those weekends, but hey, at least you look adorable.”

“Is it sad that I told them to add two extra shots of espresso to my latte?”

All I can do is chuckle when she takes off her glasses because she looks rough.

Unfortunately for Lexie, when I open the doors, shoppers flood in.

“I can’t believe you posted a coupon! Give a sister a warnin’.” She laughs as she rings up a customer. I grab extra inventory from the back while she swipes credit cards. We have a good system and work really well together.

When only a couple of people are browsing in the store, we organize and refold clothes. I’m sure business will pick up again around lunch. It usually does.

“So...” Lexie drawls out. “How’s Archer?”