It means nothing.

We’re just two friends—roommates—sharing a bed because hers broke.

No big deal.

My heart steadies, and as I’m finally drifting off, I hear Everleigh whisper. She must be a sleep talker. Then moments later, she nuzzles closer and moans my name.


I look at her, checking that she’s asleep, and when she repeats herself a second later, my chest thuds harder.

Why the hell is she whimpering my name? More likemoaning.

And why do I enjoy that thought so much?

She’s dreaming of me. Or maybe she’s fantasizing.

Either way, I cling to the thought. Against my better judgment, I snuggle into her and allow myself to touch her soft skin.

Then I drift off to sleep with the stupidest grin on my face.


My eyes flutter open and realize Everleigh is still pressed against me, except now her leg is hitched over my waist, and my cock has definitely noticed.

“Archer.” I hear again and look over to Everleigh staring at me.

“Uh, hi. Good morning.” I clear my throat.

“You’re so warm and snuggly, like a big teddy bear. Hope you didn’t mind me clinging to you,” she says, gliding her fingers across my stomach.

“Nope. Barely noticed.”

My dick decides at that moment to jerk, and my eyes widen in embarrassment. “Gotta use the bathroom, though.”

“Oh, sorry. Yeah, me too. I should make some coffee and breakfast, then we can figure out how to fix my stupid bed.” Everleigh pushes herself up, but instead of sliding off the mattress on the other side, she straddles my waist to get down.

“I can help with breakfast if you want,” I say, covering my junk with my palms as she stands and stretches. Only wearing boxers was a bad fucking idea because I have more than just morning wood at the moment.

“Sure! I’ll grind the beans, then change.”

Everleigh finds Sassy at the door, waiting to go out. I watch her ass as she sashays away. Once she’s out of view, I find some joggers and use the bathroom. I brush my teeth, then meet Everleigh in the kitchen. She’s pouring two cups of coffee, then dumps a good amount of creamer in one.

“Here ya go.” She gently slides mine across the breakfast bar with a smile.

“Thanks. Smells good.”

“Tastes even better. I’m pretty serious about my coffee and wine.”

Her tone makes me crack a smile. “So I’ve discovered.”

“Do you think my bed is salvageable, or should I just skip the headache and buy another one?” she asks when I go to the fridge. I’m not a chef by any means, but I can whip up some cheesy scrambled eggs.

“I think we can make it work. If you have some tools, we can easily cut some wood to size.”

“Hmm…well I don’t, but Noah does. He’s a professional fixer.”

I snort at her choice of words. “I heard he helped with Katie’s house. Is he a builder?”